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Everything posted by Assassin8813

  1. Please post if you have had this happen to you recently. I have been playing DayZ for quite a while, and I had three tents stashed with some of the best weapons and gear in the game, including Ghillies, NVG's (multiple), M104, Bizon SD, and so on. With the update, every tent on the server has disappeared with each server restart. This problem is recurring as I have seen it happen today as well as yesterday. I know this hasn't affected my tent only, because I've gone to several other locations that I know have had tents and there was nothing. Is it the server that I play on, or is the new update simply fucking me in the asshole with every server restart, because this problem never happened before the update. Please respond for either or. Regards, Assassin8813 BTW: my server is US 312 Phoenix, IP if this makes a difference.
  2. Assassin8813

    Looking for help!!

    I'm game, I'll hit you up on the forums.
  3. Assassin8813

    Zombies Hearing And Vision

    FALSE I have had SEVERAL occasions where a zombie was capable of hearing me over 50m away when I was jogging across the tarmac. Also, I lost count on both of my hands and feet, but on numerous occasions, I have crouch-walked behind a zombie in the dark through a grassy meadow, and every time I closed in within 5m, he would turn around and whap me in the face with his dick.... Ok, it was his hand, but so what!
  4. Assassin8813

    health from eating bacon

    It is quite possible that every survivor only takes the most important and crucial part of the boar for sustenance, as no other part would suffice.
  5. Assassin8813

    DayZ Hitmen For Hire!

    Do you mean 'hiding your own trail' as in not setting down campfires for warmth during rain, or do you mean 'hiding your own trail' as in there's a secret in DayZ that I'm not aware of that footprints can be spotted, and like Pongo in 101 Dalmatians, you used a branch w/leaves to brush away your footprints, fooling the evil Cruella De Vil and her cronies when she crossed your path on the road and then saw two sets of footprints, throwing her off your trail temporarily? Because that would be fucking awesome..... The only trail I can imagine leaving is crawling through tall grass. But please explain what this trail is that you speak of.
  6. Assassin8813

    DayZ Mod Update

    Yeah, I don't know about this update, because it has introduced several amazing features such as boiling water and different types of meat, but it has brought very bad news along with it... Disappearing tents/duping tents. I have LITERALLY quit playing this game due to this reason. I mean, what's the point of a survival where all you do is kill a cow, cook his meat, and wait next to a pond for four hours before your hunger goes down again and you run out of cow meat? I mean honestly, that's all there is left to the "survival" aspect of this game, since any loot you gather in a tent/vehicle will disappear with each and every server restart, and if the admins aren't lazy, they will revert the restart to the last save, duping every tent/vehicle. It's either LOSE EVERYTHING or INFINITE EVERYTHING!! It's pointless!! All this update has served to do is turn DayZ - which was an AMAZING zombie survival game - into a petty PvP where there just happen to be zombies! There is literally no point to looting anything beyond a decent assault rifle/sniper, because all there is left to do is kill other survivors and leave their body and gear to rot, because you won't be able to keep anything else you stash away. This bug NEEDS to be fixed before DayZ can be considered a zombie survival. If I want to play a realistic shooter, I'll just play Arma II, which I coincidentally bought in order to play a certain 'zombie survival game'. I'm sorry for the rage, but I'm just putting out the facts as they are. If you feel the need to hate on me, that's fine, but you can't deny the truth. Regards, Assassin8813
  7. So you're talking about the already-implemented pain-killers and the chance of falling unconscious with low health/high damage taken? Just saying.... But I do like your idea with surgery, because it always puzzled me how one can perform a blood transfusion with just a blood bag. I mean, there are quite a lot of surgical tools involved in this process, such as a syringe, a needle w/a one-way valve to go into the body, a bed to lay on so you don't move around with a needle in your arm, etc... Also, the problem with where the bullets/bolts go when they hit you. Obviously, some bullets penetrate all the way through, but most of the lower-caliber weapons (i.e. MP5, G17, all the 9x19mm weapons) are actually designed not to have the bullets do this. If you will recall... The SMG was used extensively during WWII, primarily due to the light weight that both the weapon and its ammunition provided. Another critical factor of it's use was the fact that it could very easily leave a victim alive. Now, in the moments of a battle, this is a curse to the user of the SMG. HOWEVER, in the long run, that victim would have to go to a hospital after the battle was over and would be out of the action for well over 3-4 months, if not longer. From a strategic standpoint, this was extremely beneficial to the user of the SMG because now, instead of just killing one person, you are effectively removing him from the battle AND occupying the time of the enemy to take care of this person, who is riddled with bullets. So yes, I do agree that all the 9mm weapons should have a very high chance of being stuck inside the victim and careful surgery should be performed to remove the bullet. But obviously, weapons such as those that use STANAG rounds would penetrate right through, and that is nothing to say about what would happen to those unfortunate fools to fall victim to an AS50! Also, I believe a critical element to the game-play is missing, one that you mentioned several times... VODKA
  8. Assassin8813

