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Everything posted by Daemonkid

  1. Daemonkid

    Pistols too inaccurate as well as m4?!

    No. It wouldn't invalidate all other weapons. It would all come down to preference. If weapons were sufficiently rare, you would run around with whatever you found until you get your hands on some real nice hardware. Whatever that may be in that persons eyes. We don't need "weapon balance" weapons should be true to life as possible.
  2. Daemonkid

    payday 2 M4 and weapons compared to dayz

    If you're the same guy that I remember. Arn't you also getting blowjobs from like, every and all your female patients? Shouldn't you be getting blown by an imaginary lady right about now?
  3. Daemonkid

    payday 2 M4 and weapons compared to dayz

    No, it's just a cop-out response. I am telling you to try another.
  4. Daemonkid

    payday 2 M4 and weapons compared to dayz

    Just like football is "Just a game". Yet people yell and scream about that too. Try another cop-out response.
  5. Daemonkid

    How to balance low-pop high-pop servers

    Should be in the suggestion forum. If a mod see's this it'll be moved. I've reported you, not for anything bad, just so I can notify a mod to move this on down to suggestions.
  6. Daemonkid

    payday 2 M4 and weapons compared to dayz

    Each weapon does what it was designed to do in real life remarkably. The AK was issued as a tankers weapon. It's first iteration was to lob a many rounds at the enemy as fast as possible. It's a good spray and pray weapon.The later variants improved the accuracy of the weapon. The M4A1 is a precision rifle, it is designed to accurately engage targets to 500m. It has fullauto mode for when engagements require putting as much lead down range as possible. What i'm getting at is, the AK was designed as a weapon to put as much lead down range as possible. While the starting of the AR series was a precision rifle. Both designs are pretty much similar in their intentions now. Accurate fire at long ranges, and sending walls of lead at targets in a close engagement. The AK does walls of lead better, while the M4 does precision shooting better.
  7. Daemonkid

    Pistols too inaccurate as well as m4?!

    Gamey features like this are not okay. You're a part of the problem. These weapons do not handle in a realistic manner, at all. A rifle design made before the 1900's shoots more accurately than a weapon made in the 1990's. No. Just fuckin' no. The M4 SHOULD be ALL players choices of primary weapon at this point in time. It's the superior weapon system compared to the weapons we have in game already. It's a fuckin' modern automatic rifle. If all weapons were implemented correctly, it would all come down to preference. You'll have players who enjoy using the older weapons, but due to the age and design of the weapon, they would have significant drawbacks compared to the new more modern design.
  8. Daemonkid

    Pistols too inaccurate as well as m4?!

    Be quiet. Your ignorance is showing. On topic: People need to stop accepting these gamey "features" they are just that, gamey. Attachments affecting the accuracy of the weapon? What the fuck? We need actual weapon sway, where a MP part would actually reduce the sway due to better control over the weapon, while the buttstock should dampen the recoil compared to a standard stock. These parts DO NOT AFFECT the accuracy of weapon. You could say they increase it due to better control of the weapon, but we need handling mechanics such as sway then these parts would inpart reduce the effect, thus increasing the USERS accuracy, not the weapons natural accuracy. Stop accepting bullshit mechanics.
  9. Not shitting you, everytime I have one, I die in mysterious ways not long after I have it, be it glitch, bandit or character reset. The bible is fucking cursed.
  10. Daemonkid

    Placeholder items and release

    Remember how people were complaining the game wasn't western enough? I think those complaints had a hand in this. :/
  11. Daemonkid

    How many mod vehicles do you want for SA?

    Let me make my own vehicle with a turret. Finding the stuff to weld and cut a hole and the resources to support the welding torch. Then I have to find the parts that allow me to mount the machine gun on my car, while finding that machine gun+ammunition, and I have my future DayZ goal.
  12. Daemonkid

    So, prone.

    So, I was up at the NEAF today and saw a guy armed with a mosin lootin' the ACT tower. I watched this guy for a little bit, inching closer and closer to close the gap between us. When I was about 100 meters away from him, I took the shot and hit him square in the chest. He dived straight into prone, and this is what happened. Since the grass wasn't rendering due to the range I was at, the body sunk into the ground, being almost impossible to spot. All I could see was a small piece of his backpack jutting out of the ground. So, I put a bunch more rounds into the location where I saw him fall. Then I started to see him (Well, the ground) bleed. I move over to his location, and as the grass started rendering, so too did he un-sink from the ground. So, prone sinks you into the ground now.
  13. Daemonkid

    So, prone.

    Wasn't like this before the patch though. Before I could watch people crawl through grass at about 300-400 meters and they would be completely exposed. (Because they thought the grass would conceal them) Just postin' my observation about it, I like it. It's a good step forward. Just I wasn't sure if it was a bug on my end, or if it was intended. (Like I posted earlier, I know they wanted to implement that kind of thing)
  14. Daemonkid

    So, prone.

    I don't think it was a rendering issue, I saw him go prone, and his body was lying there for a second, then he "sunk" into the ground. I heard they wanted to implement this, like from Arma 3. I'm not so sure about what could've caused this though.
  15. Oh god. I know that feels man. Everytime I run around with a bible on me, bad things ALWAYS happen.
  16. Paula is a very classy lady and deserving of your respect!
  17. Not possible to herd them yo. So, I call bullshit on that, you can only collect about 5 zombies before the extra F's off and stop chasing you.
  18. Lol. QQ moar. It's not that bad if you're smart. Use your axe, stay crouched and don't fuckin sprint full tilt everywhere. Sure they respawn close to you, but if you're not running gun-ho through the city, or town or where ever they don't really aggro that much. Even then, it's fun and funny as hell. If you're annoyed it just means you want PvP with no consequences. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/20wl6h/psa_from_hicks_if_you_shoot_zombies_they_will/cg7gnnp?context=1 Dis edit for the link is important, read it.
  19. Daemonkid

    More gas mask

    Bandits usually sport all full TTSKO gear/gasmask ballistic combo, so I always know who I should shoot on sight. Other more survivor lookin' player I leave alone. Fuck ye for bein' generic.
  20. Daemonkid

    More Military Clothes to Replace the "Full TTsKO Look"

    I want Russian armoured soldier helmets. Gimmie, gimmie now.
  21. Daemonkid

    Ella's standalone guide

    The colour makes my eyes bleed rainbows. LIKE THIS.
  22. It was sarcasm. I'm a mod veteran too, but I don't go swinging my e-peen about it.
  24. This, a thousand times this.