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About da_beast

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    On the Coast
  1. da_beast

    Wake up to find the zombie Apocalypse

    Rather then a proximity limit, just have it so it checks no one else is in the house, but the idea is there would be so many house/spawns that it would be near impossible to camp them.
  2. da_beast

    Wake up to find the zombie Apocalypse

    A simple check to see if players are in range of said building before spawning in that one would stop that. My idea is that there would be heaps of buildings on the coast or partially inland that you can spawn in, then when you do spawn in simply chooses the building that has no one in range.
  3. da_beast

    Wake up to find the zombie Apocalypse

    Well, it could also be seen as waking up from a previous day of the zombies, not just normal world one day zombie next. There are a lot of possibilities for it.
  4. Thought of this idea the other day. Pretty much instead of just spoofing out of thin air and coming into existence on a beach in Chernarus, add some story which is quite simple. Now that the stand alone has heaps of open buildings, SPAWN IN THEM! In the bed to be precise so your pretty much waking up to the end of the world, and spawn with absolutely nothing, you have to take whats in the house, which can lead to the beginning of much more interesting story.