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Everything posted by Daemonkid

  1. Daemonkid

    LOL at those who think

    that more zombies are going to reduce KoS. I was being chased by about 6-8 zombies and I was taking them on with my bat, but more just kept on crawling out of the wood work(respawning). As i'm slaying zombies I hear over the mic in a non-chalant voice "Whatcha' doin'?". Before I could even turn around to see since I was in the throng of several zombies. All I hear is PEW... you are dead. So, LOL at you all you think that more zombies is going to reduce KoS.
  2. Daemonkid

    LOL at those who think

    6-8 zombies constantly flooding through the doors one after the other, when 1 dies, another re-spawned to take it's place to come eat me. They re-spawned really close and just kept on coming. It was wave after wave after wave. I was having a blast killing them. Like in my post that I said, he came up to me, said "Whatchu' doin'?" then shot me. The whole point of the post was even though people say zombies are going to stop KoS. It isn't. People kill people for the lulz. Also refrain from tellling me to "GTFO" because my opinion on the zombie matter is that it won't change a got-damn thang.
  3. Daemonkid

    LOL at those who think

    I was in a building actually. They just kept streaming in, through the door, through the walls everywhere. It was hilariously fun. Until he showed up just to ruin it. :|
  4. Daemonkid


    Yo. I'm down to play right now if you're up to it.
  5. Daemonkid


    Hrm. I'm willing to lose my character on 3PP. We talkin' a defined zone where I should be lookin' like elctro or berez? Or the whole map and we huntin' each other down kind of deal?
  6. Daemonkid

    LOL at those who think

    This just frustrated me the most out of any death I had. I had literally nothing but the baseball because it was all I could find, and I wanted to test the new melee animations and zombie respawns. Btw, the spawn really quick now, and the baseball bat sucks. But eugh. He saw I was there and had the nerve to say that to me and just shot me for lulz. Ah fuck it. Back to testing with other melee that I can find.
  7. Daemonkid

    Cosmetics or a bug?

    FNX flash light works.(Put battery in, attach, turn on)On stable you can only see the beam at night. On experimental, you can see the beam during the day although it is faint. They have slightly fixed the light going through objects, but I am unsure of how much. I did notice it doesn't go through all walls, but some objects inside buildings still cause the light to go through it.
  8. Daemonkid

    Don't respawn loot.

    I nearly starve on the experimental servers a lot. Everything is usually picked clean. I've had to resort to killing people for their beans again!
  9. Daemonkid

    B95, Mosin question | Sawn of Blaser K95

    Nah bro. I've killed plenty of people with 1 shot, but i've also tanked mosin rounds to the chest. Healthy status and whats in your pockets comes into play there.
  10. What is this? Pipe wrench is the weapon sent from the heavens. I have knocked many a player out with it's godlyness. The range is a little short, but god damn, when that thing hits, you go down, helmet or no.
  11. Daemonkid

    AKM or the AK-47?

  12. Daemonkid

    Experimental - New melee animation.

    New axe swing make sense. The other animation was weird and not at all like you would swing a 2 handed weapon. It actually CHOPS!™ now. I feel like a big boy.
  13. Daemonkid

    Do you leave your morality at the door?

    Saw a dude with a shotgun. My character was starving. He had just left the super-market in Polana. I needed food, I knew he had food. I watched him for a bit and waited for the perfect shot. Shot him dead. Went up to his body and looted my sweet sardines of war. I stuffed my face like a king that day. To answer your topic, my morality is dependant on the situation at hand. I play and try to immerse myself as a scared, tired and confused man. In the apocalypse you don't have time to second guess yourself.
  14. I play the game at a constant 20-25 FPS while in the open, and it dips between 13-15 when in cities. Yes, I play on a potato but it works and gets the job done, I don't get frame freezing at all and in elctro I just get some awful chop.
  15. Daemonkid

    Is circlestrafing/zigzagging ever going to be fixed?

    I ain't trying to be anything. I just posted what you sound like. An internet tough guy. But I guess sarcasm goes over your head.
  16. Daemonkid

    Is circlestrafing/zigzagging ever going to be fixed?

    Internet tuff gui. I BENCH 650 POUNDS! I CAN DEADLIFT YOUR ENTIRE EXTENDED FAMILY.. WITH 2 FINGERS! I ALSO BANGED YOUR MOM! Here's a meme that sounds just like you! What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
  17. Daemonkid

    Your Rage Quit Moments

    Rage quit after I die. Because I done fucked up. Usually scold myself but hindsight is 20/20.
  18. I don't think this patch was pushed to stable yet. It's only experimental. I'll give it a go and see and report back if the update did indeed drop.
  19. Daemonkid

    Sun is Blue now - is this Cryis 3 or what?

    Stars are fascinating.
  20. Daemonkid

    Is circlestrafing/zigzagging ever going to be fixed?

    He's right doe. The way serpentine and strafing work at this moment in time, is not realistic. IRL I can turn on a dime, pivot with my foot and change direction while running. I'm an agile fucker. Thing is, i've fallen many times trying to shift my weight quickly and change direction, or trip over my own feet because I didn't time it right. In game all I need to do is a-d-a-d-a-d while running forward and bam, almost impossible to hit, which doesn't make sense because the turn is so small, i'm just a target that is flailing around.
  21. Daemonkid

    Is circlestrafing/zigzagging ever going to be fixed?

  22. I don't look down at people who play 3PP. I have a fully geared player on there but I can't bring myself to play him anymore since I started 1PP. It just unnerves me knowing some guy can see me because he's hiding behind a wall but I can not see him. I just find 1PP is the fairer game-mode, and fire fights are way more intense. Always looking over my shoulder be getting stalked from behind in an engagement, I can't hide behind cover and just use the floating cam to prevent myself from being exposed. 1PP is the fairer mode. 3PP is fun, but it's just not for me.
  23. Daemonkid

    Multi-function Stance Key

    Uh, I remember a while back they said it can't be done. I could be wrong, but it has something to do with skeletal structure or something like that. Can't find the source atm. But it would be wicked fucking cool to have different stances.
  24. Daemonkid

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    He just confirmed what people have been telling you.. Your physical activity caused it.. Yet, since you were looting a small town.. you dismiss the idea that you know, you actually had to get there.. which involves physical activity..even when looting you still have to move around... You're the jerk.
  25. Daemonkid

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    So, you didn't run to the town? You just magically appeared at this small town? No physical activity was involved? You just kind of like, willed yourself into this town and each of it's buildings?