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Everything posted by RusStarik

  1. RusStarik

    Helicopter respawn

    It may appear at the place where it exploded, and perhaps on the spot where it originally spawns. It must appear when restarting the server. :ph34r: On the server where I play the helicopter at every restart is returned to the place of his spawn. And it has to be repaired again. :facepalm:
  2. RusStarik

    UA 2 - Players-Cheaters

    At midnight Moscow(UTC +4). The player with the nickname "Aleksandr" came on the server "UA 2", spawns at 20-30 meters from our clan member "Halfeev" and began to sneak up directly to him. Having five shots from a shotgun at point-blank in the chest, from our clan member, intruder retreated and went into the lobby. Perhaps also comes under the nickname "kab". :huh: Halfeev's english is very bad, so I have to report about the incident. His game isn't by Steam, and he did not have Fraps(now he had installed it), so there is no video, and screenshots. We apologize for this. :( From a "Halfeev": "I should add to the above. At first I heard the shots from a gun with a silencer and the dying cries of the two zombies. Then I ran into the tent and waited for the shooter. After a while he decided to sneak up quietly, but no such luck. Received five shots at close range of the M1014 and went from the server. In me, he managed to fire three times, once hit." "The same man yesterday spawned next to me and advised me not to go to our "base" if I want to live. Asked me to organize gunfight. In my words, "we have no weapons," he said: "We'll give you machine guns". Then he asked how much we play, once there is a bunch of things in the tents, and said that if we open fire on them, they just blow up the camp. I was unarmed, and he took the M9 SD and began shooting under me. I refused to take his machine gun and to shoot at him, and he just shot me. Well, and then actually began our efforts to save something from the "base"."
  3. RusStarik

    I'm really sorry camo dude!

    Один раз я ходил без оружия, а инвентарь был заполнен пакетами с кровью и морфином. Спас от неминуемой смерти девять человек, а десятый, после того как я его вылечил, убил меня ради рюкзака Allice. Это всего лишь игра. Надеюсь парень в камуфляже не сильно расстроился. Если кому-то понадобится помощь пишите мне в скайп на имя "russtarik". Если буду рядом - помогу, если мне будет чем помогать. =) Действительно попытаюсь помочь. >_> One time I walked unarmed, and inventory was filled with packets of blood and morphine. I have saved from certain death nine people, and the tenth, after I had cured him, kill me for a backpack Allice. It's just a game. I hope the guy in the camouflage is not very upset. If anyone needs help contact me at skype - russtarik. If I would not far - I will help, if I will have something to help. =) Really will try to help. >_>
  4. Забаньте его! Прямо во время стрима! Прошу! Ban him! Directly when he Streaming! Please!