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Everything posted by Toonen1988

  1. Toonen1988

    ammo, vehicles, and tools

    An spike strip would be great. Finding some nails and some plates and combine them together and make an spike strip. Great for ambush!
  2. Toonen1988

    Light Armored Tank

    I agree, an vehicle with some armor plates and an machine gun would be an better idea.
  3. Toonen1988

    Light Armored Tank

    Poor zombies, tanks, jets, airstrikes, .50 cal. Poor bastards, im thinking that the zombies are victims now, not the living ones. Those thinks doenst fit in an zombie post apocalyptic genre. Maybe an .50 cal gun but no jets or armor vehicle's.
  4. Hello guys, I watch the first gameplay video, it looks really great. But in my opinion, it looks to colourful and not scary at all. How about to at more smoke, like in the new swamp or create an scary atmosphere. Something like this old video. I didnt make this video, just found it a while back on youtube. [/media]
  5. Toonen1988

    DayZ suggestions, smoke and scary atmosphere.

    It depends. They dont need to add alot smoke, but a little in the morning/evening between buildings, tree's or swamps. Some barrels on fire, or other things. Rondom weather change, it would be an really great post apocalyptic atmosphere for an zombie game and it can change the gameplay especially the smoke. Thanks you guys for the positive reactions. :)