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Everything posted by Daemonkid

  1. Daemonkid

    Change the walk up hills!

    Bad Gibonez bad! Get back to your corner. I don't like the hill walk or stairs for that matter. If if I had all that gear, I could still maintain a pace that is much greater than a slow walk, up even the slightest incline. It's a death sentence in a firefight and does need refinement.
  2. Daemonkid

    Is Dayz still the Anti-game?

    You people are why we can't have a nice, unforgiving gameplay experience. I bet you've never played a nethack type game in your life, or any video game that actually made you have to work. You familiar with the term "Losing is fun?" Probably not.
  3. Daemonkid

    Why do people want to tell others how to play?

    It's a box of sand where the jungle gym is? Pfft.. hoser.
  4. Daemonkid

    As-50_Thermal and MP5K [ Standalone ]

    It's the crossbow.
  5. Daemonkid

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    Industrial block of cheese. The ones that are huge. I also want to use it as a weapon. GET ON IT BI
  6. Daemonkid

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    Metagaming won't be fixed. I already posted the easiest way to say that using 3party software isn't condoned. That's to prevent DayZ from even launching if any 3P voice chat was activated. None of this will ever happen and there is nothing more that can really be said for either side of the debate. It's a dead horse.
  7. Daemonkid

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    Uh. I'm saying 3PP is broken.. it needs to be fixed..it doesn't suit me... I don't like it's current implementation. Did you not understand that, or are you trying to come off as a smug arsehole?
  8. Daemonkid

    Sinking into the ground - bug?

    Had this a while back, I was told it was a PC issue. I didn't think it was, but this doesn't always seem to work with everyone. My old computer doesn't do it, my newer one did. But ,my buddies computer doesn't do the sink in ground at extended ranges. No idea why, it sometimes works as intended, others not. But I don't really know
  9. Daemonkid

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    'Cept I play both modes and 3PP DOES NEED FIXING. You 3PP purist's are just bad. 3PP is nice and all but you can't honestly tell me it's not fucking broken as all hell. You honestly can't. A good way to fix 3PP mode is to make it over the shoulder. Not the invisible omni-potent wall hack that it is now. Seeing over 7 foot high wall because of the camera? "hurrr duurrrr clever use of game mechanics! You'll scream and shout. But the 3PP view is broken, broken broken.
  10. Daemonkid

    What would you have done?

    Shotguns hilarious actually. It's effective at about 15-20 meters. Garbage at 5 meters. If it didn't kill you at that range, you'd be on your ass. Anyways still run with the shotgun as a sniper secondary. It's a decent backup weapon when ambushing people. Oh, i'm putting my hands up bam whip out the shotty!
  11. Daemonkid

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    Easier solution, Dayz detects these programs and refuses to launch while activated. :D
  12. I wouldn't mind the police stations if they actually spawned POLICE LEWT. Pistols, nightsticks, uniforms, cuffs, the odd shotgun and maybe rifle. But nawp, we get mil loot. :/
  13. Daemonkid

    A worn helment saved my life

    What you smoking broseph? You should pass it. Because there is a difference. Have you not heard people complain about taking 2-3 shots to down a guy with a mosin at about 500+ meters? Velocity loss and penetration capability is definitely ingame at this point, could use some fine tweaking but it's there.
  14. Daemonkid

    Press Vest Ballistics Test

    Riders jacket saved my life Shaeg. Took a mosin round went through my backpack, vest and jacket. Ruined them all, but I took 0 damage and no bleeding.
  15. Daemonkid

    Should DayZ Be In The Armaverse?

    Like I said, this is just my opinion on it. The way the world is portrayed in-game makes me personally feel that the area that is circled is where Chernarus is located in the counterpart earth that is in the Armaverse.
  16. Daemonkid

    Should DayZ Be In The Armaverse?

    http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/9970/screenshot20091107at628.jpg Just my opinion on it.
  17. Daemonkid

    Should DayZ Be In The Armaverse?

    Nono, it was just speculation based on the ingame rough map that they have. To me the way the map is layed out screams in the Armaverse the realworld counterpart to the location would be Georgia. There was also that conflict in Georgia back in the day where Russia got involved. But that's just my speculation. And hire a writer? Pfft, i'll write up the DayZ lore for free. I already like to write short stories and i'm pretty good at it. (Poems too!)
  18. Daemonkid

    Should DayZ Be In The Armaverse?

    Personally, I believe it's based on the Georgia region ex soviet bloc country. But the map is mapped on a place in the Czech republic. Due to the fact Takistan is a stone throw away from Chernarus and IR Georgia is a stones throw away from a few middle eastern countries. But that's just my take on it.
  19. Daemonkid

    Should DayZ Be In The Armaverse?

    Hrm. That's interesting. When I bought Arma 3.(Which I can't play now because my computer died) I noticed the objects looked the same as DayZ, but I had bought DayZ prior and Arma 3 released early, I assumed the objects were created for A3 then ported over. That's interesting. But on topic, i'm pretty sure it's in the Armaverse, since they have small little nods towards it. But divergent time lines and all that story telling nonsense would help make it work. I already have a story for my characters, a couple are ex-chedaki and a few are NAFTA(I think, or Napa, can't remember from A2) Then I haz my Marine medic that I like to play as. It's all in good fun and a little more concrete backstory would really help establish the setting.
  20. Daemonkid

    Should DayZ Be In The Armaverse?

    Divergent timelines. 1 timeline where the world goes to shit with zombies. The other where the world goes to shit, but no zombies.
  21. Daemonkid

    Should DayZ Be In The Armaverse?

    It's apart of the Armaverse already. Chedaki berets confirm this. Same with the fact we can find western military equipment. Although, on the box of cereal it says 2017. So I thought it implied the year of DayZ is 2017, then I realized the box of cereal was just ported over from Arma 3. (alongside bandages, waterbottles canteens.. soda cans.. pretty much all the loot you find is just an Arma 3 port, QQ)
  22. Daemonkid

    What a Ducking fickhead

    It's because everyone goes being around being "friendly" all wrong. I KoS, I rob, I also help people. But my help mainly consists of "EH! Hands up! No funny moves! You need anything? Okay, I dropped it over here, imgoing to move, you pick it up. I dropped you a gun, i'm putting the mag down over here. You fuckin' wait till i'm gone to pick it up, or I drop you understand?" and have not been killed once being friendly that way.
  23. Daemonkid

    best player/videos in dayz?

    He was banned. Stop spreading your nonsense. OT: I don't watch youtube of other people playing video games. Brings me no enjoyment. But as long as someone strives to bring pure unadulterated content without caring about fancy gimmicks and trying to show off they're fine in my books. I won't watch your videos or subscribe but you get an approving nod from me to continue doing what you doing.
  24. Someone is a bit touchy eh? Can't take a joke, everything is super srs time when talking about someone's country right? It's not like the country your born in is just pure luck and clinging to fervent national pride is kind of a joke. Let's celebrate the fact that I got lucky at life, YAY! -_-
  25. Czechoslovakia hasn't existed for quite a while Wolf. It's Czech Republic now. ;P