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Everything posted by James45452

  1. For now I am out, I have had enough of other players and the super awareness of the zombies. I will check 1.7.6 notes to see if they make an adjustment but until then there are games which are actually just that "games" not work after a hard day of it in RL.
  2. That second one did the trick, thanks. New to the whitelist thing, didn't know it was supposed to be quick.
  3. hey forest, thanks but I sent the mail at 1:47 today....still waiting. sent another mail to traumaserver@hotmail.com
  4. Servers are different, one server I played on matches were a rarity, my most recent server, matches, compass, watch and map are EVERYWHERE. The game is broken with 1.7.5 and no longer fun to play.
  5. I would say you are in desperate need of players, after reading all your rules,tweeks and forum posts it doesn't sound very fun.
  6. James45452

    Logout Timer

    if this is the reason I have been recently banned from a server It will be the last straw for this game with me. Games do not tell me when its ok to leave a game, I make that decision. Do what most games do and leave the character in game for 1-2 minutes after logging out....I will take my chances but giving me a timeout counter is not something I will accept, when I am done I am done.
  7. if this is the reason I have been recently banned from a server It will be the last straw for this game with me. Games do not tell me when its ok to leave a game, I make that decision. Do what most games do and leave the character in game for 1-2 minutes after logging out....I will take my chances but giving me a timeout counter is not something I will accept, when I am done I am done.
  8. Tried to log in today, message read I was kicked from server and to send an email. I am guessing this is a ban? or maybe not since I have never been banned I have no idea what it looks like. Mail sent.
  9. As I enter any of the large cities I can now pull zombies from 300+ distance away. Shooting any one zombie brings 10x that many down on you. Being in a 3 story building, kneeling you can draw aggro from the street by not doing anything, the most recent annoyance was when I tried to log in while I was on top of a 3 story building I was instantly aggro'd from the street and they came up all the stairs, climbed the ladder. Their awareness is the most annoying part about them now, I can put up with their damage and walking in buildings but dead or infected or whatever the dev's are justifying it as , the zombie awareness is ruining this game for me. I have not played in 2 days cause its no fun, 2 of my friends who I have been telling about this game quit after less then an hour cause there was no fun, it was straight work. It's harder to lose them in the bushes but I can accept that as it was tweaked just a little and the zombies super hearing and super sight can still be fooled by bushes with a little more effort. Water boiling as much as we have to now, the stupid cough, having to store all the damned anti-biotics and morphine and the annoying tin cans in my pack, in our way too small packs has just about driven me nuts. I play games for fun , not stress and work. I get enough of that at work. I want to play today but as I think of all the annoyances I just can't bring myself to do it. I now have ZERO interest in the single player version This latest patch is going down in my personal history as the 2nd worst game killing patch ever.....just one under StarWars Galaxies :CU
  10. Tried to get two friends to play. It ended horribly in both accounts due to update changes. Can't blame them though, I am 1-2 deaths away from leaving myself.
  11. They just need to find a balance. I see no reason to purchase a standalone version of this since it appears the only thing that has been changed is the character graphics and I don't play DayZ for the graphics (obviously), I play it for the fun of starting with nothing and building to something. The problem is I won't put up with taking several days to get up on my feet. I am on day 2 of looking for a damned tent with no luck so I can't build an operational base to stockpile and adventure out from there. And the empty cans which show up in my pack after drinking a soda I just don't understand, sure I can throw it away but now there's just more cans on the ground for absolutely no reason.
  12. I don't like the loot spawn, just too much trash now days. I was the only one on the server so headed over tot he supermarket only to find it was completely empty, not even an empty can. Ran around outside for about 40 minutes came back and still empty!?! I don't understand why that was a "fix" that needed to be applied. The zombies need to be nerfed, just a little. I am so tired of pulling aggro from 300+ distance. In the middle of a field I was gutting a goat, had already shot, waited and gutted appropriately to make sure I didn't attract attention. After gutting and reorganizing my WAY TOO SMALL pack I went to get up and then noticed my combat indicator was flashing, looked around didn't see anything, knelt for a few seconds and then on the other side of the LARGE field I seen movement and sure enough a zombie from the barn about 380 distance (my bike was waypointed in the tree line next to the barn at 365) here came a zombie. I will stick with 1.7.5 a few more days and see if it pans out but I have already started looking through the 1.7.4 servers. They may have been slightly less realistic but atleast it was enjoyable to play. 1.7.5 so far just seems to be work and I do enough of that in RL.
  13. James45452

