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Ace22 (DayZ)

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About Ace22 (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. a few questions: 1. Will there be private server hosting in Alpha? (from what i've been reading the answer is no) 2. Will servers be able to be rented from a list of providers? (if so, where and when) 3. What admin tools will be available? (kick/ban, motd, rollbacks?>) 4. Will private server hosting be available down the road?
  2. Ace22 (DayZ)

    looking for muzzle velocities

    thanks fellas. much appreciated.
  3. Can anyone provide a link or info?
  4. Ace22 (DayZ)

    Error #44

    We are having the same issue with our server and have yet to find a solution. Players have been able to load right in the fist time they connect after updating their game. Once they log out and try to return they receive the #44 error. As a temporary fix re-installing the Arma2 patch we found we could get in again 1x but once leaving the same issue occurred. I have been searching for a more permanent solution without luck. Please post if you figure it out!
  5. Ace22 (DayZ)

    Kicked: Battleeye restriction #44

    Is there a solution to this problem? I see a couple different ones? Does anyone know if this is server or client side and what the cause is?