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About geoffroy.petit@gmail.com

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  1. geoffroy.petit@gmail.com

    The Notorious Can Incident

    Maybe people verifying the info by themself before feeding a drama could have prevented most trouble ? But yeah it's internet.
  2. geoffroy.petit@gmail.com

    The Notorious Can Incident

    I think this all mess was finaly what i need to stand back myself from DayZ Too much whimes. Seriously you see the shitstorm for only some names on item description, only in the inventory ? Well i'm glad that Arma III alpha's coming, it's time to move out. Hope the SA will have a more mature community.
  3. geoffroy.petit@gmail.com

    The Notorious Can Incident

    Try to play the update and test things by your self before spreading the whine everywhere. It's something basic. You can't shit on something you don't know. Edit : everyone who have play the stuff have seen that the names only apperas in the description. Speaking of "raping my immersion" and spreading it without have seen the stuff is very stupid.
  4. geoffroy.petit@gmail.com

    The Notorious Can Incident

    The only way is : knowing what you speak about. When lots of people are bitching but don't have test the thing what they speak about. For this case, reddit was pure disinformation. And it wins. Shame end.
  5. geoffroy.petit@gmail.com

    The Notorious Can Incident

    Can't wait for the day when 10 000 kiddies on reddit will whine over something else, like pvp and want it removed. It's a shame that few people disinformed can affect the dev. Give our cans back !!!
  6. geoffroy.petit@gmail.com

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Yes you were bithcing for hours ! We told you severals time that the names only appears in the description only but this is easier to bitch and cry that to know what youre talking about before open your mouth hey ?
  7. geoffroy.petit@gmail.com

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    I don't like zombies, it's unrealistic and it breaks my immersion. Please remove them.
  8. geoffroy.petit@gmail.com

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    Most people talk without knowing what they talking about, that's the true problem Like i said before : I'm sûre 99% of complaining people don't have tried the damn update. Otherwise they will see how talking of breaking the immersion is ridiculous. Please people, try t before talking about something you don't know
  9. geoffroy.petit@gmail.com

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    I have a request Try playing and testind the update before crying and bitching When i read that new food breaks the immersion, i laughted hard You know the new names of the foods only appears in the description of the item in the inventory ? the description that no ones reads. When you pick a can you pick Can (pasta) or Can (beans) or something else and you eat a Can (pasta) and a Can (beans) you never eat Curgon's chicken noodles soup etc So please ? A drama for this ? for 3 lignes of text in the description of an item IN THE INVENTORY ??? I can' t understand this. This is hate for hate and tears for tears. Don't you have anything better to do ?
  10. geoffroy.petit@gmail.com

    New Food and Drinks Names

    Yes immesion is very vandalised by... 3 words in the description of a can in the inventory ? Have you at least try the update ??? You pick a "can (beans)", you eat a "can (beans)"... So saying it is vandalising the immersion.... Hahaha good joke
  11. geoffroy.petit@gmail.com

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Read the changelog !
  12. geoffroy.petit@gmail.com

    found my first heli - questions

    Hi guys ! I have the feeling that the ah6x is bugged. Yesterday i found one, in perfect condition, all was good, fuel drop rate ok, when i land the bird and go doing something else, i go back later, the fuel is still here, all is fine. But few hours laters i've land hit pretty hard, all was in the red inside of the heli. I've fix the engine, avionics, main and secondary rotors, all the windows, and i've found a fuel part, but can't attach to the bird. With the fuel part on my inventory, there was no "fix fuel part" in the action wheel. So when i am outside i can't repair anything, all is good, and in the pilote seat all is in green. But the bird still loses fuel. You put fuel into it, go back 5 min later and the fuel is empty. Anyone has the same bug ?