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About Daemonkid

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    Derail-er of topics.

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    In an Igloo up in the Great White North, eh.
  1. Daemonkid

    A Refreshing Change - STEALTH

    Your mom is a sport. A team sport.
  2. Daemonkid

    A Refreshing Change - STEALTH

    Quit personally, I consider anything that is inherently competitive, even for a lack of physical exertion a sport. Their entire structure is meant to be competitive, to test ones team against another in a game of skill. At that point, I consider it a sport.
  3. Daemonkid

    A Refreshing Change - STEALTH

    Anything that can have competition can be considered a sport. Because of the varied definition between a sport and a game, it's hard to make a concrete case for it but any video game that would require team work, coordination, hand eye coordination and reflexes structured within an environment that is meant to be competitive, it can be considered a sport. Hunting is considered a sport, why can't a video game be considered one? It can be competitive. You have people trying to be the best player among their peers and competition.
  4. Daemonkid

    DayZ Zombies, an attempt to diagnose the zed condition

    Prion based infection. Bird and livestock transmitted.Blood to blood transmission is also possible. Symptoms are coughing, insomnia, mental instability then insanity. That's my take on it anyways.
  5. Daemonkid

    What in the hell is this game doing?

    Lmao. You're shite son. Yeah Yeah. Brat Brat. Get some, whoo whoo! Chugga chugga choo choo! You got rekt son, bambi-tron 4000 pushed your fecal matter back in. Chyeah son, rekt.
  6. Daemonkid

    Mullraugh's Guide to Bandits

    Ah, when I see people with cowboy hats, I stalk them until I can get a nice headshot lined up so I can ruin that fuckin' ugly ass hat.
  7. Daemonkid

    How safe are the new cities?

    I've killed plenty of people in Novo. There is almost always at least another person there. Random players, mismatched gear, ect. Quite a hive of activity if you actually look.
  8. Daemonkid

    Mullraugh's Guide to Bandits

    Which is why I shoot everyone not currently in my teamspeak chat. Make's thing MUCH simpler, especially because I love a good gank. A nice, quiet patiently lined up shot on an unaware target, ah good times, good times.
  9. Daemonkid

    Bullet shock/damage values lowered?

    Shot a guy twice in the chest with SKS, dropped him. Get into a firefight at Novo municipal building in the stairwells, takes both my 15 round mags, and my 30 to kill 2 guys. Comparatively, it probably would have taken a bit less, I was shooting at the guys groin since I was down the stairs, so I had the advantage. I've also tanked a bunch of bullets, been going on a single trip around Chernarus murdering people, killed 13 on my warpath, got injured, hurt badly, nearly dying many times, but i've gotten through it. I took 4 mosin rounds to the chest at the airfield with healthy status. The guy ruined my pants and my shirt, but left my vest prestine. (Armshots/like gut i'm guessing?) Healthy status helps a fucking lot i'll say, saved my life so many times.
  10. Daemonkid

    MP5 extremely rare?

    I've found 4 MP5K's. 4! Only ever saw 3 mags though. 1 30 rounder, and 2 15. The gun is fucking beast for fighting indoors, like amg.
  11. Daemonkid

    A very big complaint

    lol no. No casual mode. I'm sorry to say, this game just ain't for you if you want a casual mode, it should only be getting harder from here on out. Learn about the game from outside sources ect. But ingame, it's going to be brutal, so have fun or don't. Just don't go trying to change that on us.
  12. Daemonkid

    So I saw this for A3

    I saw this on the steam workshop, and well it has piqued my interest, maybe this could be easily implemented into DayZ? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=281074849
  13. Daemonkid


    I don't think so. Double tapped a player at 50 meters, I got the head shot. It seems overall pretty reliable up to about 50 meters, exceptional for CQB, not half bad for engaging in house to house fighting. It's not really that inaccurate, i've had no issues with the inaccuracy
  14. Daemonkid

    Afraid to go on

    Lewl. Did this really go to 4 pages?
  15. Daemonkid


    I have a mag and gun Irish. But it's on EXP.