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Everything posted by janus0104

  1. janus0104

    The Utes Airfield

    I must be blind or something :( Can't find anything on his twitter account.
  2. I'm talking about the engine we wrote for it there, Mikey. It's got nothing to do with the GameCore that adds all the Star Wars pew pew or the horrible cancer tree Sony built. It supports a huge map thanks to a solid quadtree structure, a fast and robust clustering framework with STM in favor of lock-based memory access, an awesome object serialization system, I could go on, but it'd be boring for you :D But admittedly a hard sell since it's a server engine, you still need a client capable of performing aswell as ArmA 2 does. Also bordering on advertisement here, so I'll shut up about it.
  3. You'd have to find a whole bag of vegetables/mushrooms/chestnuts/etc. to make a single meal, though... unless you make very bland soups or only go for pumpkins. Don't see it working well with the current inventory system. I have this funny idea in my head, you walk up to a tiny village, see smoke coming from a chimney... pull out your binoculars and zoom in, as a bandit with a chef apron comes stepping outsides and yells "fresh pumpkin pie for all!" lol Anyhoot, wouldn't random loot piles with a low chance next to gardens/certain bushes/whatnot sorta equal the whole Skyrim foraging mechanic WITHOUT having to turn gardens and whatnot into entities the game recognizes and gives you a foraging action for?
  4. Hey there, it's been asked for time and again, so I'd thought I'd give it another spin. New Items: - Nail gun: Found in industrial areas rarely, i.e. where car parts are already found, this handy tool requires a box of nails to be fully operational and can be used from the toolbelt aswell as moved to the primary weapon slot, much like the hatchet. While in the primary weapon slot, it acts as a rudimentary close-range weapon, shooting nails that deal less damage than a gun would, but at a 3 nails / second it can still do plenty of damage in the hands of the skilled. As Krihelion pointed out below, a headshot within close range would pretty much be an execution. One magazine, in essence a piece of plastic holding together 100 nails, is loaded into the nailgun at a time, with a box of nails containing a set amount of nails (currently 3000, but can be adjusted easily) While in the toolbelt, it mainly sits there as a catalyst for the barricading action. A later addition could add a random chance for the power (or powder, pending final decision on the type of nailer) to run out, rendering the nailgun useless. Image pending me finishing the model in maya ;) It would look something like http://www.build.com...il-guns/c100383 but of course neither a clone of that nor using real life company names. I'm still gathering info on how nail guns work exactly, what different versions there are and what resources they each require. Wouldn't want the model to represent a nailgun that required an external air compressor or s.th. like that. - Box of nails: Found in industrial areas occassionally, i.e. where car parts are already found. These serve as ammunition both for firing a nail gun in close range aswell as for barricading (barricading a door uses up 10~20 nails, pending you guys' input) Temporary equip image attached, model and texture can however be enhanced - or the blood stains removed :D - if considered too low-res. New action: - When in 3m distance of a building's exit, if you have a nailgun and a box of nails in your inventory/toolbelt, the mousewheel has an additional option to barricade the opening. This creates the object in world space after the usual medics animation used for car repairs etc. Requiring harvested wood as material - a different resource could be added for this, but let's keep it as simple as possible for now - the resulting object has the shape of a bunch of wooden boards hastily nailgunned to the door frame. Being of standard building exit size, it could work easily for most buildings - except wider doors like fire stations - but this would have to be seen during implementation. Image will be added once I've done the model in maya. - When in 3m distance of a barricaded building exit, the mousewheel has an additional option to remove the wooden boards again. Again using the medics animation, it would take the character enough time for a barricaded player to defend his position. While in possession of a crowbar, the animation is reduced to a fraction. Alternately, when in possession of a hatchet, one can simply break through it, requiring 1~3 hits to destroy the wooden boards. Zed behavior: - I feel that zombies should not be able to go through or tear down these barricades. In the best of cases, barricading yourself in you have created a safe spot for you for as long as you have sufficient supplies, then you need to leave anyways. However, they should investigate that area. This would give teams the chance to barricade themselves so they can fix up their wounded comrades, reload their weapons, then fend off the besieging zombies to clear an exit path. Ramifications: The addition of, in essence, deployable walls should give players another strategic element against zombies aswell as bandits. Immersion is improved as the player feels he can have more of an impact to the shape of the world. With several options to remove these temporary walls, they shouldn't break gameplay. This would also give wood a wider use, and considering it requires 1 item space for the box of nails and 2 item spaces to carry the wood, players would be faced with a harder choice what to carry with them. If this is deemed a promising concept for an initial implementation that can be improved upon later, I would try and implement it myself. The models and textures shouldn't pose any problems, but I may require some assistance in getting all the code for it in.
  5. Any feedback whether I should move forward with this would be... helpful. Not a fan of wasting time lol Anyone have an idea of good polycounts for ArmA2? The dayz models are obviously binarized to prevent theft.
  6. janus0104

