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Mr Yoloswag

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About Mr Yoloswag

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Driving around Cherno
  • Interests

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  • Bio
    In west Philadelphia born and raised
    On the playground was where I spent most of my days
    Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
    And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school
    When a couple of guys who were up to no good
    Started making trouble in my neighborhood
    I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
    She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'
  1. Mr Yoloswag

    updating dayz mod

    Use this link, it will take you straight to the DayZ commander download http://dayzcommander.blob.core.windows.net/releases/Dotjosh.DayZCommander.Installer.msi
  2. Mr Yoloswag

    updating dayz mod

    Use DayZ commander, it detects that you have it through steam and will allow you to roll back to any previous versions of the mod/update to the latest version. Plus you can get other maps like namalsk and taviana.
  3. Mr Yoloswag

    Error Triangle on DayZ commander

    That isn't the case. I have a seperate HDD that i use specifically for DayZ and other DayZ mods like origins. I have 850gig left on there so there is no way that is not enough space. It is definitely going to that drive, i have checked, re-checked and re-checked it.
  4. Mr Yoloswag

    Error Triangle on DayZ commander

    My origins stopped working and i've got the same problem, it's been like it for about a month now, I still try and repair it every couple of days and it gets to about 98% and fails. I think I might just give up....
  5. Mr Yoloswag

    No more running Zs

    That's a lot of very good points, I retract my argument and submit to you fine sir.
  6. Mr Yoloswag

    Dayz Server! Ripe-Bounty

    Please put a better description of your server on here.... E.G. Full detailed description (map, what changes have you made) IP address How many players the server supports just some helpful tips post all that and i'll give it a shot
  7. Mr Yoloswag

    No more running Zs

    DayZ mod has a load of articulation on the zombies which causes massive load on the PC, M&B doesn't have all that articualtion, hence why it can have a tonne of NPCs on screen at the same time without causing horrendous frame drops. Congrats :P
  8. Mr Yoloswag

    No more running Zs

    Only if they sort out the horrendous frame drops that some people get when they see a group of 30+ zombies
  9. Mr Yoloswag

    No more running Zs

    If they didn't run but were insanely powerful, i'd like that. 2 hit kill but they could only walk, that would be sweet
  10. Mr Yoloswag

    The road is not drawn in the game

    Have you got the HDR setting to it's max? That might do something
  11. Hi Loubido, I'm a recruiter for Dark Angels Multigaming clan, we play a tonne of games, including DayZ, we even have our own server! We are very friendly people, all of similar ages, some military and ex-military and nearly all based in the UK, so there's always someone to play something with. If you're interested, head on over to http://dagaming.co.uk/index.php and sign up, just be sure to say that Tex sent you. Hope to see you in game soon! Tex
  12. Mr Yoloswag

    The Best Looking Gun?

    CZ550. Bolt action + wood + nice looking scope = best looking gun in the game.
  13. Mr Yoloswag

    drawing maps and stuff

    Draw a map on the toilet roll. You could set a drawing start location, then run to another location, select stop drawing and you now have a drawing of that bit that you ran along, say a 50m - 100m radius.
  14. Invite sent on steam add me on skype too johnzoidberg01