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Cush (DayZ)

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About Cush (DayZ)

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  1. Cush (DayZ)

    Unable to play DayZ after downloading Steam version.

    Open your start menu and type '%appdata%' and press enter (If you are on Vista/W7), then go up one directory to Appdata, and open the Local folder, the two Arma folders are in there. Alternatively the path to the directory is 'C:\Users\*USER*\AppData\Local'
  2. Hey. I started the game up for the first time since patching to 1.7.6, tried to join DE 2592, crashed, then when I tried to join again I got the message: 'You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Admin Ban (DAH 25.2.13 10:12 (Ban[ createVehicle violation ]))' No idea why, though my friend who helps run a server informed me that some admins mistake createVehicle #1 for cheating, which is a bug where the game tries to spawn you as a seagull.
  3. Cush (DayZ)

    Car / Tent never seems to save items

    This has been happening a lot recently, there seems to be issues with tents that is causing them to clear on server restarts. We lost a huge pile of rare helicopter crash weapons/ammo and loads of supplies after a restart. By any chance was it the white offroad truck that you had? Ours cleared itself, and I saw in the other thread about this that it did too.
  4. Happened to us after we stole one from an admin camp a few days ago, they restarted the server 4-5 times in 24 hours and all of our tents and the offroad truck was wiped.
  5. Cush (DayZ)

    Tents still duping/losing items

    We logged in this morning and found our tents completely empty - They were full of weapons raided from various camps (3x SVD camo, 4x NV FAL, 2x M107s, tons of other weapons and ammo) One of the vehicles next to the tents was also completely empty, though two of the others still had their items.
  6. Cush (DayZ)

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    Just a tip on this, its a very good idea to have at least one person in your group recording at all times. I record our entire sessions of DayZ (Mainly for the good bits, but partially incase we need evidence), it normally amounts to 200-400gb files but it can be deleted after clipping it up. We raided an admin camp earlier today and I got the entire thing on video, as well as the admin logging in, realising their camp was gone and instantly restarting the server to try and get it back. Without the kind of evidence above these threads just turn into a word against word fight, and even if they need to admit they were wrong and unban you, the chances are their camp is already long gone anyway.
  7. Haha' date=' and I bet the camp has magically dissapeared into thin air also? Its also funny that you get an email and ban someone with no evidence for cheating, right after he finds a camp and kills someone. You should have screenshotted the tent Auxadin, 40x GPS definitely sounds like someone has been naughty, or some insane server hopping/barracks camping. *EDIT* I was in the area so I checked the coords you gave. Looks like some major duping has been going on there. There were about 25 tents in a huge mess, a lot of them had dupes of trash items in them (Heatpacks, flares etc), most of them were empty/trash with the exception of one tent that had 6 GPS, 4 ghillie suits and 1 camo in there. The rest has been cleared out though, all that remains is the tents. Sounds really fishy to me, probably just another case of the admin abuse that is rampant in DayZ but they cant really do anything about it since you cant really prove anything. I dont care about the odd cheater or the bugs, but the abuse by so many server admins is really destroying high level play in my opinion. *EDIT2* I looked at the stats for the game, and noticed something. Its quite the coincidence that right after he was kicked from the server, you relogged and it appears that you had died, which kind of matches his story and contradicts yours. [img']http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/nightmarejkiii/asd1as.png
  8. Cush (DayZ)

    [] Bodies Disappearing WAY TOO QUICKLY

    I thought it was if you force respawn a few times after dying to get a better respawn, your old body dissapears. We killed some guy with good gear earlier from a distance, his body was gone when we got there and we could see him respawning in/out of the game. There are two more situations I have been in that back this up: 1. We were driving an ATV with red engine, I hit a bush and it exploded killing both of us. I respawned a couple of times to get a closer position but he didnt, when another friend got to our bodies, mine was gone and he was still there. 2. Me and a pal died after he accidently shot me and we were swarmed by zombies on the coast road. Luckily, I spawned about 100m away from where we died. We drove up and down the coast in our car and if I recall correctly 2-3 hours later my body was still laying in the middle of the road and lootable.
  9. Cush (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I read this as' date=' he was aiming for this past monday. He didn't make that, so the backup patch date is saturday during offpeak time. As in, tomorrow. [/quote'] Nope, they already did the backup last Saturday during offpeak times, all servers stopped working for an hour or so. The target date for the patch was the Monday just passed, but it was only a target. I'm sure it will be around in no time at all. This. Adding hordes on NW Airfield and in Cherno in Electro. Increasing zombie population in Berezino Krasnostaw and other medium towns. Also making military infected more resistant to fire. I imagine this patch will make it possible to create bigger zombie spawns, it says that he massively increased server performance so there can be more zeds at once.
  10. Seemed like I have seen this two. Played on a very low pop server, we had a camp with a few ATVs, a car and some tents in a remote location, there were about 15 people online and when we got back all of a sudden some guy killed two of us before I got him. After that we moved the whole camp much much further away and hid it better. We logged off for a few hours and the camp had been looted when we got back.
  11. Me and 5-6 friends made DE77 our home a few days ago and been having good fun on it, its a good server. Our only concern right now is that the times seem to be screwed up. Like right now is is 4am in the server, but when we were playing yesterday night (Approx. 24 hours ago) it was past midday. Also, we think the times should be UTC-6 if you want to see more people filling the server up during peak times; as far as I understand it, its been pretty quiet most of the day for the past few days and I think that is mainly due to people seeing the UTC-12 in peak times and thinking its going to be dark, so they dont join. Lastly, we think that global chat should be enabled on the server. I think the general consensus among DayZ players is that they prefer having it on because the game feels way too empty and lifeless without being able to see/talk to people there. P.S. Your email advertised in the server (contact@wiechers.ws) appears to not work, I emailed the above suggestions to you a couple of days ago but just got an email back telling me that your machine had refused connection attempts.
  12. I know people like to go on server admin witch hunts every time an abuse thread crops up, but after looking through many threads it does seem these server restarts due to 'technical issues' are becoming more widespread. People that do this are really ruining 'end game' play on DayZ...They are putting themselves in a position where nobody can take anything away from them and it totally ruins the balance of the game. I know its extremely hard in these cases because it is just poop flinging with no evidence, but what evidence can people get really? Even if you record every session incase something like this happens, what then? You still cant actually prove that they flipped the switch and it ends up your word vs theirs. I'm starting to make it a habit of studying bodies asap to try and get the player name, so if a server miraculously restarts I can prove that I killed an admin right beforehand. I dont know what could be done about it, but it seems like a pretty big issue since on what seems like quite a few servers, raids on camps or ambushes on admins simply doesnt work. I would suggest that anyone who steals a vehicle speed it a short distance really fast and hide it, then save it. That way if there is a server restart they wont find their precious car back at their camp