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Everything posted by janus0104

  1. janus0104

    New self-use healing method?

    Did you even read past the OP? ...
  2. janus0104

    Too hard since

    Well, the mod is maintained by people not involved in SA development (afaik), so... We can go nuts on whatever we want as long as it fits into DayZ, just a question of who will actually do the work. Doesn't help that anytime I try to start something, making plans for implementation and 3d models / textures and whatnot, the thread gets buried between suggestions that we've already seen half a year ago and dreams about the SA.
  3. janus0104

    New self-use healing method?

    We are aware. Not trying to make stuff easier, but more realistic (at least I am).
  4. janus0104

    Too hard since

    Sure, you go ahead and do the animations ;) Can't just pullt hem out of a hat. We'll see them in SA, until then noone's bothering with skeleton animation.
  5. janus0104

    New self-use healing method?

    That looks nice. I also see a bunch of other neat stuff on their (old) change list: Can no longer abuse blood bags to spam infinite humanity (not sure how they do it, maybe just a fix for an old bug, but sure would be nice to stop bandits from masquerading as heroes/survivors. Maybe only gain humanity from giving the same person blood once / X amount of time - a day or so?) Chloroform. In an experiment to see how heroes and bandits alike use it, Chloroform now rarely spawn in hospitals. You use it just like a blood bag, and it will knock the person unconscious for 3.5 minutes. You can drag them around, load them into a vehicle, or whatever else sounds fun! Tents can no longer be placed in or near buildings. They must also be placed on grass or forest (not, for example, concrete) 1st person is now enforced while inside of any vehicle (both for the survival experience improvement and to make locating tents/camps from vehicles more difficult) If you have a "Box of Matches", you can set tents on fire. This destroys their contents and deletes them from the database so they don't return on restart. You can no longer force feed yourself. You must be at least 1/4 of the way to blinking food/drink before you can consume food/drink. You no longer spawn with a backpack of any kind. Loot spawns even if you're in a vehicle, negating the "park'n'walk" requirement for getting loot. The "Map" no longer spawns by its lonesome, but with other general loot around it just like all of the other tools. Ghillie/Cammo removed from residential loot (only spawns in military/barracks/heli crashes now) Introduced new persistent storage container called "Storage Box". Created using nails, a toolbox, and wood pile. Holds 4 weapon/tools and 20 items. Can be placed ANYWHERE (unlike tents) All sniper rifles removed EXCEPT for the CZ550 and the M24. The CZ550 now only spawns in Deer Stands and the M24 only with helicopter crashes. Both are very rare. Ammo for these rifles does NOT spawn organically in the game and you only get what you find with the gun itself. All silenced weapons removed EXCEPT for the M9 SD and MP5 SD. Both spawn only at helicopter crashes. Both are very rare. Ammo for these weapons does NOT spawn organically in the game and you only get what you find with the gun itself. One LMG removed (M240), the rest (Mk48 Mod 0 and M249) now only spawn at helicopter crashes. Ammo for these guns does NOT spawn organically in the game and you only get what you find with the gun itself. Lee Enfield and Winchester removed from residential loot. Farm Only. Zombie density should be slightly higher and therefore cause zombies to become that much more of a nuisance more quickly.
  6. janus0104

    How will grass be made into an advantage in the SA?

    Ok, I'm not sure you understand what LOD even means at this point, so I'm going to stop discussing this.
  7. janus0104

    Add Bears?

    If someone has the time and means to animate one, all the power to ya. If you expect BIS art department to handle it, let them worry about other things first.
  8. janus0104

    More dangerous environment

    I love how the voting majory on all of those can be equated to "no, easy street, please". If there had been a choice for "bunkers with tons of loot and no zombies", I bet that one would have won.... Point in case? Polls rarely work in your favor.
  9. janus0104

    DayZ Bug List

    Sounds like server-side bugs. Are you sure it was a public hive (US #225 or something like that, not a custom name)? As for the kicks, I'm still suspecting half the server admins are too lazy to update all their files properly, or use an outdated private server pack. "As long as it starts up, that means it's running perfectly, right?" mentality.
  10. will be even better ;) Same difficulty (sorta), but less of the bugged behavior, so it's more ovbious that a player died because he did something stupid rather than because stuff is glitched front to back.
  11. janus0104

    How will grass be made into an advantage in the SA?

