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About zombiezedd

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. zombiezedd

    TS3 and Dayz

    it not the headphones.. i use turtle beach and i do NOT have any issues.. It is most likely his volume mixer. TS3 is most likely turning his volumes down for his game when TS3 starts up. it strange but it happens sometimes. Just right click on your syste volume icon in the bottm right and to go volume mixer and check your volume levels.
  2. zombiezedd

    Does anyone know that combat logging -> KOS?

    just kneecap them to ge tthem into comabt before you tell them to drop thier guns and hit f2.. getting them into comabt first is the key.. they cant lof out then afterwards or they die immediatley from a combat log..
  3. zombiezedd

    HAHAHAHA Oh geez, look who's playing:

    lol guy is pro noob is what he is.. if the pro noob ever actually ran into anyone who had a gun and WASNT afk well lol.. can hardly wait for nametags so dipshits like this can be hunted down and not hide while pretending to be pro awesome. lol
  4. zombiezedd

    Dayz Stand Alone Lack Of Items

    no.. i don't think it's you who understands.... NOWHERE when i puschased the pre-alpha early access did i see ANYTHING about APPLYING for a job as a tester, AND neither would i PAY to be a tester. there was NO job application and neither did i have to send in a resume. there is NO JOB here. you pay to have access to the early access pre alpha and from there it up to you what you want to do. you are NOT entitled to have to send in bug reports or anything of the sort a TESTER would have to do. if all you want to do is log in and go shoot people up and have fun that if your perogative, and to hell with anyone that says otherwise. IF you you WANT to take it seriously and do nothing but test for bugs that is also your perogative but you are in no way ENTITLED to HAVE To do it so do NOT imply otherwise and ruin other peoples fun.. that just rude.
  5. zombiezedd

    m4 is really inaccurate.

    you are wrong sir!!! http://www.armystudyguide.com/content/army_board_study_guide_topics/m4/m4-study-guide.shtml the TRUE ranges for this weapon are on that site. questiond and answer are #28
  6. hey guys we appreciate all the good feedback! we'll try and keep up the good work for you all!!!! by the way.. this is ZEDD.... just changed my name to zombie zedd! seemed more appropriate lol. you rotten bugger seem to like shooting me alot! :P