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Everything posted by LexLethal

  1. Excellent post CrayZee. A really interesting thing about this is the parallels that exist in DayZ in its current barbaric/tribalist state (Bandits, Lone wolves and small co-ops). Anarchist societies, including Anarcho-syndicalism (AS), have an inheritent problem in maintaining a force capable of contending with external agression. As I've learned, wandering around saying 'friendly' gets me shot more often than not and a AS society would be up against a similar situation. Could it even get that far?
  2. LexLethal

    Is it still worth it?

    Infinity-NL - I felt just like you back in Sept 2012. By October, I liked the look of Dayz so much I decided to upgrade my PC just to play it Standalone when it came out in Nov. Then it was delayed to Dec, then to 2013. So in January I got Arma 2 free, bought Combined Ops, downloaded Dayz Commander and I was away. Is it worth it? Tuesday night I spent 25 minutes creeping around a sniper's position; I got within yards of a clean kill with my Enfield rifle when he turned around and saw me. The sniper won in the resulting fire fight. That was sooo frustrating but... for 25 minutes my heart was in my mouth, the adrenline was pumping - that was the reward, the rush! Few games deliver that and thats why I'd recommend you buy it.
  3. Are you sure the Zeds don't.. you know...reproduce? I mean, I went past this barn and heard... things... You know? Noises.. It had to be Zeds. I think they were... you know... [cough] :blush: Anyway, so they might be increasing in number.
  4. Yup. I've only been playing a week and yet the one time I actually managed to get matches, a hunting knife AND a hatchet... a hacker blows up the supermarket I'm in. I mean, I just want to cook some meat, is that so much to ask for? Harlico - I do have good news for you: when standalone comes out, the script kids will have to rely on their cunning to kill you. And at present the only cunning they have is spelt with a 'T'.
  5. LexLethal

    Introduce yourselves

    I'm Lex in game and I'm really sorry if it was you I killed the other night. I'm new and was panicing. Sorry.
  6. Getting back to the question 'how to be friendly without being killed', there's only so much you can do as your fate is in their hands. Think of your potential friend. They are either someone who wants to be friendly in Dayz or someone likes killing with whatever justifications they like (like GeneralVirus). Theres no lasting friendship to be had with the killers, just take the advice on identifying them and avoid them. But the real future friends are out there are just like you (rare as they maybe) and if you can get past the intial trust issue they won't betray you. They're worried about the killers and will kill you if you come across as one. So thats one thing - don't panic them and look like a killer. Making voice contact is probably the best way. Suddenly appearing in their field of view holding a gun probably isn't. Beyond that you'll either find out you've picked a friend or you'll die.