    Well, to be fair, FarCry 1 was a banner ad turned video game for the CryEngine, much like Unreal Tournament is a showcase for the Unreal Engine. Those developers are first and foremost engine developers that make their money licensing their engine to other companies. If their engine weren't outstanding, their game wouldn't have been noticed as much. Anyhow, even those engines have limitations and use a lot of LOD management. Look at this screenshot: http://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/www.ign.com/11156/2010/12/crysis2009042022434915-1.jpg You'll notice that in the distance, there is no distinguishible vegetation on the ground, it's just the floor texture. A proned player would be just as visible as he is in RV3.
  12. janus0104

    New self-use healing method?

    I've never quite liked those overpowered bloodbags. It's usually life-threatening to lose half your blood, let's just go for simple approximations, 6L blood on you, 3L left and you're at 0 blood in terms of the game. So 3L equals 12.000 blood points, 1L 4.000 points. A single blood bag contains around 0.5-0.7L of donor blood. That would equal 2.000-3.000 points, not 12.000 points! On top of that, blood bags are sterile and non-pyrogenetic, meaning you don't get infected and you don't get a fever from using them! You get serious infections if hemolysis has started to degrade the blood bag's quality (something that should happen when people store them in vehicles or tents for several days, and should color the blood bag visibly distinct) or streptococcus or similar bacteria have contaminated the sample (which should also be visible on the blood bag, maybe with an inspect action?). On the other hand, severe blood loss and trauma would often be treated with blood plasma (yellow liquid in the bag) instead. I'd like to see the following changes: You don't find full blood bags, you find: - Empty blood containers (they could be 10 an item slot, like flares and such, or 1 per item slot) - Surgical set (basically a medical toolbox), containing a field guide on blood transfusions and such (fluff for why the characters can use them), those small bandages you put on when you pull the IV needle out, sterile needles and the tubes required to set an IV. You use different needles so there's no infection risk there, but you'd have to wash the tubes in boiled water to clean them - but they still wouldn't be sterile. Here we finally have reasonable grounds to add the random infection chance. You can donate blood plasma into an empty bag only once a day (time compression, only once in two weeks would be ridiculous) and only within a hospital, since you need the machines to extract the plasma. For the sake of still having a game, let's just assume the backup generators in hospitals still have enough juice for that since noone really uses them, let SA introduce power generators and such. You can donate raw blood multiple times a day but it drops your food and thirst bars down to 10% when you donate. You can give yourself your own donated blood/plasma at any point of time as long as you have that IV set with you with a very low infection risk, it's your own blood, just make sure it's fresh. You can't donate blood if your blood is below 6.000, you need the remaining blood. Blood bags give 4.000 points of blood back, blood plasma 8.000 points of blood. One of each would fill you up, but with the restrictions on blood donating it wouldn't succumb to making blood refreshment no longer a worry. Blood bags go bad after 3 days, blood plasma goes bad after a day. If you have a friend with you, he can donate the blood directly without the use of a bloodbag, but the same limits on donation still apply. When donating person to person, the infection chance is slightly higher, but it skyrockets if you havent cleaned those IV tubes after the last use. This would make blood donation less unrealistic and less of an item game, requiring either empty containers + a tool on your belt or a friend + a tool on your belt. Of course, you wouldn't be able to donate blood and give it to yourself right away when you need it, you need to think ahead. Also, technically the donor should lose the blood points he donates, but that would be a pain in the ass so I went for requiring food/drinks afterwards instead. In most situations, people would try and get to a hospital before they drop under 6.000, look for an IV kit and some empty blood bags and package some blood and plasma for later use right away. But then they need food and drinks twice each since you donated twice. The blood plasma bags would become an item of real value. I'd also like to see blood types, but I guess that's a little bit extreme. Not everyone in the world is B+ as the texture of the blood bags makes you believe :D
  13. janus0104

    How will grass be made into an advantage in the SA?

