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About preacher1232

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  1. preacher1232

    as50 been removed yet?

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/103845-177-rolling-changelog/ It's waiting on Rockets approval. Could be 2 days, could be 2 weeks.
  2. So, After my Dlink modem started causing random ping spikes of up to 3000 ping, Countless crashed choppers, and days of frustration, I decided I need a new modem. I opted for the one my Provider sells, iinet, As I could get it from free, if I re-signed my contract, Which I was doing anways. Plug it in, Everything working fine. No ping spikes, better ping, everything honkie dory. Log into DayZ.. Client not reponding. Heh.. Try again. and again. and again.. Start researching it.. Find out the modem has known issues, Forward ports. Should fix it. Able to get into game, For about 1 minute. Then I get kicked again.. Call Tech Support, Luck out and actually get an agent who PLAYS DAYZ. He tells me what to do, and after it fails about 4 times, He says, Give me half an hour, I'll call you back.. And he does. With another Idea, Downgrade my Firmware. We try, Doesn't work. He Remote access's my PC, Still won't let him do it. As it stands, I'm waiting on IInet to to a manual override on their end, Not sure if It's possible, But he said they'd do it, So I hope they can. If anyone else has had this issue, And fixed it, Post it here, I know for a fact I'm not the only one. And the fixes out there haven't worked for me..
  3. I've started having this issue recently, After getting a new modem.. Supplied by my ISP.. I wonder.. If you're still around, TK, Let me know if you fixed it. Cheers.
  4. preacher1232

    Why remove the 50?

    For a second there I thought you were going to play the fluid displacement causing death card.. I possibly would have cried..
  5. preacher1232

    Why remove the 50?

    Or, You could have a hacker give them to the entire server, Or find it in someones tent.. The moral to it, DMR at 600 Meters, 3 chest shots to kill. 1 shot to the head. AS-50/M107 at 1400, 1 shot to the little toe. Dmr to the chest at 10 Meters, 2 shots. AS-50/M107 at 1400 Meters, 1 shot to the little toe. See where I'm going with that?
  6. preacher1232

    Why remove the 50?

    The way I see it is, You can shrug off the AR-15 platforms, The 1911's, The DMR's, All the US guns if you want to go in the direction of story, The US sent military aid over, Problem solved. Let's talk about it from another stand point though. Both rifles fire the 12.7mm ammunition, However the " NATO " Rounds fire from the as-50 do a substantial amount more damage to everything, However, The description on the M107 mag's, Also states it's a 12.7mm NATO. This can be forgiven in saying that it's a hotter round, or a heavier round. Causing more damage, As Mass x Speed = Force. What can't be forgiven however, Is the Audio file that is played when either weapon is fired. It sounds like a photon laser, You should be able to feel your pants move when a .50 BMG is fired, Not start looking for Stormtroopers. The other issue, It's not as simple as adjusting the scope for distance, Especially when you're shooting out to 1600, Which is the AS-50 Max Zero setting, The only saving point of this is bullet travel time, Or hit delay, Unless you have a static target, Have fun shooting at those ranges. Now let's enter the, " Butt hurt " Phase of this.. How many times have you been shot at with a .50, from rather close range, Only to be unable to find the storm troopers that are attacking you. Or been hit by one, After running for the past couple hours.. And having no say in it, Aside from a stream of red blood, and YOU ARE DEAD. Or, That nice new helicopter you just spent 3 hours fixing, Only to show the guys at the airfield, Then they get jealous, And give you a .50 round.. Now you have a paper weight at 450m in the air.. In all. I personally love the AS-50, And the M107. However I feel they have no place in the game, As they not only promote camping, And add a rather annoying aspect to the game in the form of 1 shot kills. I love long range shooting, But If I had to take my Pick over the .50's or an M24, I'll take the M24 any day. This is my opinion, You may not agree with it, But It's mine. If you have your own opinion, Voice it. Unless it's " I jst wnt thm 2 360 noskopez " If that's your opinion, Just.. Go home.. - Preacher.
  7. Bumpity. We've gotten a couple members from the forums so far, Still hoping to get more though!
  8. Yeah, I don't really hang around on the Mod Forums too much, However if you feel like it would add Validity, Then I will set one. ;)
  9. ---------------------------------- REMOVED. ----------------------------------------------
  10. preacher1232

    Looking for an australian clan

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  11. Greetings, The 19th Battalion (http://19thbattalion.com/) are currently hosting their own DayZ Server. The 19th Battalion are a highly competitive Oceanic Gaming Community. We look forward to offering an extremely fair and level playing field to all members who play on our server. We have dedicated forums to answer all your questions and they also contain all the information you need to learn how to Base Build and Smelt! Join the server for a highly enjoyable experience! We can not wait to have you there! or filter 19th (Please do not attempt joining until you have read the application at our website) - WHITELISTED Server - Base Builder Mod active - Smelting Mod active - Salvage Mod active - Dynamic weather effects - Siphon Fuel - Over 250 salvagable/repairable cars scattered throughout Chernarus - Spawning with custom loadouts - Dynamic Helicopter crashes - Always day! - Highly competitive PvP - Encouraged Clan based combat - Fly solo and hunt us all down! - Admins available generally 24/7 to keep the server hack free - Protected by BattleEye We will run the latest DayZ version where possible. We will be looking to update to within the next 1-3 weeks! In the mean time, jump on with your friends and make a start on your bases! To get WHITELISTED, please visit http://19thbattalion.com/ and fill out SECTION 2 of the Website Application Form. Please wait to be added to the WHITELIST EXCEPTION LIST, you will receive a message and access to the forums if you are successful. Please sign up to the website with the EXACT same name you are using in game. If you already have an ENJIN account and your name is different to your DayZ name, there is instructions in the Application Form letting you know how to change it temporarily.