    New Update Makes DayZ Extremely Difficult

    I can still lose zombies in the bushes it just takes a little more bushes and time to complete. it is strange when I am drawing aggro from cherno, yet I am still 400-500 distance from the northern boundry. I seen the first cherno proper zombie, he aggroed, but I thought it must be another player so I knelt, looked for the other player only to realize seconds later that it was coming for me. That does not make sense in the slightest. I don't like the empty cans which are in my BP after I drink/eat something. What the hell is that about? just another step i have to take to keep my already too small pack organized. our pack sizes should be increased, they are completely unreal as I have several different types of packs and I can tell you I can easily stuff 4-5 times of gear in them then we currently do. I thought it was the specific server I was on but maybe its this bug, er I mean patch which is spawning more trash loot then useful items, tin cans everywhere!! Slight tweak to scale back the zeds awareness and I think you will have dialed it in nicely. And , after watching the standalone zed game, how come you guys can't fix the stuip Tom cruise run this avatar does? His arms are all out of wack and he looks like an idiot running.
  14. Alright, spent about 5 hours on your server and here is my review: I am unfamiliar with all the server settings, so not sure how much of this is by design or your server settings. First, I seen absolutely (that I could tell) no hacks. For me that is some sort of record. I appreciate that I got a start pistol but for some reason it didn't work until after I got a winchester. Luckily I was only trying to kill a goat , cause if I was trying to kill a zombie, It could have gone really bad....as it was, I think the goat was laughing at me. It was 24/7 day, thank you. server reset is every 6 hours, thank you. start map, knife and matches, compass and watch thank you. Overall, seems to be a generally well run server. Now for the things that I was not a fan of and maybe its just settings: 1. No tent? usually not a problem but see loot spawns below. 2. players said that tents placed down won't hold loot as a result of the recent bug. Couldnt' test that cause I had no tent. 3. The amount of racial slurs was off putting to say the least. usually I can put up with that stuff as its part of our degrading socieity. If its allowed on your servers then fine but if its not, lets get admins to clean it up some. 4. Loot spawn. Maybe 5 hours wasn't enough but there is WAY too much trash and not enough useful items. I am use to being able to return to an area 3 hours later and gathering more stuff. I found 3 sets of matches in the first 10 minutes, about 5 maps, 5-10 watches and 5-10 compasses which since I start off with these things may as well be trash. 5. I wanted to check out what you mean by custom buildings but since I spent most my time trying to find food I really didnt have time for sight seeing. 6. Vehicles are plenty, atleast motorcycles seemed to be everywhere. Problem is they are all half/not working. I know your server message said to destroy them but eveytime I did I was swarmed by zombies so I stopped that effort pretty quick. Other servers seem to have vehicle balancing down so I suspect you will figure it out at some point. Overall I would give your server an 8/10. I will give it a few more days to see if its my permanent home and if there is another west coast server which is more suited to my bambi needs please let me know. Thanks. James
  15. I am trying to understand why I keep getting "Wrong version number" messages. Does the version or update number matter for ARMA II games I had to download to play DayZ? if so where do I check version numbers? How do I check what version of DAYZ I am currently running? Most servers indicate numbers like this ( I know what the first set is , what is the second set and how do I check what I am running? Some servers indicate ( what does the 1.62 mean and where do I check it? I am 5 days into this game and have had nothing but bad people, bad luck and bad servers, I am just about done with this game. Thanks in advance. Jim
  16. sounds like exactly what I am looking for as I have just about had it with all the hacks and bad people. I tried to get in to your server but I keep getting invalid version messages so if I can figure that out I will try again.