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Everything posted by Hexploit

  1. ehh not this pool again... You know if someone want to see most annoying bugs, he can simply go here http://feedback.dayzgame.com/plugin.php?page=Vote/list_bugs , and thats most comprehensive pool you can get.
  2. Think post should be in New Player forums since this is not news for Mod players... And when you say it WILL improve you sound very confident, you have any confirmed info on this? I know they said optimization will occur later, but i doubt it will give more than +10 FPS tops.
  3. Hexploit

    Tired of this

    i'm suprised you are not banned by now. You are trolling every post and agree with every rant, more than that you never say more than one sentance which is usualy flame. Don't you have nothing better to do than troll this forums? Ppl here are trying to help with game development, if u dont like this game dont play it, and stop beeing dick about it.
  4. Hexploit

    How about no private servers?

    But that's a problem they need to fix with 14m dolars. I bealive they will, and we all can forget about stupid private hives. Anyway its waaay to early for them to even talk about private hives when game is not even 50% complete. Sorry for grammar
  5. Hexploit

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    oh, wow private hives already... Are we beta now?
  6. Hexploit

    I can't stand this any longer.

    thanks for trying hard
  7. Hexploit

    I can't stand this any longer.

    “Circle Jerk” is a slang term referring to the positive feedback loop that can occur when ideas and beliefs are reinforced within a group or subculture’s enclosed space. The phenomenon is typically observed on websites that consists of self-contained forums for specific interests or subcultures. One would think internet warrior like you would know this things....
  8. Hexploit

    I can't stand this any longer.

    You know what's worst? Ppl complaining about complainers. Its a fucking circlejerk and both of you should GTFO. Best thing that someone who feel like complaining will do it anyway so posts like this are useless.
  9. better hack protection
  10. It's getting close, any century now :P
  11. Hexploit

    WarZ all over again

    well thats a bullshit, i was watchin *** presentation the other day for 45 min before guy closed the stream, and plz dont try to deny there are hackers because you didn't see one yet. Hacking in DayZ now is easier than ever but the good thing is devs will patch whatever they can and then launch anti-cheat softwares.
  12. Hexploit

    Differences of realism as IRL and game. (M4 Accuracy)

    nope he died eventually but it was ridiculous
  13. Hexploit

    Differences of realism as IRL and game. (M4 Accuracy)

    I think there is a bigger problem with bullets and damage in general. I had many situations where i put whole clip of m4 into a player and he was still runing. Like on this image my friend shooted this guy 15 times and he was still runing around and chopping us with an axe >> Yet somehow im often getting 1 shooted in vest and helmet >>
  14. Hexploit

    Hackers all over place

    I was watching *** presentation stream today. Guy had an aimbot and somethin like a wallhack that marked players in his area. Good thing was he didnt spawn any items/teleport shiet like that. I think its normal every game have hackers and we cant do nothing about it. Im sure rocket will do best he can to prevent them, and thats all we can ask for. One thing that made my day, he was killed by a guy with an axe :) His aimbot was so fucking bad at close range he got chopped in half and ended stream. If u think about it if he wouldnt suck at game he would not use cheats in first place ;)
  15. Hexploit

    So tired of being colorblind...

    Just read on this, explains very well when Health is getting regenerated. http://dayzdb.com/guide/11-standalone-status-effects
  16. Hexploit

    DayZ Mod Update

    Becouse of ppl like you games like Call of Duty still exists
  17. Hexploit

    DayZ Mod Update

    I realy love the update, big THX to devteam, but i still got 1 concern about it... As we can see many efforts been put to prevent players from combat logs, and also aborting zombies instead of dealing with them. But all this went for nothing as players can still ''kill'' process in windows, which instantly log them out of game server. I wish we could have something like players ''ghost'' staying on server for like 30s after forced disconnect. Very sorry for my bad english but i hope you can guess what i ment to say ;)