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Everything posted by janus0104

  1. janus0104

    Tent duration after death

    Yes, it will still be "yours" in terms of packing them up again - the only feature for which the ownership is relevant. The game doesn't treat your lives differently data-wise, the tent is just assigned to your profile (your computed Global Unique ID), when you die your character's "is dead" flag is set from false to true. You disconnect to lobby and come back on the server and it sees you're dead, so it resets your gear, position, health and stance - i.e. you reappear at a beach with default gear and standing upright.
  2. janus0104

    DayZ Stand Alone and ArmA 3?

    Thanks for sharing the ArmA 3 screenshots. Now I don't have any idea how BI works, but as the SA dev blog has often enough stated assistance from the ArmA 3 engine guys, it's very likely that the art department is doing some cross-over work, making stuff that is easily used in both worlds. In that regard, very likely your speculations are correct, though we'll probably get less high-tech equipment in DayZ SA compared to ArmA 3. But yea, why bother inventing the wheel twice when creating two games at the same time on the same engine.
  3. janus0104

    New Update Makes DayZ Extremely Difficult

    Those 30 "Mississippi" seconds you see in the game menu counting down have nothing to do with combat lock or anything. They're always there. Everyone gets them. Apparently the idea is that people would only ever log out of this game if they saw another player, got scared and logged off before any action could ensue. I say apparently because I don't like the feature at all. But hey, everyone has a brain fart occassionally, so can the comm.devs. Like I keep saying, do things right or don't bother doing them at all. These things need a fix - not a nerf, a fix! - right away: - Aggro bugs. There are bugs, not all of the behavior we currently see can be intentional. Fix it. - Respawn times. There needs to be some delay before zombies can respawn on you or DayZ is more silly-arcady than side-scrolling shooters from the 80s. - Getting hit in vehicles when the glass is absolutely fine / leaking heli fuel when the glass is broken - Non-combat logout countdown. It's done in the most obnoxious way possible. Here's how you fix it: When you aren't combat locked, and you're stationary for 5 seconds+, you can log out. If a bandit had just spotted you, but wasn't quick enough to get you into combat lock, fuck him. His right to take a shot at me doesn't overrule my right to leave the game when I want to.
  4. janus0104

    Problem with Script Restrictions

    Have you checked whether it's just on one server?
  5. janus0104

    New Update Makes DayZ Extremely Difficult

    Point me to the source and I'll have a look. Oh right, that's now how it works. Here's hoping it gets patched at least eventually.
  6. Uhm.... I don't know what servers you've been playing on, I've been shot freshly spawned like 3 times so far... And those times, whether you require more or less items to treat your wounds is utterly besides the point. You have no gear whatsoever yet. You're as good as dead. Your opinion on fun vs challenging is fine by me, but how players behave towards each other has nothing to do with it.
  7. janus0104

    Playing DayZ on 2 Displayz Noob Question

    There's a reason to it, you don't want the game to lose focus when you move the mouse cursor (despite not being shown) to the left or right border of the screen, it would be atrocious camera controls. To get from game to other programs, use alt+tab. Alternately, I think you can play in windowed mode. The upside is that you can tab out to other programs without the game screen being minimized (a technical restriction necessary when using fullscreen mode).
  8. janus0104

    Tent duration after death

    Unless someone else finds it or an admin purges the deployables db table for whatever reason. You can repack tents via mousewheel if they're yours, if they arent, you can run them over with a car.
  9. janus0104

    Tent duration after death

    Necro thread is necro. You realize the last reply before you was in july? There's no longer manual saving, vehicles and deployables stay on the server until removed by destruction or by the admin. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  10. janus0104

    New Update Makes DayZ Extremely Difficult

    That's kind of the appeal, you know? Unlike games that take you by the hand and changes your diapers until you have successfully mastered WASD movement and the concept of a mouse, this one just places you on the footsteps of Mt.Everest and says "here you go, have a try, see how far you get".
  11. Have you tried Shift+Num Lock? Also, might require Dell QuickSet ( https://www.dell.com/support/drivers/us/en/19/DriverDetails/Product/inspiron-n311z?driverId=R305770&osCode=W764&fileId=2731118123 or so ) In lieu of a native solution, get something like this as a work-around: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/map-any-key-to-any-key-on-windows-xp-vista/
  12. Unless I'm mistaken (only have horrible quality photos from google to go on), it's FN+F3 or FN+F4 on that asus keyboard. Remember, Scroll Lock isn't the same as Num Lock! The scroll lock key is used, today more rarely than it used to be, to scroll down the page without changing the current cursor position. That being said, it usually has a downward pointing arrow icon or an icon that involves the keyboard, sometimes with a lock above it or similar. Check if your laptop has the usual three LEDs (num lock, caps lock, scroll lock), if so there is a key combo for it somewhere. Also, the existence of a numpad has nothing to do with num lock, it's meant to switch between having the numbers 0-9 and the comma or rather have up/down/left/right arrows aswell as insert/del/home/end/pg up/pg down.
  13. janus0104

    Dust/ash storms and strong winds?

