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Everything posted by Forest_of_Trauma

  1. Forest_of_Trauma

    Rarest Item?

    I found a rare back pack, 35 slot it was Green and Blue.. No not the blue and grey or the green and grey! Blue and Green! then I lagged spiked on top of a hospital and died >.<
  2. Forest_of_Trauma

    anyone with skype want to squad for SA?

    Hey I play with a group of mature players, but we use teamspeak 3, let me know if you wanna try playing with us sometime.
  3. Forest_of_Trauma

    M4A1s are Common and Overpowered

    I was alive for 3 days as well had some really awesome loot and even went through some epic fights, youtubed them and everything, about an hour into the 4th day I went up to the roof of the hospital and lag spike fell off and died, there was another player down there beside me and instead of logging off I just sat there and let him take his pick of my gears you know why ? Because it's Day Z and you should never be too attached to your gear, your going to die, it's just a matter of time and how /by who As for the Mechanics of helmets and guns I'm sure there will be major changes as this is still the Alpha.
  4. Forest_of_Trauma

    A n00bs first impression of Dayz

    Hey man, I wouldn't mind playing with you / teaching you how to better prepare yourself for player versus player encounters.
  5. Forest_of_Trauma

    Near Nwaf, need a Saline anyone ?

    Hey guys, I'm currently near Nwaf and bored looking to maybe help someone out with medical attention or food / water ? Too many people are calling out friendly and just killing, more people need to play friendly imo. Only thing is while I approach you I want you to drop your weapon just so I know I'm not putting myself at risk for some random player. Also I will be recording on fraps, not sure if I will or won't use it on Youtube. And Teamspeak 3 would help as well. Thanks, Forest Reply on this thread and I'll set this up.
  6. Forest_of_Trauma

    Near Nwaf, need a Saline anyone ?

    I can travel ?
  7. Forest_of_Trauma

    The Revenge Axe Kill ( Video )

    So we were heading North to Zelenogorsk and spotted two heavily geared presumably bandits heading South to the coast most likely to go kill some bambi's so we fired some warning shots in their direction, they looped around and started to follow our direction, this video is the rest of the journey we had tonight including our fight with them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikct0iyRSmw if you've enjoyed my video please like and follow my page on youtube, at this point I'm in love with the Standalone and will be making uploads regularly, probably going to continue roll playing as a "Canadian Peacekeeper".. Thanks for the views! Love Forest! Please no slandering comments, I'm not claiming to be skilled or the "best" at anything
  8. Forest_of_Trauma

    The Revenge Axe Kill ( Video )

    Thanks man, yeah the video is in real time of the entire duration of the gun / axe fight, if you think about it 10 minutes is actually quite fast for four people to die lol. But thank you for the feed back perhaps I'll trim it down a bit.
  9. Forest_of_Trauma

    The Revenge Axe Kill ( Video )

    No likes >.< ?
  10. Forest_of_Trauma

    Recording Standalone?

    Uploading to youtube has never been a problem for me, I just record with frap's and edit/produce it in HD the only thing that lacks are my graphic settings. I'm was playing around with twitch and ODS just tonight trying to get them to work correctly and they didn't seem to be working correctly, I followed all there steps and nothing, I could just be really nab at this to be honest, but if anyone has any suggestions as to an alternative for me I would greatly appreciate it.
  11. Forest_of_Trauma

    Streaming troubles ?

    anyone else having a hard time getting OBS to work with Day Z ? My twitch channel is just displaying a black screen ?
  12. Forest_of_Trauma

    WarZ all over again

    Really hope hackers don't ruin this game like they ruined the mod for me.
  13. We've White listed finally!!! We are planning to play White listed at peak times and during the week drop the white list at times to allow a steady flow of new members. Trauma is a US Western based Server, we are looking to create an online community as hacker free as possible. with 6 Active Admins we have your back. Custom load outs and exotic vehicles and weapons, Buildings added / removed / adjusted almost daily. 24/7 Day light / Reduced fog and clear sky's. To join our wonderful community please email your character name to: [email protected] But please, let our Youtube videos provide you with an example of our Server. Or check us out on Facebook. To any potential hackers, please do not connect to our server, we are looking to enjoy this game without the hassle of your scripts, please don't waste our time or yours, Thanks! http://www.facebook.com/TraumaServer
  14. Forest_of_Trauma

    Betrayed in HD

    The kill is well worth watching this, he doesn't know I'm in the trunk ;)
  15. Forest_of_Trauma

