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Everything posted by intensity

  1. Actually happened to me on the first game of playing... Everyone was getting geared up, I pressed "G" thinking it opened my gear, ended up getting 3/5 team kills. Fml
  2. It was even better until they changed the loot table for them. I remember finding plenty of DMRs, M24s and stuff like that in the deer stands on that route while my friends were finding AKs in Elektro/Cherno. :D
  3. intensity

    Is the Biplane or SUV in central hive?

    So there has never been an SUV spawn on public? Great, means I've used a hacked in vehicle before. QQ
  4. intensity

    New player questions

    Unless you have a tent stashed with stuff somewhere else.
  5. I can understand that much. I've always had a saying, "If you can open your gear on the first day, you're doing a damn good job."
  6. intensity

    Freshly Spawned Kill Suggestion

    As many of these threads have been made, I still see no issue. If you don't want to die as a fresh spawn, kill yourself until you get a Kamenka spawn.
  7. I don't see why everyone hates the inventory system in ArmA...I've grown attached to it myself.
  8. intensity

    Your favourite map?

    Chernarus or Taviana. One or the other, no doubt.
  9. My most recent one; I was on my home server with some of my teammates. Two of them had logged out near our base close to the Racetrack (Taviana), while I was on one of the tall buildings in the town of Metrovice. Since we were on TeamSpeak, the guys had noticed and told me that we were missing a good amount of our gear. Seconds later, they noticed the sound of a Huey starting up about 400 meters from their position out in the field, hidden by a forest. I immanently went to raise my M107. With only two mags left, I judged the distance from my current location being somewhere around 1,100 meters. As the heli was rising up into the air, my friends were already engaging the hostiles on the ground communicating the best they could. The heli was raising it's altitude and was fairly close to beginning it's descent over the field and towards the ocean. It leaned forward to begin moving, I aligned my mil-dots set for the moving pilot seat, and introduced that I fired. About 2 seconds later a player was killed and the anticipation to see the body fall out of the cockpit was too much. As the heli had reached a speed around 200 KPH, it began tumbling towards the ground while I awaited the explosion. Nerdgasms had pronounced throughout the TS channel, and at that moment I said with anger, "FUCK, I WASN'T RECORDING". TL;DR Shot a moving heli from over 1k away, everyone changed pants about it, I got mad because I didn't record it. That's about it.
  10. intensity


    True, but why not use the M107? Or just shoot the pilot. Either way, I don't think its that huge of a deal. I prefer it to be out, but at the same time if its still in, then its not that much of a deal.
  11. intensity


    I've always wanted the AS50 gone. No actual need for it unless we are going to be adding vodniks and other armored vehicles to vanilla DayZ.
  12. Any clues on if the dev team is going to do some sort of teaser trailer or commercial trailer for the release to try and get some publicity? If not, they should consider it. I think something like that for DayZ would be incredible.
  13. I honestly kind of have to agree with you, Gonzo. Although I don't know that much about Dallas, but I do seem to see a lot of instigation from him for no particular reason (no offense). Either way, both of you are entitled to your opinions, we all know that. So just express them how you want without starting a WWIII.
  14. intensity


    Only if you get a lower caliber. Which would be something like the L96 I think,
  15. intensity


    .338 Magnum is more powerful than you thought lol.
  16. intensity


    M107 does around 35k blood damage. AS50 does around 175k. I've tested out using the LRR on vehicles and actually took out an all repaired hatchback quicker than the AS50. And if we're going to add even more OP snipers, why not the M109? :D We could always use a 40mm grenade launcher with 1600 zeroing!
  17. intensity


    LRR does the same damage (if not, more) as an AS50. Big no go. QQ
  18. >On TS with my friend Soldier >Playing public hives >We found a little bird at NEAF; it's all orange >Spent 4 hours getting all the parts together >Finally got it fixed >Loaded in 6 jerrys >"GET YOUR ASS IN HERE, SOLDIER." >Start slowly moving out of the hangar >Finally out; moving towards gas tank >I get kicked for "Script Restriction SetVariable #96::Error #439" >wat.jpg >Instant rage from my friend >Heli blew up which killed him >Log back in >Heli is glitched on top of me >2 seconds later I die
  19. intensity

    Uzi 9mm. (New weapon!)

    This. Its WAY too small to be a mini UZI.
  20. intensity

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Also found this on another custom server. MLRS ftw.
  21. intensity

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Sesna was taking off on the bridge...I was standing right where it had crashed until I moved (again, ignore my humanity).
  22. intensity

    Uzi 9mm. (New weapon!)

    It would be just a full auto M9SD. Although, ever since I've been playing on the SOMC DayZ: Hard Corps, I've found so many guns and equipment I'd love to see in vanilla DayZ. They don't just have ACE, but all of the RH Weapon packs. The SMG pack comes with; MP5's, MP5k's, MP7's, UMP's, FN P90's, Hk53's, PDR's, TMP's, UZI's, Mac10's, PP2000's, Kriss's, and FMG9's Each gun has at least 7 variants, if not, more. My two favorites, the Gold MP5SD and the Gold UZI SD. :D
  23. intensity

    Death by stairs?

    Welcome to DayZ where rocks, stairs, and trees are your worst enemies. The "Wildlife Apocalypse".
  24. Roughly around 19 km/h. From Kamenka to NWAF takes about 30-40 minutes as long as you don't stop to loot all the deer stands and everything else on your way.