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About Sabitsuita

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  1. Sabitsuita

    Lack of loot

    Probably the new Revolver
  2. Sabitsuita

    Lack of loot

    Oh okay, thanks for the answer bro :)
  3. Sabitsuita

    Lack of loot

    I wonder if shotgun is actually implemented, havent seen one but found lots of ammo for it
  4. I had amazing experience yesterday. I was checking cherno med and i met some guy there, of course i used VOIP to tell him to drop his weapons and he did but he never did tell me that he had friends all around the building so i had no choice than to kill this guy and take his bullets. I managed to kill 4 of them solo and the last one got me but it was epic!
  5. It's easy to find a hatchet. Usually i find melee weapon before i even see zombies.
  6. Sabitsuita

    Former WarZ player starts DayZ (Advices please)

    Thank you for all the great advices :) i really appreciate it time for me to start watching Trailer Park boys and wait for download to finish. Maybe i will see some of you guys someday! Ps: im friendly :D
  7. Sabitsuita

    Former WarZ player starts DayZ (Advices please)

    Thanks again for quick responses. I'm familiar with Arma2 avatar control so it shouldnt be the problem, i think i do fine :)
  8. Sabitsuita

    Former WarZ player starts DayZ (Advices please)

    Sorry double post but one thing is for sure, Community is more "newbie" friendlier than in WarZ! :thumbsup:
  9. Sabitsuita

    Former WarZ player starts DayZ (Advices please)

    Well i had lots of fun moments in WarZ despite all the hate towards it. Past hour i've been watching DayZ videos :D
  10. Sabitsuita

    Former WarZ player starts DayZ (Advices please)

    Thanks for quick answers... Is there any things that are familiar in WarZ except weapons?
  11. Hey! So i've started WarZ october 31 and been playing ever since but i'm sick and tired of all those hackers sooo now i decided to start this one. Is there any newbie advices that you can give me? Keep trolling at minimum Regards: Sabi(Dusk)