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About patrik

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    On the Coast
  1. try to look at this old survival game from Silmarils: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robinson%27s_Requiem it can be quite inspirative for you in possibilities what can you do with your character. there are lot of similarities with dayz and it can help you to find new ways to enrich dayz gameplay. you can be be blinded you can permanently lost your eye(and still continue with gameplay) you can amputate your leg or arm, if youwe got blood infection you can get cold/be seriously ill you need to eat you need medicaments etc and next suggestion: i have problem shooting people in dayz. for obvious reason(permadeath) killing someone have great impact on my psyche. that means this is maybe one of the ways how to move with the game on another level. if basic actions of every player are automaticly stored in some kind of notebook or diary (highlighted track on the map, hunger, killings, fear or personal notes) and this kind of information will be possible retrieve from dead bodies, it will became more personal. it will be emotion of sadness for good guys and kind of dogtag for bandits. good luck with your mod and sorry for my english.
  2. hmm. maybe im terrible shot. maybe you can take down 2-3 moving enemies with headshots. but point is: when they are on open field, and youre behind far around only rock barrier, why and where should i run after first shots? dayz is based on milsim engine and character of firefights should look like that. you think that i should run to open field - far from mine previous position just to avoid spawning behind my back? (and im not sniper lying somewhere and sniping players. im talking about normal 100-300 meters rifle fights)
  3. i dont mind dying because of bugs (i understand what alpha means). i dont mind dying because the game is too tough (i like it that way). BUT: recent dayz firefights looks like this: i saw someone(or more of them). i will start shooting (i have good ambush position). they dissapear(disconnect) they connect to another server and run behind my back they disconnect again they connect again to me - spawn behind me and kill me. now, for the game which is mainly focused on realism, for the game which is so hard to play, this kind of death, this absence of normal firefights is real problem. i understand that hackers are everywhere, but this kind of behavior is more frustrating than hacker nukes and server wipes. because this is starting to became normal players behavior. is there any way to block this kind of actions? (sorry for my bad english)