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Everything posted by Daemonkid

  1. Daemonkid

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Hokay. So I played the latest patch to stable and I would like to notify some issues and some positives that I have experienced thus far. -You can't throw the sickle, it glitches and hovers infront of you. It can however be picked back up in the Tab menu. -Some items disappear into completely when dropped. I tried switching out my pants for another pair, and when I dropped them on the ground they disappeared. (I waited 5 mins, looted then went to check if they had appeared but they did not. Same thing again when I switched out a shirt. -Footstep sounds are bugged indoors, I had not noticed any sounds for footsteps indoors. No sound of creaking boards, ect. -New town NW of NWAF it's a small community and looks like a WIP but from the looks of it it's coming along nicely. -Can't use the sewing kit on the tracksuit pants to repair them. -Certain items de spawn after throwing them. Tried this with a machete, can of soda, wrench, SKS bayonet. I did this on a clear road to make sure I would noticed if they had "physic'd" anywhere. The Bayonet and the machete de spawned before I could retrieve them. -Cans of Sardines are bugged. They have no icon, just a gray square. When right clicked I receive no other option than to inspect.
  2. Daemonkid

    Voice Chat

    Hello, this is my very first post. I have a simple suggestion, and i'm not sure if something like this has been suggested before, but hear me out. :) Now, the current VoN kind of sucks. I find it really lacks immersion, I find. Now, my suggestion is this. Like the current direct chat, I think we should have a radius for who can hear us. It would add realism, and remove the damned sidechat spam. Whisper- Lets you talk to someone within 5 meters of you. Can not be heard by anyone but those within that area. Vicinity- General voice level, can be heard up to 20 meters away, anyone within the 20 meters can hear you, slight chance to trigger zombie search mode. Shout- You Yell, your voice carries a greater distance, more people can hear you, but you have a chance to attract zombies, since well, you're shouting. :P I also dislike the use of 3rd party VoN programs, such as TS or ventrillo, my proposition is this. Radios, you have to tune the radio to a certain frequency and the other player you want to talk to has to be on the same frequency and have a radio also. But this also lets other players have a chance of dropping in on your conversation if the get they right frequency. And while speaking, it also does Vicinity chat, since your voice is not silent hehe. And the radio requires upkeep, would be nice. Of course i'm open to tweaking and improvement, but it's just a thought, and a good one I believe anyways. Your thoughts? BE GENTLE!
  3. This all relies on the defender's ability and prowess. These could be considered sweet spots, but if I strike someone in the aforementioned "sweet spots" and they are properly braced and expecting the strike, one can steady himself for the strike and when impacted cause nothing but artificial damage.
  4. So some guy posted saying he was a Navy Seal? First things first, you're not allowed to do that as a Seal. Secondly I am not an American myself, but that's incredibly disrespectful to say you're apart of something like that when you're not. Bullets and Arrows kill from different kinds of trauma. You'll bleed to death from an arrow wound, while a bullet wound causes a more aggressive wound(Fragmentation is possible, shock from getting shot, hitting a vital organ ect.)
  5. Considering my 5.56 can't even penetrate a fucking tin fence and hurt the guy behind i'm gonna go and say hack.
  6. Daemonkid

    Why add 100 pop server ?

    Because apparently the new Net message structure is working. (Which is the source of you key stroke "lag" This is supposedly fixed so they are trying to roll out larger servers. I doubt 100 man servers will be available for stable soon, mostly just for testing at this point in time. But who knows, they may roll them out to stable.
  7. My knockout experiences have all been when the strike was unexpected, except for the one time that I had already stated. Your chance of knocking someone out who is prepared is very slim, barring a hard enough strike. You talk like getting knocked out is only where you hit the person. It's not. A legitimate KO is when the brain hits the back of the skull. That requires extensive force being applied to the front of your face, enough to cause you brain to basically slam back. When the back of your brain makes contact with the back of your skulls because of the force it was being moved at hit the vital area of your brain that controls consciousness. There is no sweet spot other than a strike to the back of the head. It all relies on the force of your punch, the alertness of the defender and their mindset.
  8. Daemonkid