    Tents disappear on server restart

    Well, I'm not entirely sure what the problem is, but there clearly is a problem here! So I don't know who to blame here, all I know is that it needs to be fixed before I start playing DayZ, because there's honestly no point to playing when everything you loot DISSAPEARS!! But nonetheless, I've been trying to set up a private server that people can play on. If ur interested in joining, please let me know and I'll have you whitelisted. I can promise you that server restarts WILL NOT cause vehicles and tents to dissapear. Regards, Assassin8813
  9. Assassin8813

    Tents disappear on server restart

    Speaking of which, could you please tell me how to create a private server without having to pay $80 a month to some server-hosting company? Because if I could get a server created that still was connected to the hive, then I could stash my good stuff there without having to worry about losing it.
  10. I did say that it should be dependent on where you are , but I still think that finding military weapons shouldn't be as easy as taking a hike to the nearest airfield with some empty slots in your backpack, and you come out loaded. But to quote Hexares, I do understand that a post-war state would have a significant amount of weapons floating around.
  11. I didn't actually spend the time reading every single post, so I don't know if this has already been brought up or not, but I think that the focus of weapons should shift away from all the Military gun-ho, suppressors, Ak-47's, and the like. If you wanted to create a real zombie survival game, you should have the weapons be almost entirely restricted to civilian only. The reason for this is how often do you actually come across a military grade weapon in real life? I know for a fact that I've only ever seen a handful and used one once (it was an M16A4). Let's take a look at how often we find civilian weapons. For example, in my house (being that I live in Northern Wisconsin), we have around four 12 gauge shotguns of varying size, model, and ammo capacity, and at least six hunting rifles, ranging from a lowly .22 all the way to a 300 Weatherby (kick-ass power, BTW), each of them different models, clip sizes, clip types (i.e. my 30-06 is a top-load rifle, meaning that bullets go in one at a time, not in fours), and with different scopes attached to each of them. Along with this, we have a .44 Revolver, a .45 Semi-Automatic Pistol, a .22 Pistol, and another semi-automatic pistol (somewhere between .22 and .44). This is what we have in MY home. Keep in mind, I live in Northern Wisconsin, where it's illegal to not own at least five firearms (not really, but it seems that way). Now take for example somebody living in a densely populated area such as New York or LA, where owning a firearm is nearly impossible without having to go through a whole bunch of legal documentation. Therefore, even finding a firearm of any sort in cities with higher populations is probably harder than those with low populations in rural areas. Now I'll look into the Military aspect of weapons. In my town, we have a National Guard Reserve of around 20 people or so (my town only has 8,000 inhabitants), which means that they're probably not stocked with high-grade military weapons. The nearest National Guard post after that is over 60 miles away in a town with around 20,000 inhabitants. The nearest full-fledged military base is Fort McCoy, which is 247 miles away from where I live! That's a four hour drive on the highway! With this being said, I think that finding military-grade weapons should be EXTREMELY rare (of course, depending on where you are), and dependent on the time-frame of the DayZ Standalon. If the game takes place so much as a week after the initial outbreak, military-grade weapons become THAT MUCH HARDER TO FIND!!! I mean, think about it. In the case of a zombie apocalypse, the first thing that's going to go through 9/10th's of the population is that "Oh no, I need to get some high-powered weapons to survive!" or "I need to get with the military, they'll protect me!". Therefore, military bases all across the country are going to be swarmed by civilians seeking shelter, refuge, weapons, etc... The military in response is probably going to lock everything down, allowing nobody to enter, and focus on their own agenda, whether that be escorting civilians to 'safe zones' or looking out for number one. In this scenario, military-grade weapons are in the hands of one group only...the military. Now I have a lot of faith in the U.S. Military, along with those of all the other great nations in this world. With this, I'm fairly certain that the military isn't going to get absolutely ANNIHILATED by the zombies, that's completely unreasonable. However, they are going to have outposts set up across the