    The Utes Airfield

  7. janus0104

    Devblog Friday anyone?

    Neat, last thing I did over there was setting up the prerequs for themeparks, you know... help TA get the Lua Scripting properly implemented. Wrote the Tutorial and the Death Watch Bunker for other devs to have an example of how it all works, etc.
  8. In terms of what, exactly? Support for a big enough map? Because slow-ass scripting in favor of a proper C++ plugin API is somehow desirable? This mod would've worked on any proper scalable engine. Heck, it would work with the SWGEmu engine if someone wrote a client for it, and perform better, too. Rocket is a big fan of modding and non-mainstream games, I'd be willing to bet the decision to make it an ArmA2 mod was more deliberate than sitting down and comparing every engine on the market that doesn't require a huge licensing fee. So you blame him for server admins and server hosters (I'm looking at you, DayZ.st!) being too dumb to fix their private hive stuff?
  9. How about you try this out before you criticize it? You realize you have to shake off the combat lock AND get >25m away from them to log out? There's next to zero chance to just run into the next building with stairs, get upstairs and log out.
  10. janus0104

    Idea's For DayZ Standalone Maps

    It used to say "what additional maps would you like to see in standalone? have fun discussing", but he retconned it :P
  11. Yeah, foraging would be an immersion killer if done like in SWG :D Click Forage, character kneels, "You search the area for anything useful" "..." "..." "..." "You find..." "A jar of insects", then he walks 5m and forages again lol I like the idea of loot spots at gardens and such. Making a few vegetables is the least of problems, a few hours to add it all I'd wager. The going bad would also be cool. Use a timer like the one for helis, every hour non-canned food degrades by 10%.
  12. janus0104

    Siren alerts - zombie horde running in cities

    If the server can control at least 1 entity on the server, that might just work... You'd have one "horde" agent, basically an invisible character (so he can't be killed), spawn at random point A with target point B, when B is reached he decides on a new random point C, etc., all via Finite State Machine. If a zombie within 100m of the horde agent goes aggro, the horde agent stops moving until the character gets out of range (100m?) or dies, then he continues on. For the zombie FSM, you just add a step where if they're not aggro'd and a horde agent is within 500m, they follow that horde agent unless aggro'd. The invisible horde agent would be moved by the server and there wouldn't be any zombie horde with it until a player gets close enough ('falling tree making no sound if noone there'-effect), then it spawns ~100 zombies in close proximity of the horde agent who follow it until either all players within range have been aggro'd and killed or the player has gone far enough for despawn to occur.
  13. janus0104