    Unrealistic Firearms

    Just engaged a guy in a firefight at about 10 meters, with my SKS. Gun was on point, unloading a clip, each round missed when the gun was pointed center of mass. Explain how that works. *I did end up killing him, but I had to use my emergency sawn off.
  9. Have been multiple times. You get dazed, maybe see stars but you're not on your ass unconscious. Dazed and slowed, but unconscious you are not. And i'm a small guy compared to the dudes i've fought, only been knocked out (lights out, not concious) like 3 times. 2 Sucker knockouts and 1 legit KO. The legit KO was after about 3 minuets of trading blows and blocking. The suckers were to the back of the head. Straight to the face punches barring a hard strike to the temple WILL not KO you unless you've been striked a good amount of times during the fight causing the brain to bounce around in your skull. The only way I can see the game doing punches properly is if you get punched in the back of the head, almost guaranteed KO. It should take multiple strikes to the face to KO someone. But since we have a crappy melee system in place, we won't see much improvement beyond that.
  10. Daemonkid

    Military Tents Spawn To Much Loot?

    I wouldn't have a problem with all that if the mags and items actually mostly spawned in ruined or badly damaged. Imo, that would make a big difference.
  11. A knockout is when enough force is applied to cause the brain the bounce around in your skull. Placement matters. A punch to the back of the head, almost guaranteed. A punch on the chin hard enough? Good chance to cause the brain to slam into the top and back of the skull. Same with a temple shot, but this all varies on the skill and strength of the attacker. Like I said, going black and limp is technically a knockout, even if it's for a half a second. Ingame we're all fuckin' Mike tyson, placement doesn't matter, and we can KO someone in about 2 hits, sometimes less or more. Like I said, argue all you want this DOES need tweaking, it's not fine, like at all.
  12. A knock out can be considered going black and limp, even for half a second. It's still considered a knockout.
  13. Daemonkid

    Ever had a positive experience with hackers?

    In the mod, I had asked over side chat if anyone could come kill me, because I had broken my legs in the middle of nowhere, as I was trying to killmyself by falling off some scaffolding a man appeared. I asked in direct chat "Uh, man you were not here a second ago.. " the response I got was just logged in. So I asked him if he had any morphine. He said he did, and out of nowhere a medical box spawns.. thinking to myself I was like da fuq yo? Where did that come from. I patched myself up and started talking to the guy, and it turns out he was a hacker. He wrote his own scripts and didn't like being a dick to people with his hacks, prefering just to mess with them in a fun way for both of them. I took my morphine and he dropped me some soldier clothing and food. He was going to give me a weapon, but it didn't feel right taking it. He then proceeding to spawn a tank and started ramping it over some hills that were nearby. Only time i've met a hacker that wasn't a doucher. Actually, I called on him one other time when the server I was playing on was getting nuked and raided by an annyoing hacker. He then proceeded to counterhack the doucher and managed to get him perm kicked from the server using some scripts. He then proceeded to log off, and told me if I encounter any doucher scripters to let him know.
  14. Uh.. No, not really. It takes multiple strikes to the face to knock some one out. You need to punch hard enough to cause their brain to basically slam into the back of their skull. This varies on the skill and strength of the attacker. A punch to the BACK of the head is almost guaranteed to knock someone out, barring little to no force is applied. The strike at the back of the head will hit the part of the brain that is responsible for conciousness. This I know because i've knocked out people, and have been knocked out. I've never been knocked out from a frontal strike, but have gone black when suckered in the back of the head. Ingame it's completely random at the moment. I've punched people in the back of the head multiple times but no knockout, and sometimes 1 hit knockouts out. This needs tweaking.
  15. What you're wearing doesn't matter to me. Most of it will be ruined anyways once i'm finished with you. ;)
  16. Daemonkid

