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Everything posted by Daemonkid

  1. Daemonkid

    Backpacks sugestion for the game.

    RD54 VDV backpack Survival ACU from the mod! GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE
  2. Why should have he complied? They were obviously going to shoot him as soon as he went prone. If I were in that situation, I would've told him to fuck off I don't bother shooting strafers unless they try to get close and punch me, but I always sport a moto helmet in my pack whenever I see an unarmed player put it on and then try to engage in convo. If you try to punch me, won't do any good and I just switch to my axe and cut their faces off. But on topic, combat loggers and ghosters and wall glitches are a scourge, they can't play the game in a genuine and legit way, so they use everything they can to gain an advantage over another person because well, they are awful at the game.
  3. It's the Ruger.. and the zombie is already ingame..
  4. Nothin' really. I'll get annoyed when the game is considered full release and we still have to deal with these things. Till then thems just the breaks.
  5. Dude, there is the problem, she obviously likes chocolate.
  6. Daemonkid

    How to balance sniper rifles.

    It's weird man I know doesn't really make all that much sense. I miss the accuracy the M4 from the mod had, that thing was on point all the time. But in SA if you don't have pristine MP parts the M4 is like omfgwtfbbq bad at range. I understand they want it to be a CQC weapon, but the thing fires up to 300 meters accurately irl.
  7. I semi-KoS. Sometimes I want action, so I'll take a potshot at a range I have no business trying to hit them at, just to get the juices flowing and the other player time to react. It's no fun ambushing people all the time and coming out on top because well, i've been following you for a little while and managed to close the gap for that easy kill. I don't shoot fresh spawns unless they try to Mike Tyson me by getting to close, and i'll usually shoot another armed player if I feel like it. I don't camp either, I roam the wastes of Chernarus lookin' for that thrill.
  8. Daemonkid

    How to balance sniper rifles.

    Yes. A standard M4 has horrible accuracy but an M4 with magpul parts can hit targets at 500m if you have an ACOG accurately. A damaged component will affect accuracy.
  9. Daemonkid

    How to balance sniper rifles.

    Can any of you at least hit a stationary target at 1000 meters?
  10. Daemonkid


    I'm fine with where ever. Just gotta hoof it depending on the location.
  11. Daemonkid


    I'm up for it.
  12. It's a video from a news source, while disturbing to some, it is not graphic.
  13. He had a fucking pocket knife... A fucking tiny knife.. Pigs. Fuckin' pigs.
  14. I don't know about you, but I always have fun in DayZ. Like just a few mins ago, me and my buddy were searching for food in Kranostav, and noticed a guy on the office building there, he started shooting at us. He pinned us down, so me and buddy formed a plan on the fly. We took cover, and on the count of 3 I ran out to draw his fire while he was firing at me, my buddy lined up a shot and took him out. I took a hit, but it was fucking awesome how it went down. It's all about perspective man..
  15. Daemonkid

    Some buildings never spawn loot

    I've been collecting Screenshots of all the buildings and rooms that do not spawn loot. I'm almost finished in my quest and it'll be uploaded onto the bugtracker soon.
  16. Daemonkid

    getting infected by a Zomb...

    You could get infected in the mod. Just made you sick. Didn't turn you into the infected or anything. I think they should bring that back. Sure we're immune to the infection and we can't "turn" per say but even if we were "immune" we would still be capable of catching the infection, which in turn would make us sick since out body is fighting off the bacteria/virus/whatever that is now inside or us.
  17. So pacific. How does one run around in the country side and see absolutely no predatory animals? Did the zeds get them? It's as much for immersion as it is for game play sakes. I want working zombies too, but guess what! Zombies are not the star of the show as much as you want them to be. DayZ at it's core is a SURVIVAL SIM. It's what it started as, zombies were thrown into the mod to make it interesting. It makes SENSE to see wild horses(Although not many) Wolves, coyotes and bears are COMMON sights in a rural area, especially one that borders Russia.
  18. Daemonkid

    Experimental woes :T

    You can roll through the gaps in the walls I believe. Not crawl, but the prone roll. I never crawl threw em' always line myself up with them to the side, prone then roll.
  19. Daemonkid

    Cannot enter medical building with broken legs

    Well, my little fix for when I can't climb stairs is to point my legs towards the stairs, back up and kind of turn. Once you get your legs a bit up the stairs the turn will point your head towards the top of the stairs and you should now be able to crawl up them stairs. It worked in the mod and worked for me a few times in the SA. Not sure if it will work on all stairs, but it has for me on the boat, the fire station and the ACT tower.
  20. Daemonkid

    How to balance sniper rifles.

    I'm all for weapon cannibalization. I want to have to find working internal components. That damaged M4 you just found? Most of the internals are worn, but not damaged. So you gut the thing and are carrying the spare parts. You find an M4 in worn condition, but the internals are damaged. So you pick it up and swap out the parts and now you have an M4 that functions better than in the state you found em'.
  21. Daemonkid

    [Experimental] Thought's anyone?

    Servers have to be resetting, every time I've logged on I've found stuff when I expected it to be looted. The frequency at what the restarts are; I do not know but it has to be, because the NEAF has been generous to me when i've been on.
  22. Daemonkid

    Being killed,with no explanation ?

    Nope, definitely a random glitch. Me and my friend logged onto a low pop server so we could meet up since we were across the map from each other, there was only 3 people on the server. I was at the NWAF, he was at Balota apartments. I log on, scope out the AF and see the ONLY other guy looting. I leave him be. My buddy goes into the brig at the balota apartments walks around a bit, then I hear over TS "Dude, I just died." So it happens. Never to me though, but can confirm now that it's entirely random.
  23. Daemonkid

    [Reuploaded] DayZ SA : 400m+ Sniper kill w/loot

    300m isn't all that far..
  24. Daemonkid

    I want some canadian servers

    They only forced us to go because our troops are boss. We have world class special forces and our regular armed forces, while small are on par with Marine forces. *edit: My keyboard is shit.