    Uh, what are you proposing exactly? Flat grounds? Brute rendering? I'm confused what you're suggesting. And yes, every other game that uses 3d rendering also applies some sort of LOD management, or you would be playing them at single digit FPS counts... I'm not trying to be condescending or anything like that, I'd just like a clarification of what you're proposing.
  14. janus0104

    Food "HIDDEN"

    Well, commits to a new branch of the github were made like an hour ago, so I'm hoping for a release soon.
  15. janus0104

    How will grass be made into an advantage in the SA?

    Doesn't matter how high or low vegetation is, you can't render it up to 1km distance and look good. You need to cull it at some point, that's what LOD managers are for. The problem is that from a distance you stand out like any old artifical object. Now you could render thick vegetation around the area where a player is, but that only makes it more obvious. As I described above, the only real solution for far-distance is to stop rendering every object lit like a test scene from any old 3d suite and make it as flat and bland in terms of brightness and shadow range as possible.
  16. That could work. Then again you could just keep the way arma 2 does radio commands (type the numbers) and make the character do an animation rather than shout out a radio command.
  17. janus0104

    How will grass be made into an advantage in the SA?

    At least with a ghillie suit, it's really not that hard. Let's take this shot I found online: Everyone can spot him easily. Now say he remains within ~2m of that position for 2 minutes or so, you take away self-shadowing and simply overlay the current ground texture: Still visible, right? Now you render him brightness-adjusted to the surrounding light environment: Almost invisible, but he still stands out against the ground. Now we cut off 10% of the brightest and darkest parts: Invisible, all thanks to deactivating some of those fancy shmancy algorithms you pay so much money on your gfx cards for and adding 2 post-process effects (texture overlay and lighting adjustment). Now this goes a little far for your average joe, but it's possible in real-time as long as the target remains stationary.
  18. janus0104

    Food "HIDDEN"

    Nah, that's just one of the bugs.
  19. Uh-huh. So you're saying the selling point of the ArmA engine is that he didn't have to use public domain models but could use freely available proprietary ones. And that no other engine on the market has combat or vehicle physics... right. As for BattleEye, no. Any engine that works by giving you a set of binaries to build against results in binary files without the need to script around, thus no script-inspection anti-cheat. Punkbuster would've worked just aswell. I mean sure, using an arma map was an easy way out, but other than that most engines actually do have all those things. Or they wouldn't be worth their licensing cost (for commercial product). But yeah, let's leave it at that.
  20. janus0104

    DayZ Bug List

    Pre~tty sure you played on a private server that 'hacked' that weapon back in despite being banned, an old trick of unbanning weapons without rMod was disabled in But... I could be wrong.
  21. janus0104

    Latest News about dayz standalone

    What? Where were we shown any sort of gameplay other than alpha builds of how to wear clothes and scenery? That "april" thing has been going around for a while, then there's talk about what he wants to do before and after he goes to Mt.Everest in June. Noone knows at what point it's gonna be released and what features and their timing fall into pre-release development and post-release updates.
  22. janus0104

    DayZ Bug List

    I was told they're taking it away (the mp stats table thing), and that white line is just as removed as they have gotten it yet. But don't poke me in the eye if i'm wrong.
  23. We still got 1-0, shift+1-0 and ctrl+1-0, right? No need for ArmA2 radio, free to use numbers. I like the gestures in your proposal best, love the idea of military style hand gesturing.
  24. I like the "time-out card" aspect of this, aswell as making it a choice. Realistically, unless server owners want to run empty servers all the time, it would be somewhere around a 1-hour tempban or s.th. like that. A straight, in your face "nope, you're done here for now". What would happen when you reconnect though? Say you die, you click disconnect, click okay again ... it kicks you saying "you're still dead, wait until your body disappears or someone either executes or hides your body" ? Won't that spam the server chat horribly?