    Stutter Step

    So, I was just in an exhilarating firefight. It was going good, I got the drop on 3 guys, and managed to kill one of them, while I was navigating under fire, trying to sprint with my weapon, while crouched. Then it happened, my character locks up, i'm stuck for a second, a hostile round hits home. I'm bleeding, I furiously mash my keyboard, he finally starts sprinting, I duck into cover, line up a shot, miss. Damn, I thought, more rounds ping passed me, I try to move at normal speed, my character locks up. No! I smash my keyboard, he finally starts moving, I manage to avoid getting hit, using concealment, my buddy on over watch tells me there is a guy to my left, I try to navigate around the tree, my character locks up between the crouch-to-standing animation, 2 more rounds hit home. I fall unconcious, I die. The fight was beyond epic and fun. My only problem, and i'm pretty sure the guys experience the same thing as I did during the fight, was that the animations sometimes lock you in place, and that is a death sentence in a fluid fire fight.
  17. Daemonkid

    Sooo about that side chat?

    I liked sidechat. Was entertaining on those long lonely NWAF loot runs. Nothing quite like starting a flamewar in DayZ and reading people rage at each other while getting some sweet lewts. Fun times. Saved my ass a few times too, able to call out my other friends playin' when I was rollin' with someone else.
  18. Daemonkid

    A third M1911

    Nah. Not really. Seeing different skins will really add to loot diversity, sure it's the same gun, but it looks different, but it's technically a different variant all together.
  19. Daemonkid

    One handed bladed weapons ( Knives ), Too weak?

    I killed a man with a pen before... Wish I had got that on video.
  20. Actually, it's not hard to map a hit box. Like, at all. It's just numbers in the backround. For instance I shoot a guy in the chest, some numbers roll it does not penetrate enough to puncture the lung, but I landed a hit in the torso hitbox, which then causes heavy bleeding. Or on the flip side, it does puncture the lung due to a number roll, the guy now has breathing problems and will probably die a very slow death unless immediate medical treatment is applied. You just need to map certain areas to have a certain effect.
  21. Even with the current damage model there is no daam reason for a crossbow to do more damage than a 5.56 to the chest. Indeed but, regardless. We can't have a proper discussion about weapons untill we have a proper damage system. The crossbow's stats are obviously placeholder at the moment, but a bow wouldn't really be effective unless we had an indepth damage system because guns and bows kill in different ways.
  22. To end all this debate about what damage something should do, or how or what or why's. We should really have an improved medical system first. Map proper hitboxes (heart, lungs ect) Once such things are in place, and tweaked to be realistic without being gamey, we can really discuss the amount of damage a weapon should do. Bleeding, heavy bleeding, cracked/smashed bones, artery hits ect. Then we can discuss the damages of weapons a bit more indepth, because right now, it's all about the damage it does to their blood levels, not their overall body.
  23. Daemonkid


    Ppfftttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. Pistols/Sawn off all the way man. Just run around with the shotty in the pack and the pistol in the pockets and you're ready to gank would be freshspawn killers all day erreday.
  24. Daemonkid

    loot back to pre .35 levels? post your results.

    They have. You're about a week behind my friend. :)
  25. On the topic about complex gun mechanics. I thought about a system that could be introduced to make a firearm more of a prize and harder to get. (They need to fix the dispersion first though) But my idea was that, certain inside parts of the gun are required for the operation of the weapon. (Springs, ect) Which each have their own condition separate from the weapons condition. So I find a worn M4. The internals are all damaged but 1 part. So I take that M4, i'm unable to fire because an important piece is broken, but I choose to run around with it just incase I find another M4 with parts that I could possibly swap out. It should require tools on your character to do certain tasks unless the parts in real life can be taken out and swapped with no tools. That was my take on it, would make finding a gun in working order more work, and finding one at peak operating condition would be super extremely rare or you can put a gun together capable of operating at peak condition.