nation with extremely limited access, and they're going to be protecting their shit. Still, all the military-grade weapons are in the hands of the military. However, I know that not ALL of the military would survive, which means that there would be SOME of those weapons floating around, but obviously, finding the weapon would be very hard, and finding the right type of ammo would be even harder. I do understand that the Police Stations would probably have similar weapons, but this is also dependent on the size of the town, and they're probably going to be in the hands of the police, not the civilians. I'm not saying that you should completely remove military-weapons from the game, I'm just saying that they shouldn't be made so common like they are now. Honestly, with the way DayZ is now, if you don't have a military-grade weapon, you're still considered a Coastal Cutie. I hope that this makes sense, and I hope that you look to this for some of what you're going to implement in your game! Regards, Assassin8813
  12. So here's yet ANOTHER depressing story that happened to me. I started playing on this new server that actually has vehicles in it (strange, right?). I'm running around gathering parts for an ATV that I found, and I get it all nice and fixed up. I'm thinking 'GREAT!'. I get two jerry cans to fill it up, and use the first one. As I get the message that it filled, I get kicked for "Script Restriction 40". FML. When I hop back on, my jerry can is empty, and so is the ATV. So I have to use the other one, wasting a jerry can every time I fill it up. This blows. So, I start stashing some good gear in my ATV and I have a camping tent in there, and I'm 'bout to head off and set up base very far away from anybody. So I start heading up north of Gvozdno, thinking that it would be a great place to set my tent. I see the bridge across the lake and decide to head on over and set up on the other side. My ATV flips halfway through the bridge for no reason. Now it's stuck sideways. So I get out and decide to unflip it. Well guess what... It did unflip, but it managed to fly 10,000 ft up into the air, crash down on the ground, and explode, losing everything that I have. I mean, this is the kind of stuff you see on Youtube videos when they make a spoof of a game's glitches, not in actual gameplay!!! So now I need to fetch every part AGAIN and look for those nice weapons AGAIN (x2). Regards Assassin8813
  13. I have acquired some pictures of these heli crash sites, all within (roughly) 1000m of each other. It still amazes me at how lame it is finding these crash sites now, since they spawn nothing. Here's a pic of the first one near the airfield. Without moving the helicopter, here's are some pics of some more in the same area. Notice here that there are actually three crashed helicopters, as the ground is lit up behind the first one. The smoke stacks just aren't registering from this distance. This one is rather ridiculous, albeit away from the airbase. Same position as the last one, just changed the angle. And the grand finale, out in the middle of a field... This obviously blows, because I don't know which heli crash actually has loot near it, so I'm forced to get on a different server to raid heli crashes, but that means I don't have my vehicles! Boo hoo... Regards, Assassin8813
  14. Hello again fellow survivors/bandits/hero's, I've been pondering something for a long time, and I've also been looking all over the interwebs for an answer, but have come up with nothing. Specifically, I wanted to know how much damage a zombie does EXACTLY. Back in the day of the 'Debug Monitor', where it showed a numerical value for your blood, I'd imagine that this would be an easily recorded number that many players would be looking for. But no matter where I look, there is no specific number attached to the damage that a zombie does. Does anybody know whether or not the number is fixed or if it is a variable? And if so, for either case, can you give me either an estimate or a specific value? Regards, Assassin8813
  15. Assassin8813

    Items to trade

    I got a DMR with your name on it for that Ghillie (i'm pretty sure..) If I don't have one at the moment, I can find one fairly quickly.
  16. Assassin8813

    Custom Ghillie Webbing and Solution to Crowbar Problem

    Well, you wouldn't use the crowbar to lock the car, you would use the keys that you found in the car to do that. But yes, you could in theory use the crowbar to break the window and steal the car w/o keys. However, I think that to tag along with the whole idea of hot-wiring, when you do that, the car should have a random chance of turning off each second (like 1/250 maybe?), and it should take a considerable amount of time to hot-wire the car. Food for thought.
  17. Assassin8813

    How much damage does a zombie do?

