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Everything posted by franciscojose

  1. franciscojose

    25 sec wait before u can exit!!!

    I agree with OP. When you hit disconnect from server you must wait 20-30 secs without moving your character. If you move then you must hit disconnect again. If you just close the game the 30 sec timer starts automatically.
  2. franciscojose

    Suicide rock near Kamyshovo

    LOL this is awesome
  3. franciscojose

    How to beat the game.

    You beat DayZ when you find a well.
  4. franciscojose

    A story... Chaos at Balota airfield

    Please stop saying clip. You mean magazine. Thanks.
  5. franciscojose

    The most epic moment in DayZ history!

    LOL you should definetly upload the epic moment to YouTube.
  6. franciscojose

    The game needs nametags

    I like this. A message like "You see Kevin"
  7. franciscojose

    Pants Robbery

    "Ive been handcuffed and molested" LOL I'm glad you were shot :P Great vid.
  8. franciscojose


    I too programmed a macro button... on my DeathTaker gaming mouse.
  9. franciscojose

    Drink disinfectant....why?

    Its part of the awesomeness of the game. You can drink it if you want, others can drink it too. This thread made me LOL
  10. franciscojose

    How NOT to pass out.

    Hmm I passed out. Is there any chance that I woke up on my own? Should I just use the respawn option?
  11. franciscojose

    Post Your Gear So Far

    This is me :) http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/684843094535519354/55951ED6E1973DBFB777F82819377F469C039983/ Great game so far. I hope client FPS improves at least a little bit. PS: It wont allow me to embed the picture because its to big.
  12. franciscojose

    Upgrading from normal DayZ to supporter edition

    Here https://store.bistudio.com/dayz-supporter-edition It looks like its mostly DayZ + ARMA II, dont kow what Forums Lounge is though.
  13. franciscojose

    So the first step is done.

    Its really happening, thats awesome.
  14. franciscojose

    DayZ Mod 1.8 Update

    Screenshot of the new inventory please!
  15. franciscojose

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Come on we are on next week!! Bring the devlog :D
  16. franciscojose

    Dayz Virtual Reality support.

    Yes, Oculus Rift would be really awesome!
  17. franciscojose

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    I dont understand the difference between this and the Community Build, where do I download the one with al the Changelog for Community Builds stuff? Can someone help me please
  18. Nice one! U can have my beans. It would be neat if you add the info at the DayZDB map (http://dayzdb.com/map). Thanks!
  19. franciscojose

    To the -gay- team

    Awesome story! Wich server do u play?
  20. franciscojose

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Yes because is not working properly. Remove it, then fix it, then add it again. Please?
  21. franciscojose

    ★Ladder Climbing Zombies★

    LOL Bugged ladders
  22. franciscojose

    Windowed Mode (Full Screen)?

    I also looked for this and find out that with a program called "Actual multiple monitors" you can prevent fullscreens from minimizing so you can summon the mouse by pressing ESC and then click on your other monitor without risk. The problem with this is that u need an activated version 4 (or newer) of the program. What I do is simply run the game in windowed mode.
  23. franciscojose

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Nice! Choosing "Default" on Video Memory settings solved my artifact bug problem at Stary tents.
  24. I mean, is there some kind of list with all the servers and the Beta of each server? This list would be useful to know wich Beta is the most used, that means wich Beta to install. Also Battleye keeps kicking me for no reason (various reasons actually, like cannot update among others or Battleye not responding), any thoughs? Already unistalled and reinstalled. thanks.