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Everything posted by BurntBread

  1. I made an account just to complain about this. I've been watching streams for a while now and I've noticed that zombie counts are down to 500 to 700. Why? A single zombie poses no threat to anyone. What happened to the zombie counts from vids like "The Days Ahead - Part 1 - Welcome to New Chernarus"? More zombies forces cooperation out of players. A single person could kill 5 zombies but a single person can't kill a horde of 30. This game is putting more emphasis on PvP instead of what it should be doing: player vs zombie. Zombie count should be at LEAST at 2,000. It forces everyone to choose. Either you all die alone or try to work together. Cliffs: - Need more zombies
  2. I agree with this post completely. I have a plain zombie mod for Arma 2 and the infected from that are able to attack while running. Definitely ups the ante. I keep forgetting this game is still in Alpha. I'm sure by full release they'll be closer to getting it "just right."