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Everything posted by Djnateb

  1. Djnateb

    Hardcore mode

    i like the idea of been locked to a server, as long as you can still play with friends
  2. Djnateb

    Pending Update: Build

    im not sure i want to update since the re spawn is removed, i mean i play with friends alot and when we die i really dont fancy spending hours finding each other :( isnt the restart button better off being removed? im all for hardcore but ................ for me this is a game i prefer to play with a few mates and not have to spend more time finding each other than actually playing especially when we are all working full time jobs. i hope some implementation is made for selectable spawns even if its limited a tad anyway rant over good work :P
  3. ^^^ this with me too
  4. anyone else getting stuck on waiting for host on all servers?
  5. Djnateb

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    im +1 for NOT making the zeds run indoors
  6. Djnateb

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Hope this doesn't throw the huge performance boost this update originally had out of the window, would be happy to run this game at a constant 30fps
  7. Djnateb

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Would you be able to fix the disappearing items when you dont have enough room and also make it so when you clear a town of infected they don't just endlessly respawn? Just had a great session apart from them 2 things Keep up the good work
  8. Just a quick request for When waking up from a collapse I seem to fire a invisible 'rocket' launcher before I can do anything. Maybe some quick advertising of the dayz creator? :p Sorry if this is in the wrong place im on my phone so its hard to navigate around the forums I'm very tech savy so don't no if this is specifically a dayz or arms 2 bug
  9. Djnateb

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Found a bug yesterday that I haven't seen anyone report when reading thought the forums, If there's a gun on the floor that you want to put in your backpack but don't have enough room, the item/gun will totally disappear. I've come across this twice and Both times with guns so I don't know if it's the same with other items or not
  10. NO but make us start without a backpack and take some bandages ect away, + only start with 1 or 2 clips take baby steps and see how it goes
  11. Yes But make it so we can melee zombs/other players, keep it realistic tho non of that one slash death cod stuff :p make it an animation where you slit there throat or something