    Idea's For DayZ Standalone Maps

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordkinn_Peninsula Nordkinn Peninsula, situated at ~70°N, is the northernmost part of mainland europe. The arctic circle would give us the polar night (or polar day, if you want to simulate the whole year) with minimal amount of fullbright during the day, but not pitch black during the night either. This would give night play - flares, NVGs, chemlights - more focus and being a snowy region, keeping a normal body temperature would be an additional challenge. There are a couple of settlements on the peninsula, allowing for more than enough loot positions, lighthouses and a unique scenery would take the player's breath away. The low temperatures could slow down zed movement, but with flat snow areas they will follow you relentlessly, requiring rather different survival strategies than maps with a high forest density.
  14. janus0104


    Yeah, I don't know how all these fanboys got so high and mighty about their heroes, but calling a noob 'bambi' originates from tv's Scrubs. Dr. Coxx calls him newbie, Carla calls him Bambi.
  15. Gorath is what I played on during the old days. But that'd be SWGEmu dev, not SWG player :P
  16. janus0104

    Acceptable age to play?

    *cough* they were being polite
  17. janus0104 not too far.

    Or you just suck with hatchets... <- this guy!
  18. janus0104

    Devblog Friday anyone?

    Nice :D Maybe I should head over, see how far they got without me :) But I think my old colleagues (Kyle, cRush) stopped working on it, too. Wouldn't be the same anymore :( And then there's the whole ordeal with Xavia's accident... :(
  19. janus0104

    Acceptable age to play?

    How anyone could think <16~18 is acceptable age is beyond me. Yes, we went around that when we were kids, too. No, we don't expect you to be better than us. But for the love of god, at least try and pretend you're aware you're breaking a rule there and cautious about it. I'm just about one loss of sanity away from tracing the next kid who tells me he's 12 - and then goes on by using more curse words than even I know - and calling his parents to have a word about their kid's behavior. Hyperbole there, of course, but keep your dubstep and your gangnam style and your overhyped youtube nolifers out of my field of vision.
  20. janus0104

    Devblog Friday anyone?

    ;) I haven't worked on SWGEmu in over a year, though... real life, thou art a harsh mistress. I think they flagged me as inactive dev or something recently.
  21. You're right, of course. But it's not 40°C in Chernarus all day long, so... with all the running around and whatnot, a day is probably where it gets critical... but an hour is just ridiculous.
  22. During the hotfix testing, all guns were bugged to have a firing rate of one shot per second with semi-fire. I joked that they should leave it in for a week just to see how many would defend that as a desirable feature...
  23. janus0104 not too far.

    At best that would make them more dangerous indoors. It doesn't make them more prevalent in the gameplay experience at all. @Michaelvoodoo25: Feel free to record some screaming and release it under a license they can work with (ask the dev team about this, I hear there's some pickyness about needing the right kind of Open Source license?) :D I'm sure there's room for more audio? I like the survivor skins idea, why hasn't that been done yet? Could also spawn them randomly in a 200-500m distance of tents anytime you use one ('a zombie wandered over'). I'd also like to put the big cities (berezino, cherno, elektro, stary) under a cloud of infectious gases, if you walk into these without wearing a gas mask you're likely to get infected (the good ol' slow blood loss until eating antibiotics schtick). Would put some sort of stop to newly spawned just running straight into a big city with a hit & miss approach, "i'll either get fully geared and make it out, or all i lose is 15minutes of my time".
  24. I like the idea of breaking down nutrients into several groups. One problem with it is that it would only show any effect after several days. A counter for that however would be random starting stats when you spawn, unreasonable to expect every character had the healthiest dietary meal of his lifetime just before passing out and getting washed up on the shore. So you'd spawn on the shore, go to your stats screen or w/e and go "wtf? am i playing a fat guy over here? all fat and no vitamines... will have to do something about that" and runs towards the next garden with some fresh vegetables.
  25. janus0104 not too far.

    Besides bug-fixing, how do you suggest zombies be made more prevalent in the gameplay experience? Seriously, I'd really like to hear some suggestions that go beyond "have more zeds", "have less loot", "they hit harder". For all we know, someone might have a killer idea and we'll all go scratching our heads afterwards how we couldn't have seen it, so obvious of an improvement it made.