    Sounds/Looks like the EVR or at least part of it's script from Namalsk, usually triggered by some script kid (I refuse to call them hackers).
  14. janus0104


    That video was by far the most amazing ArmA 2 vid I ever saw! How are these movement options not added to this mod yet? The key combos surely require some getting used to, but other than that, all of these look wonderful!
  15. janus0104

    DayZ SA: One Key One Character

    I believe you should be allowed to change your name as often as you want within your first 24 hours, just in case you realize you typo'd or someone points out something you didnt notice at first, like a horrible pun that can be made with your name. After that initial grace period, names should be tied to your life. You stick with your name until you die, then you can change it. After all, you're playing a different person now. As for nameplates, I'd love to have a system where you don't see strangers' names but you can chose to show certain players your name all the time in a similar manner to how you can currently mute certain players. Even if there's a limited amount of models / clothes, there'd be certain differences in physical appearance that the game is simply unable to reproduce on necessary scale, by which your character would recognize his friends.
  16. Sure, and in how many of these movies do zombies run exactly as fast as humans? Fix the glitches so zombies can be dealt with reasonably, then up the infection chance. Not the other way round ;)
  17. janus0104

    I hate walking dead the series....

    Yes, one can dream, or else I wouldn't have sent my CV over there ;) But other than dreaming of what we hardly will get, the changes brought with SA look amazing.
  18. Let's go a little nuts, shall we? How about losing a limb? Say you break your leg or catch a bullet in your arm/leg (I get told ArmA2 is so simulationy, surely it knows where you got hit), there is a chance that wound get a sepsis that develops within hours of the initial wound. Recognizing an infection as soon as possible is vital to surviving, if you just ignore it your organs fail and you die. Antibiotics are a viable course of action against a sepsis, but there's at best a 50% chance of having success, and the infected area has to be treated with a scalpel (chance for a 'normal infection' there aswell), getting a bullet out or cutting off infected flesh. So in total, you'd need a scalpel, painkillers or morphine to withstand the pain and do the operation yourself (or someone else treats you), antibiotics to fight the sepsis immunologically, bandages to stop the bleeding caused by the operation, remain stationary for at least a minute, and sheer luck. If it's treated too late, the limb may have to be cut off and the stump cauterized. A makeshift wooden stick to keep walking if it's a leg is no problem to come by, but you cant run anymore, you cant climb ladders anyway quickly, and for most of the time you would have to rely on others to assist you in survivng. I guess the whole process described is a bit extreme, surely it could be simplified, or you just give zombies the chance to rip off one of your limbs and simply require cauterizing the wound or you bleed out within 3 minutes. But it would change the game entirely for the character and the player in control of him, introducing the question of whether suicide is a vialbe way out - though to be honest, adding such a thing to a videogame is something we'd have to discuss on a few levels, we don't want to inspire anyone in reallife to hurt themselves -,and adds a whole new aspect to event the most sworn together group. Do you help your wounded comrade along, or put him out of his misery, grab his gear and meet up with him after he respawned? Discuss!
  19. janus0104 Appreciation Thread

    Please tell me you meant this ironically. If I ever see someone combatrolling through the meadows, KOS -.-
  20. janus0104

    Incredibly Minor Gripes Thread

    Nope, chopper leakage hasn't been fixed, hence me thinking the addition of zeds attacking vehicles was added prematurely. In essence, they merged Taviana (attacking vehicles, different HUD) and Chernarus, tweaked the zombie difficulty and added meat types. And yea, some of the sounds are atrociously misleading. I frequently get scared because of a random sound effect playing. All in the game, though.
  21. janus0104

    I hate walking dead the series....

    Yea, not to burst your bubble, but you and I need to face the fact it's never going to be "relatively similar" with how painfully different zombies in the two installations behave. Do I prefer slow masses over sprinting loners? Yes. Does it have a lobby between the elitist "When I started playing, you spawned with broken legs and there was no morphine!" and the "zombies are only supposed to distract my victims" pvp enthusiasts? No. Would I make a version with slow zombies if the standalone had a proper modding API? Yes, but that's as likely as BI calling me for a job.
  22. On that I agree, but I disagree in what constitutes a plausible buff and what's just there to circle around short-comings.
  23. Needles are packaged in a sterile bag seperately, so a disinfectant would be more reasonable. Unrefrigerated donated blood, if taken under professional supervision (i.e., adding the chemicals that make it last longer), lasts around 30-45 days. I believe the idea behind the blood bag in DayZ is that the one survivor gives the blood to the other, as in it's never older than a minute?
  24. janus0104

    What's changed with the loot spawning

    No, the old 50m distance run if you got too close too quickly is still there.
  25. janus0104

    New Update Makes DayZ Extremely Difficult

    Oh please, do you honestly believe that was a deliberate choice and not a fluff explanation for why they are the way they are? The engine/AI is limited, slow&stupid walkers would be no threat to players at this point, so they're monsters with a human skin. They fall into the lesser zombie-esque category more like aliens than risen dead, and that's coming from someone who plays 'All Flesh Must Be Eaten'.