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Would you support a desicion to replace the Infusion engine?
robot replied to Damnyourdeadman's topic in General Discussion
I have a 1.8 Renault Scenic engine going for thirty quid. Its only done 89k. If anyone wants it, its in my front garden ready to collect, sold as seen. -
This thread will be for anyone on the DayZ Mod community development team to post assets they are working on. One thing to keep in mind, some of the following might be conceptual and pending a technical test to ascertain its viability. I can kick off with some work I have planned to revamp the Zombies / Infected. The plan is to have a more varied populace, so different body types: skinny, obese and hopefully females too, I have started off with the obese guy. This is a WIP and is pending more detailing and textures. Note: head and hands missing as we inherit the arma ones to save having to weight finger joints + creating new faces. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAjc1gc5j-g
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Vladlena Dobrolyubov
I can't speak for BI, but I believe this is a case of so many changes have been made to the engine since it was originally branched from TOH, that it makes sense to give the project its own name / label, thus 'infusion'.
New Crossbows courtesy of the Aftermath Team. Crossbow_CCO Crossbow_FL Crossbow_CCO_FL Crossbow_Scoped Crossbow_Scoped_FL
Its a weird app at first, a lot of people struggle to get used to the GUI and give up. It was originally for 2d and was adapted to 3d. Yet if you keep at it you eventually fall in love with it. I still feel I only really know 40-50% of the app, it has so many areas and different workflows that can be applied. I use 3ds max, and 3d coat for cleaning up topology and uv mapping though. But Zbrush has made some really nice improvements. You could now do everything in there and not need another app. Sure, will see what I can do.
DayZ Mod Art & Assets Thread
I might be interested into contributing. Its a shame it can't be found a new home in arma 3, but I understand why not. Will try and catch you on skype R4Z0R49 and see what your plans are.
I know a little bit about this, so can comment here.. You're misunderstanding how objects are rendered in arma. First off, those bolts and such forth are around 10 poly, so this is really nothing bad at all and is pretty standard for low poly gaming assets. Secondly as Arma maps are so huge, the VR engine makes use of something called LODS, or level of detail. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/LOD Up close (or in a binocular / scope view such as you have) you get the highest LOD which is 1000. This lod shows details such as small bolts, grips, and other high poly modeling attributes. If we compare that now to the lowest LOD (5000) you can see all of the details are removed, and the model is composed of simple primitives: As you move further away from the object, the engine renders a LOD with much less detail. So stuff such as bolts will not render. I don't know how the 1000, 2000 is configured. But when I model for arma it feels like beyond 1000 is about 20 yards (I am likely wrong there, but as a guess), so maybe its 1000 feet? I should likely read the wiki
The 2017 team have discontinued the Arma 2 mod now (not that we were very popular in numbers to begin with), and we have no plans at all to mod SA down the line (if we work on the premise that permission was granted). Those days are over now, it was fun, but time to move on.I will keep opendayz.net going as its just got so much valuable info in there around arma scripting in general + a few of the mods who have home there I am sure will want to continue. My personal belief is that now SA is getting closer to its release, its time to leave DayZ to its new more suited, optimised rightful home and let players consolidate there. I would be happy though to model some stuff and perhaps submit it to some sort of workshop or get involved in any other ways, as I am still a huge fan of this game first and foremost. But I will follow BI's lead on whatever modding framework they make available. As for 2017 we have moved to Arma 3, but its no longer DayZ in both name and nature. Everything has been re-developed, modeled and designed again from the ground up and its turned into a different game with none of the orginal stuff in there apart from some of the stuff I modeled myself. The influence is there ofc still, but its turning into a different beast overall. Its been interesting to be a part of it all. Both the dramas and the fun all at the same time. And to think it all started off for me from me havng two weeks off work after nose surgery and deciding to dig around and see how things work.
This is fixed now.
As Knar said. Its been broken from the minute we released it to Josh and he needs to fix it. We raised it to him a few days ago, but nothing has happened yet. :( I personally am a bit gutted as it means alot of people will write it off as not working and perhaps never try it again. Gutted, hopefully it gets fixed soon! And apologies to all you guys for trying to play the mod. The trailer for anyone who is wondering what on earth the mod is (its basically 2017 with more plentiful loot on Namalsk). If anyone wants support in getting it set up without DZC you can add me on skype 'all23down'
A message to the people who are mad about the patch
robot replied to Xianyu's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Sounds good to me, but I have yet to load up the patch and see (hopefully tonight). Anything which makes it harder to herp derp into the middle of electro without a care in the world about infected deranged cannibals on your tail, is a step in the right direction in my books. A while ago I was messing around and disabled Zed loss of sight function as it was pre patch 171 (IIRC). It really made a notable difference, but was to far to the other extreme. You literally had a train of Zeds following all the way out of Electro back out to the forests and there was no losing them at all. If you alert them, you have to kill them. Out of interest does the Zombies spawning in vehicles also apply to helicopters, an2's flying over head?