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twitch (DayZ)

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Everything posted by twitch (DayZ)

  1. twitch (DayZ)

    [1.7.2] DayZ loot cheat sheet

    Thanks, BlackAlpha. That means the only way to get more ammo for an AKS74 (U or Kobra) is to find another one, and take any mags that spawn along with it. I guess I should report this as a bug as I'm sure it's not intentional.
  2. twitch (DayZ)

    [1.7.2] DayZ loot cheat sheet

    So which item on the loot sheet is ammo for the AKS74? Apparently it takes a 5.45 x 39mm cartridge, which I don't see on the loot sheet. Since I found my AKS74 Kobra with one mag, I've never found any more ammo for it, anywhere.