  18. I'm actually playing on Chernarus (hard to believe), but here's the catch. The server never restarts! This is a blessing and a curse. Blessing: tents never have a chance of disappearing on you, vehicles are always where you put them last. Curse: crashed helicopters NEVER despawn, loot tables are all sorts of FUBAR, and loot at crashed helicopters never respawns. I'd provide photographic evidence of this, but at the moment, the server isn't letting me on due to some sort of lag spike. I'll update this soon though. Regards, Assassin8813
  19. To go off of what you said, I gutted a rabbit inside of Stary Sobor...BAD IDEA!! Every zombie from a 100m radius came SPRINTING my direction, and to make it worse, I couldn't back out of the gutting sequence, so all I could do was sit there and watch as each of them took turns slapping me in the face with their dicks! (kind of graphic, but that's what it felt like) I was easily reduced from full health to below half in a matter of seconds! Thank GOD I didn't fall unconscious or break a bone, otherwise I may have just rage quit the game forever if that happened. However, there was nobody nearby to watch my foolish move, so I just ran away and forgot that it ever happened.
  20. Assassin8813

    How much damage does a zombie do?

    Thank you for this rough estimate, it seems to calculate correctly when you take into account how many hits bring you down to 9000, then to 6000, and so on. As for the randomness with the bleeding, broken leg, etc.. I KNOW that that is completely random, but the whacks always do a certain amount of damage, regardless of whether or not they broke your leg or knocked you out. (Bro tip: You only have a chance of getting knocked out if your blood is below 9000, which is to say below 3/4. And to quote Fraggle, I do agree that I like it when the game adds randomness as far as bleeding, broken bone, unconscious, infected goes, but to allow such a variable degree of randomness with damage is beyond reasonable in my eyes. I mean think about it, if a zombie whacked you in the leg with his arm, that might cause your bone to break, but it wouldn't hurt that much, I mean come on, it's your leg. Now if he whacked you in the face, I can understand high damage and a chance of getting knocked out, but not breaking a bone, cuz what's the worst that can happen, you dislocate your jaw? OOOH MAN I CAN'T WALK ANYMORE, MY JAW IS DISLOCATED! (although it would probably sound like OOH MAH I CAH WAH ANYMOAH, MY JAH IS DISOHATED!) Anyways, thanks for the rough estimate, and thanks for the replies, I do appreciate all of them. Regards, Assassin8813
  21. I'll inform the server-master of this. Thank you for your help! It's starting to get really annoying logging out and coming back on every time I want to refuel my ATV (which is frequently!).
  22. Assassin8813

    Have: Camo Suit. Want: Five minutes of your time!

    I'd be more than willing to do this, so long as I can also do the same. But be warned, if you decide to kill me, all you're going to get is a Cotoye Patrol Pack, a hatchet, 20 blood bags, and some antibiotics. I'm coming to this transaction stripped to the bone of anything worthwile. Hit me with an ip whenever you get back on. P.S: I prefer raspberry danishes.
  23. Assassin8813

    DayZ Hitmen For Hire!

    That sir is a challenge that should not be imposed on any man for the sake of their humanity and sanity. The mindless slaughter of bunnies will only lead to the insanity and depravity of the individual performing this heinous task... That being said, KILL ALL THE BUNNIES!!!!
  24. Zombies cannot run inside buildings, but they can run inside hangars. Another update with the zombies is that it is IMPOSSIBLE to sneak up on them like you used to be able to. They are now capable of smelling you within 2-5m, as opposed to being able to walk circles around them when your hearing and visibility was zero. This makes it extremely difficult to use a hatchet as anything other than a last-resort weapon. It kind of sucks, but it actually gives the zombies an edge over the humans, as opposed to the update previous where they were just jokes to good survivors.
  25. Well guys, it happened again. An ATV stashed with shit got stuck on a bridge and flipped 100 feet into the air. Word of warning, NEVER CROSS BRIDGES WITH AN ATV! You will regret it. ALWAYS seek an alternate route. Regards, Assassin8813