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About Ravenfoul

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    On the Coast
  1. Reintroduction Hello! We are BMRF: Billy Mays Remembrance Foundation. We are a US based private hive running from Chicago. We've been around a long time and would love to be around longer if people still want us! You can visit our website HERE We're currently updated to the latest DayZ patch on our Chernarus servers 1, 2 and 3. We have a Namalsk server (again) but it is currently experiencing some issues as of this post. Our primary focus is hosting DayZ, but we also serve some flavors of Arma as well. Minecraft is our much unappreciated baby. Our new top of the line server (which will be in effect sometime shortly after the 8th) specs are: Two Intel Xeon E5-2690 processors (sixteen physical 2.9ghz cores on QPI + hyperthreading + turbo->3.8ghz) -- yep, 32 CPU cores if you count hyperthreading! 96 GB registered DDR3 ECC memory Dual 180GB Intel SSD's 2TB Storage/Backup Drive 40000 GB of InterNAP bandwidth (20 gigabit connection speed) As you can imagine we'll be needing more people to even hope to fill some of this new server. So bring friends! BMRF Servers BMRF 1: Chernarus: Veteran, 3rd person enabled, 24/7 daylight, no crosshairs, whitelisted. BMRF 2: Chernarus: Expert, 3rd person disabled, day/night cycle, no crosshairs, whitelisted. BMRF 3: Chernarus: Veteran, 3rd person enabled, day/night cycle, no crosshairs, whitelisted. BMRF 4: Warfare: Not whitelisted. More information on what we'll be updating to HERE BMRF 5: Namalsk: Veteran, 3rd person enabled, day/night cycle, no crosshairs, whitelisted. BMRF 6: Wasteland: Whitelisted. 3rd person enabled, 24/7, no skybases, more information HERE We expect to add at least two to three more severs in the coming week or two, specifically another Chernarus similar to BMRF 1. Points of Interest 10 minute wait before switching between DayZ servers to reduce Ghosting. Sign up at BMRF.ME - confirm your email, and you will be almost automatically whitelisted within an hour. You need to do naught else. DayZ servers restart every 3 hours - we are expimenting what brings best performance. Additional buildings peppered throughout the map to encourage more activity in deadzones. Optional STmovement / JSRS sound mods. Active administration/moderation. If you ever need any help, please contact me in our IRC at quakenet / #bmrf. Absolutely character restoration for confirmed cases of being wronged by a hacker and or exploiter. Anti-hacks / sophisticated logging of information to reduce serious cases of hacking to next to nothing. ESP remains a hard to confirm problem. Mass killing via script hasn't happened in ages. Shared community banlist. Active participation with other server administrators in improving everyone's experience. Large, large community of DayZ/ArmA players. 11K registered users. Helicopter Crash loot unmodified (but may change in the future). 90 vehicles. Attempted 'Balanced' Donation packages for DayZ / Wasteland. Generally 240 average number of players on across all BMRF servers during 'prime time' Filter against 'dumb' and or racist words / phrases. We punish confirmed cases of Combat Logging. But that's a tricky / complicated issue of the game, in my opinion. Ocasionally we host Events, such as the Cherno Journo kidnapping event and the new BMRF Destruction Derby. It's BMRF, gentlemen. The gods will not save you. Our IRC is #bmrf on QuakeNet. You can always ask questions before joining and expedite your whitelisting process if an admin is around. It's a pretty active channel as well, with around 60 users. Afterword Thanks for reading guys, there's a lot of solid private hives out there so make sure to give other people a fair chance too. We'd love to whitelist you for our servers, and hope you enjoy what is collectively provided. If I made a mistake, please do not smite me oh moderators/administrators.