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Everything posted by HUNG SOLO


    Remove that obsolete blood system.

    1. Just turning 18 doesn't make you a man.... you need to earn the right to be called a man.2. Don't care.... it's still queer as fuck 3. *You're.... FFS

    Remove that obsolete blood system.

    Not a bad idea.... However I can not support it due to the use of 'magenta' as one of the colors.... can you please return your Mancard for disposal....

    adding scripts

    Anyone know how to add auto refueling, halo jump, heli tow etc. To a dayzpriv.com server?

    adding scripts

    Will do, thanks

    adding scripts

    Thanks mate, I'll check it out

    DayZ Newb Guide

    M1911 is like the makarov.... Go home you're drunk!

    first kill on dayz

    So he's a shit shot COD kid.... but you're heaps better because you only used 3 mags to kill 1 person?.... makes perfect sense to me O.o
  8. Honestly. ... you're a worse shot than my mates.... and they're pretty bad!
  9. Exclusive to DayZ.... really?.... smh
  10. I have no drama with him killing any player well armed or fresh spawn.... that's his style of play.... my drama is him calling it banditry, when it's not....
  11. If you can show me where in the meaning of the word bandit it talks about killing.... I'll believe you
  12. Sounds more like griefing than banditry.... still.... nothing like blowing up a building with people inside

    Bandit Forum

    There is no prouder moment than when you get your bandit skin after joining a new server. .... that being said I had some drama's today getting mine.... I killed 3 players from the gunners seat in a chopper.... but my mate who was the pilot was awarded the kills and negative humanity. ... dafuq is up with that?
  14. Sick of people crying about getting killed and weak as piss combat loggers.... Getting shot at is part of the game, if you don't like it, go play on one of those fairy no PvP servers! I will admit I've shot dead a few new spawns, but only after they haven't done what I've told them to do.... if I'm pointing a gun at you and tell you to get on the ground 3 times, do it and you won't be harmed.... hell I've given a player blood after they've been bashed by zeds.... doesn't make me weak or less of a bandit.... it makes me human! If I see a player coming toward me with a weapon, I'll give them ample opportunity to turn around and walk away, if they don't I'll engage them. ... if they happen to win the battle, I won't cry about it.... I'll think of ways to do it better next time! Everyone plays the game differently. ... deal with it!


    Because you haven't seen it, it must be outside the realms of possibility. ... seems legit!

    Item durability

    I'm not a 100% sure.... but if everything fell out of a backpack, it'd fall behind you...yeah? If it did fall behind you, how could that make you trip and break your neck? Unless you are the unluckiest bloke in the world and happened to be back pedaling at the time it broke..... Also.... if you needed to take a dump.... wouldn't you just go take a dump rather than trying to hold it in?


    I'd risk getting shot by a dinner bell to knock a guy out and take his gear....
  18. If sharing my experience with them makes me a dick.... I guess im a dick
  19. Bambi's on your server.... I'll be there in 5 minutes to shoot.... I mean help them
  20. These guys suck!! Purchased a server, I was pretty patient and waited 3 days and the server wasn't up, so I sent a ticket a day later I got my 'welcome' email with login info.... tried to log into the control panel "invalid login credentials".... submitted a ticket for this issue, waited 2 days for a reply that was "it's working for me now." So I try to login to the control panel "invalid login credentials" replied to their email asking why it still isn't working.... 2 days later no response from them. So I canceled my account and have gone to PAYPAL to lodge a dispute on the grounds of their product being nothing close to what they say it is..... The whole experience has left a sour taste in my mouth, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

    Blood Red Gaming *New Server*

    So I was playing your server.... found a car, drove around for a bit..... found a chopper with no fuel at all.... surely you could put a quarter of a tank in choppers.... because filling up a chopper from zero with jerry cans = balls!!

    DayZ: Origins (RELEASED)

    As the title eludes too.... is ORIGINS still community owned? Or have the folk at dayz taken over? Only asking because multiplay are going to be running ORIGINS servers..... and hopefully they aren't as restricted as their official dayz servers
  23. Hi Looking for any private hives hosted in Australia! If you run one or know of one, can you share?
  24. Since the update to vehicles aren't spawning on my server.... I've updated the scripts.txt and still nothing.... multiplay were pretty helpful O.o and came to the conclusion that they have no idea how to fix it.... anyone here know what I need to do? Your help will be appreciated greatly :)