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About lowkey

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. lowkey

    Reason why Bandits rise and heroes die.

    That could be fun...The clan I am in loves servers like that. In the mod, we were always looking for private servers run by clans. We would jump on, 5-10 deep, and get some quick crap gear, Then we would bait the alpha clan in and step on them. Instant high end gear. Great hearing them cry. Most often, they would finally ban us or resort to using admin powers to kill us. Maybe 1 out of ever 15-20 clans would step up to the challenge. When they did, oh how much fun it was. If you do get your private server in the future, look forward to a visit from the JC clan...hahaha
  2. lowkey

    Where the hell are everyone?

    LOL, lovely country up there. Some nice loot spots too. I have not been more then 1k south of those tracks in a long time on HC. I always find the doors open in the hamlet north of NEAF and the new city, but never find any signs of life west of those. Must be everyone has tunnel vision running along the tracks to get to west end of map.
  3. lowkey

    Finding Mosin Snipers

    what P-C said... know the terrian. Also, you need to know that there are 2 types of "snipers" The COD type newbs who will hide in a bush or tree near treeline with a hight advantage. Half these guys can't shoot and most act like sharpshooters, not snipers. They tend to put lots of rounds down range from 400-700m. They are easy to find and easier to avoid. If you are having trouble with these, you need to learn how to/where to move. The real danger is true snipers. These are the players who will not be where you expect. They do not try to cover a large area, but rather set up with a small target area. they do not take a shot they can not make. You will almost never find them on a hill or at the tree line. They will never fire more then twice at a target. And they always have an exit route planned out. These are the players you need to worry about, however, even they are not too hard to find if you know they are out there. Look for slightly elevated ground with rocks/bushes/trees that has a hill next to it that they could quickly move behind. Look 50-100m into the woods for rocks/bushes/pines. Look for buildings with doors that give LOS down long stretches of roads. The best advice tho, is do not play on 3pp servers unless you know how to counter both the above player type. 3PP gives them the advantage.
  4. lowkey

    New spawn gun fights?

    Funniest shit I read in a while. A first-time spawn is one thing, but someone who died and had to respawn being better at the game. LMFAO.... I quess it depends on what you think the game is about. If you are a COD kiddie who thinks the only point of the game is pvp then you might be right, assuming they died to another player and not a zed/bug, but they still lost the fight. If you beleive surviving is the point of the game, then they lost. So how the fuck you say 80% of people who die are better then those who survive?
  5. lowkey

    Surprising First Encounters

    There are 2 wells right near where you were. 1 behind the hospital(was in A2 map atleast) and one in a fenced in area behind the pub(better choice as only 2 ways in and out). I know the 1 behind the pub is still their and if you stay low, and are quick, the risk of getting attacked is small(no greater then being in berezino in the first place)
  6. lowkey

    Oh fun - all geared up 12 hours ago, now naked. Fun.

    You DID NOT pay $30 dollors to play the game. If you did, you are a f***ing idiot. We all paid $30 to test the game and earn the right to help make it what we all hope it will become. Personally, I would not mind all char getting reset after a set number of hours. Would mean everyone had to start over at set times. This would keep everyone testing what is already in the game, the basic lootspawn and getting healthy. Also the combat system. As more endgame type things would get added, the age limit could be increased to allow players time to test them.
  7. lowkey

    Admin kick you from server

    I would suggest you find one or two servers you like. Play only on those servers. Use "history" tab so you do not have to remember the names. And for god sack, stop trying to find empty servers to rape for loot you pathetic noobs.
  8. lowkey

    Stuck Help

    had rhis happen to me on the shipwreck during a server rest. I suggest moving slow along the walls trying to vault thru. Should find a spot to get into next room
  9. I can only tell you why I KOS. Normally I am a lonewolf, but I do have a group that Iplay with, when we can get on at same times. I only KOS when I am on overwatch for them. If someone comes running up blindly, I let them know about the inc.. If someone is armed but their weapon is put up, and they are being carefull moving from cover to cover, I give a warning shot to get them to back off. If however, the player has weapon out and is sneeking into the area ready to KOS, then and ONLY then will I shoot to kill without warning. I take absolutally no joy in killing anyone, even if it is just a game. In the mod, I tried playing KOS/sniping a few times. Just never felt right. I find it much more interesting to post up and watch how different players act/play. Knowing I could kill someone at any time of my choosing is a powerful feeling. And then there are the few times where I get to help someone, without them ever knowing who. Somtimes they do not even know they where helped at all, but rather think someone with bad aim shot at them. Do not get me wrong, I am no hero! I play as a survivalist. I will not come give you food or water or gear. I only help those who.....I deem worthy!
  10. lowkey

    My first KOS

    I am a lone wolf player! Setting the M4 down to scan then picking it back up is easier then dropping the Mosin to engage at close range , then having to find your Mosin again. Alot easier to mod a M4 then replace a LRS. Edit: Also, if you look at my post, I made itt clear I was talking about geared players on the coast! I also said I under stand players loading the other way for recon. I do not asume they are bandits when inland. However, a geared player, solo, on the coast is either looking for a fight, or trying to be a Hero. And even most would be Heros I have met are more looking for bandits to kill then people to help. So even they are LOOKING FOR A FIGHT. I only hold them in a little higher regards then the bandits/KOSers. And only because they only go after others who are there LOOKING FOR A FIGHT. I have met very very few Heros who play for no other reason then to help people.
  11. lowkey

    My first KOS

    I load out the other way, mosin on back and M4 in hands. M4 is one you might have to use on the move and Mosin with scope you really need to stop. This is the same reason I treat solo players with a scoped mosin in hand or only rifle as a bandit. It is not a self defence weapon, unless engaged by another wanabe sniper. Yes I do carry one, Camo painted even, but it stays on my back unless I am on overwatch. Once you get off the coast, I can understand the LRS at easy access for scouting towns before you enter. But someone geared up and back on the coast with Mosin in hand is LOOKING TO KILL SOMEONE.
  12. lowkey

    Binoculars need to be implemented

    Because the player draw distance is 200m. That and the fact there is always someone with a better comp/better gfx. Anyone with a 1440 monitor is going to have a draw distance 4-5 times that. There are players out there who can spot someone from 1K or more without optics. Binocs allow you too scout out an area from a good safe distance.
  13. lowkey

    My first KOS

    Not knowing what other gear he had, I can not say for sure. However, running around of the coast with a mosin and LRS makes me think bandit. Tho why he would have a bayonet on it puzzles me. It just makes the weapon longer and thus, the player easier to spot. I would much rather have a componsator. In any case, I would call it a clean kill, atleast as far as any kill can be justified when you shoot first.
  14. read the first line of his post! he is playing Mod, not SA. reported to get it moved to propper forum.
  15. If you go to http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/121436-agressive-wildlife-official-wildlife-topic/, you will see when I suggested it, that the idea was not animals hunting you down. It was about adding danger to the woods so players would not just sprint from town to town.