    Betrayed in HD

    ROFL!! Your bad.
  16. Forest_of_Trauma

    ---CLAN WARS---

    Clan Wars Have broken out on Trauma Server, Epic turf battles are happening, there are currently 3 Clans in a War on Trauma Server, looking to add more Clans / Groups to the Mix. Its never too late to get established, last weeks dominating clan has been surpassed by a new up coming clan these past few days, and their bases have been destroyed, its time to get in the action and get established with some gear. Trauma Server is NOT run by a Clan, making it the best home for your Clan, We Admins do not play favorites and keep everything fair and even. If your looking for a Clan, you'll find one looking for fresh recruits on our Server. Over 400+ Vehicles and 4 Custom Military bases, gearing up is as easy as fixing up that old clunker in Cherno and getting up North, Search us on Facebook or YouTube Search; Trauma Server OR Simply search Trauma in Day Z Commander. Hope to see you in the mix, - Forest
  17. Forest_of_Trauma

    ---CLAN WARS---

  18. Forest_of_Trauma

    Betrayed in HD

    haha yeah I wasn't trying to finish him off, I like to shoot them and injure them and let the Zombies finish them off.. I consider myself more of a seasoned bandit, I'm looking for creative ways to kill players, If you watch you'll see I pump 3 into him when he was on the ground with a broken leg and surrounded already, My shots pretty much established that he was completely done for him, after those shots no one is going to be able to come to the rescue and save him.
  19. Come find out why our Community is growing so fast! 6 Active Admins are determined to provide you with the best Day Z experience possible! Over 400 Vehicles, 24 Day Light, Exotic Weapons + Vehicles, Custom Military bases and new Military locations! Gearing up is as easy as fixing up that old clunker in Cherno and driving up North! We are still developing our community and letting it grow so in order to do this we white list at peak times and allow new members to enter and we white list them if they seem legit. Our Community is buzzing saying we are the best run server they have visited ! Whether your a Hero / Bandit / Survivor or Clan.. Trauma is the ideal place for you to play, you'll find plenty of friendly's and hostiles that want your hard earned loot. We are NOT run by a Clan making it an even playing field for all Clans to come and gear up, we are currently the home ground of 3 Clan's and looking to increase this number drastically. But don't listen to me, come check us out for yourselves. Search us on YouTube or Facebook or Day Z Commander simply search; Trauma Server added is a video of one of our custom Military bases.
  20. Forest_of_Trauma

    Jerry Can problem

    This doesn't happen on our Server, Search; Trauma in Day Z commander.
  21. Forest_of_Trauma

    Please help!!

    Make sure you find yourself a great private hive. Search; Trauma in Day Z commander.
  22. Forest_of_Trauma

    Need People To Play With

    Hello Adam, I sent you a msg on Skype, I'm an Admin on a Server called Trauma Server, there are several groups on our Server currently looking for new members to play with, if your looking for a group I could suggest one to you depending on your play style and age. Add me on Skype lets chat. Or look us up just search Trauma Server on YouTube or Facebook or Search us on Day Z commander, Search; Trauma Thanks, Forest
  23. Forest_of_Trauma

    Looking for good server to play on

    Pretty much all Servers encounter hackers its just some are more set up to deal with them better, normally the more dedicated Admins you have the better prepared you are.. Check out our Server.. Search Trauma in Day Z commander or Trauma Server on YouTube or Facebook. Regards, Forest
  24. Forest_of_Trauma

    Why banditing?

    At first, I was friendly just trying to survive, I was betrayed time after time, killed for a soda or some beans or sniped from far out in Cherno as a fresh spawn.. a new player was born. A ruthless one, now if it moves and isn't on Skype with me its dead that's my play style, I am a Bandit and I'm damn proud of it, you see it's always better to be the pitcher than the catcher. I don't just kill Bambi's, I shoot them and drag them into a pile of Zombies.. killing them is too easy, feeding them to Zombies is far more Entertaining, I have no problem watching over North West Airfield in a Ghille with an M107. I love the PvP in this game, it gets my heart rate going faster than any other game I've ever played because so much time spent, is on the line in every fire fight, Sure I can go play BlackOps and respawn and kill 30 people in a short amount of time, but that's no where near as realistic. The tactical game play is realistic too, you have to use proven methods of fighting and learn to use new tactics such as flanking in a sniper fight or learning how to draw players out while you have a sniper waiting, setting up distractions or laying down cover fire.. the list goes on and on, if your having such a hard time with the PvP I highly suggest you find a wolf pack to run with. And if you can't handle the PvP.. I heard Hello Kitty Adventure Island is recruiting bro.