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About Bozzy1979

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    Warrington, U.K
  1. Bozzy1979

    Can this pc play it

    You should probably post up your spend budget and let us find you something...
  2. Bozzy1979

    Day Z Wallpapers

    2 spare mins in work, gimp 2.0 and a total lack of skill http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8215/8450376098_3d757a1bc9_o.jpg
  3. Bozzy1979

    Console to Pc noob

    The other thing i'm a bit amiss with is the voip setup. On xbox live its really straight forward but im struggling to get to grips with this.. or am i just over thinking it?
  4. Bozzy1979

    Console to Pc noob

    I'm running with the six launcher as it was just the first thing i tried..
  5. Bozzy1979

    Console to Pc noob

    would running through a 32" led tv with game mode be an issue ? I want the slightly bigger screen for my 360 (lots of friends still on live)
  6. Bozzy1979

    Console to Pc noob

    I have a 3570k not Oc'd (yet), 16Gb Ram
  7. Bozzy1979

    Console to Pc noob

    Hi guys, Just bought myself a new gaiming Pc just so i can play dayz, finding it a bit of a struggle mastering the keyboard and mouse again for gaming but really enjoying it so far. After a few hickups getting the game to allow me into servers (battle eye, run as admin etc) i've finally managed to get going. Learning quickly not to trust anyone as i keep getting shot for no reason (even just running around with no weapons). Biggest thing i need help on is finding decent guns.. best i have found so far is the lee enfield .. and playing on the noobs playground server i dont start with a map so get lost quite easily. Other thing i need help with is shrugging off chasing zombies! i can get into a real Benny Hill moment running for miles with 10 or so zombies in tow. Everytime i turn around they are still there. I'm an IT guy but gaming isnt something i've dabbled with before so i dont know much about GPU's etc. I'm running this on a HD 7750 for now as it was cheap from a friend but i'm looking to go to a GTX680 when i get paid.. what would this give me over the 7750? Thanks.