- Name: Stephen.M - Location: Canada - GUID:5dc2a27c381b09d0e2507d47092ad7fb - Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10: I want to play in a server that has a heart basically. Somewhere a bit more personal with a mix of bandits, hero's, and everything in between. I also am super annoyed with constant talk in side chat and the OH so many hackers out there. I am fairly new to the game but I am no bambi and after 2 hours of gearing up and trying my best to survive BOOM teleported to a hacker and killed or just killed on the spot or I am flung into the air...This server seems really nice from what I have read and I would absolutly love to be on it :) no worries from me being a hacker because I am not very inclined with computers. Anyways thanks for hearing me out and I hope I get accepted :)