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Sercan (DayZ)

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About Sercan (DayZ)

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  1. Sercan (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Challenge.

    I will tame this beast.
  2. Sercan (DayZ)

    DayZ standalone

    It's out right now! Go get it :)
  3. Ring the bell in Cherno, attract all the local zombies, hide really well in some back room, friends loot up the surrounding buildings, zombies eventually leave, sneak your way out, meet up with friends, result. Of course, it's never that easy! :D
  4. Ye it would be nice to have the weapons do some serious damage especially the lower tier stuff.. I remember sneaking up on a sniper, emptying everything I had in the G17 onto him and he turns around and still kills me. The dude may have been hacking but this was a while back before hacking was as rampant. Another example, a dude has a pistol, empties the whole thing on my character and still I survive and take him out like it's nothing =S Only downside is the amount of KoS in this game already would just get even more annoying. At least now you have a chance to survive some turds but 1 hit kills would be QQx100. If they fix that, then I'm all for weapons (especially lower-tire) doing more damage. Also, when are they going to add wind compensation for snipers? Fed up of people thinking they are so awesome sat up in some hill pointing and clicking. Real life sniping is not that easy! Random Idea: What would be cool is if they made player's characters scream if the agony / pain was too much. Although I'm not sure if the adrenaline would cancel out the pain?
  5. Sercan (DayZ)

    Playing at night

    If they could have some servers running day/night cycles at 2 hours that would be awesome for those of us who want that experience :) Day time survival is very different from night time survival. It would be interesting to have the two dynamics forcing you to survive in more uncomfortable circumstances.
  6. Sercan (DayZ)

    How dangerous are the zombies REALLY

    People are finding it odd that they can't walk or "stealth" their way around the cities... Have you forgotten it's infested with zombies? Pulling off something like that is going to require patience, skill and a shitload of luck!
  7. Sercan (DayZ)

    Consider the new patch PRACTISE

    This game should be the most devilishly punishing MOFO on the planet! At the end of the day, players always seem to figure out how to beat the AI and the elements. Anything short of a "hell/impossible" difficulty is gonna be cracked by the majority sooner or later. Make it harder. A harsh nightmare filled with these devilish creatures. This game should simulate that.
  8. I'm all for introducing a hell difficulty game mode. Maybe have it as a side option for servers. PvE with E being hell, only way of surviving is proper coop could add a nice depth to the game and a whole new level for us who want more challenge from the elements and game itself. The ultimate battle against the elements. It definitely needs to be there or at least in another similar game. Bear Grylls mode engaged.
  9. Sercan (DayZ)

    Base Building. Barracading windows/doors

    Barricading could work really well up until the point that people spawn in your barricaded base/house/floor/building... maybe a solution is to have people only despawn outdoors or something? Breaking into someones barricaded building should be no easy task either if the person has done it well. This way it could fix the problem of being AFK for several hours as most of us are due to life. Obviously explosives are an exception but then you'll just blow up the whole building and ruin the loot so could be a bit pointless...
  10. Sercan (DayZ)

    Wow... The reason I play was renewed today

    You must have scared the shit out of him!
  11. Sercan (DayZ)

    Standalone Breaking doors

    Having indoor zombie spawn would be awesome! Always keeping you on your toes :)
  12. Sercan (DayZ)

    Standalone Breaking doors

    Sounds epic :) What if you could hold doors shut too? If there's a zombie or two aggro'd, hold the doors shut effectively allowing your team mates to escape.. Or maybe barricading it or moving objects infront just enough to allow you to climb out of the window or something!
  13. Sercan (DayZ)

    wait or late? what if next gen consoles come?

    Make it for PC. Release it in early state. Go off to Everest. Everyone plays. Rocket returns. Takes feedback. Improves game over the span of two years. Releases final version. Then and only then think about consoles.
  14. Sercan (DayZ)

    DayZ Animal Suggestion

    Some animals with solid AI would be awesome! It's the apocalypse too so they won't have their usual prey and start hunting humans. Maybe a pack could stalk a group of players and try picking them off, or perhaps they don't attack unless they are really hungry or have an advantage. Would make going into the woods without backup or with backup pretty scary!
  15. Sercan (DayZ)

    Dayz parkour

    Awesome! :)