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derpster45 (DayZ)

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Posts posted by derpster45 (DayZ)

  1. Hello


    I have been playing dayz mod for months now and i have had Dayz Standalone for  for the past week And have been Lonely  and wanted to play with some other people But sadly non of my friends have the game So yeah.     :)


    You can contact me Via skype or Via steam


    Skype (Kyle.Shilson)


    Steam (Derpster45) Or Bill Nye The Christmas Guy




    Some stuff about me (Just in case)


    I live in Canada So I'm EST 


    I'm 15 


    I have played Dayz mod for months



    Some stuff I'm really good at in both standalone and mod :D


    -I'm a very good sniper

    -Good at spotting

    -Good at flying (If they add helis in standalone :P)

    -I give very clear commands that everyone Understands (If needed so)

    -I have to use my ipad ATM for skype (I will have my blue Snowball in the next 2-3 days So might have to deal with bad mic sorry, Only for a few days and thats it)
