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Everything posted by [frl]myke

  1. [frl]myke

    Kicked off / connection failed / locked server

    Ok, another 20 minutes wasted with "You we're kicked" and "Server is locked". And why do i get always (no exception) "connection failed" on server with player numbers displayed as 0/XX? God dammit, just remove kick and lock abilities from servers, problem solved. Introduce votekick if necessary.
  2. [frl]myke

    Kicked off / connection failed / locked server

    Nope. Either MP is optional, then it is indeed my issue to track and report those admins.... or i could just switch to SP. Or the game is MP only, then it is the devs issue to prevent abuse. It is their job, not less.
  3. [frl]myke

    Why do we KoS?

    I guess you know this one: "Throw a stone in a herd of sheeps. The one that blokes is the one you've hit." I hear you bloking, guess it hurts to realize the truth. But no worries, kid, one day you will grow up and be a woman. :p
  4. [frl]myke

    Why do we KoS?

    Lame excuse to be an asshole. And no, this is not what DayZ is about but it is the way the game actually plays like. Actually there is no reason not to KoS except being a man and try the more risky way but for this you would need a pair of "you know what". Sadly those can't be found in loot spots. Those KoS people always tend to make fun of "Carebears" but they completely fail that those Carebears actually are the braver people than the KoS'er. Actually, playing as KoS'er is for pussies, if you man up you may take the more dangerous route and play as Carebear. But this requires balls of steel and is not for everybody.
  5. Great idea. Ever thought that not everyone can afford to rent his own server? And we all know it is alpha, we're reporting a serious issue about the game. Actually i spend more time searching servers i can play on ("you were kicked" or "Connection failed") than actually playing. I know we're not supposed playing and yes, version number is 0.32.XY and the best we can expect is to playtest DayZ...which requires that people are able to playtest it somewhere. Even less reason to kick anyone for no reason.
  6. [frl]myke

    Alt Tab Death

    Well, i think first we need to determine who we are. Are we people who used to live in the area? If so, we should know the area at least a little. Or how do you know the way to the drugstore down the street? Now how could this be portrayed ingame? Or were you just transported there? Um, makes no sense so far. But but...it's a game, no reason to make it realistice or at least believeable. Who needs maps or GPS anyway, just grab a gun and KoS, obviously this is what everyone would do in a Zombie Apocalypse. Who cares about navigation.
  7. [frl]myke

    Why ARMA Engine?

    For me, a bot is basically following predefined routes, no decision making involved. AI on the other side, is mostly decision making and reacting to permanently changing circumstances. As examples: a bot waits on a predefined positions for a player to pass. Players usually have very little freedom to move (Half Life as example) so a bot doesn't have much to care of. On the other hand, in the ArmA series, the AI can not know from where a player will approach him and therefor react dynamically to the situation as it evolves. Pretty rough description but i hope you see what i mean.
  8. [frl]myke

    Lan and other stuff

    It is very simple: you can't. Now you might ask why. To prevent this:
  9. [frl]myke

    Why ARMA Engine?

    AI in ArmA is actually the best in PC gaming since it is real AI and not just bots. I've seen AI in ArmA making better decisions than human players (and also worse, which makes them human like). And please, don't call it "ArmA engine", it's name is RV Engine for Real Virtuality. Afaik DayZ uses a iteration of the ToH version of the RV engine (i could be wrong though). It's correct, regarding world size and fidelity, the RV engine is the best around. But it completely fails when it comes to movement in interiors. It doesn't have decent body control for your char. More than once after a respawn i've managed to crawl to a house without nearby Z's noticing me. I try to crawl into the house and...my char suddenly stands fully up, attracting all Z's around. Bang, you're dead. I mean common, i'm overweighted but even i can manage to crawl in a house without standing up. Also a simple chair wouldn't really block my way for long, that's for sure. Since the loot is in buildings, i would guess interior movement would be a key feature in such a game. Obviously i'm wrong.
  10. [frl]myke

    Kill on sight reasoning

    @Rasped You shoot Zombies? I'll use the firefighter axe all the time. Safe and silent, problem solved.
  11. [frl]myke

    Kill on sight reasoning

    The reason people do KoS is because they are pussies. Too affraid to take the slightest risk. IMHO there should be only one live at all. You get killed, no more playing DayZ unless you buy another full version. Actually saying the that death is permanent is just plain wrong. You have unlimited lives. Losing the gear isn't really a problem, it doesn't take much to fully gear up again. If ever a human being is worth more than just the gear he carries (knowledge, skills), then maybe KoS will be less a problem. Until then, a human player is nothing else than a threat. And to those who repeatedly defending their KoS playstyle as "the way it's meant to be played": you're just so wrong. It is about survival. If you think that means it is only about your personal survival, well, then maybe mankind deserves extinction. Maybe thinking a little bit further than only for yourself would be a idea. But surely this wont happen.
  12. [frl]myke

    [Video] Stupid easy way to kill Zeds...

    Easy way? I just stand and wait for them, a single hit with firefighter axe will end their live. No running around in circles. Wait, hit, done. Couldn't be simpler.
  13. [frl]myke

    hmm, Can't seem to join any server?

    Got a lot of ""Connection failed" aswell as "max player number reached" (even on 0/40 servers). Server browser is actually fubar, ability to connect to a server relies more on luck. Also it seems that there are a lot fewer servers than before but this might be related that not all servers are up to date yet.
  14. [frl]myke

    I scared a little server hopper ;)

    @Symon DiscordWhooves probably thought that i was speaking of the 3rd person view while i actually meant the glitch which let's you glimpse through walls. To learn a lot he has, the young padawan.
  15. [frl]myke

    I scared a little server hopper ;)

    @DiscordWhooves i suggest you watch the video again from 13:00 and this time watch carefully. The uploader uses a glitch which allows in 3rd person to see inside a building from the outside. I play myself in 3rd Person, that's not the problem here. The ignorance is strong in this one. :P :EDITH: Watch from 13:08 to be precise.
  16. [frl]myke

    I scared a little server hopper ;)

    Even funnier to see a glitch user (~13:00) complaining about a server hopper. Looking through walls, eh? How about just being a man and go in through the door and take the risk? Also funny to see how the attempted KoS didn't work out due to crappy aim. Seriously, try harder, big boy.
  17. [frl]myke

    Laser Pointer

    So, first of all, i'm not talking about military laser designators for LGB's. This is about common laser pointers which can be bought everywhere for $1.99. Purpose: Zed's react to laser point like cats. I'm sure everone saw videos of cats chasing a laser dot. Same principle. This way you could lead Zed's away from a object you want to loot...or towards another survivor. Maybe a random chance that a Zed figures out that he got tricked and traces the beam back to the source. Also the laser beam being well visible during night time. I'm sure people will have other use ingame aswell.
  18. [frl]myke

    Do you combat log?

    As long people consider KoS a legit playstyle, i consider Combat log as a legit defence strategy. Get rid off those douchebags and probably the combat log "problem" will solve itself. And don't even think of starting an argument like "butbut it's realistic, it's zombie apocalypse blahblah". No it's not. DayZ is as far from a Zombie apocalypse like Kerbal Space Program from NASA. People always will rely on each other when it comes to survival.
  19. [frl]myke

    Laser Pointer

    Would real Zombies react to laserpointers? Don't know but i will immediately start some experiments as soon i found a few Zed's to experiment with. Seriously, it's a game, it's fictional, Zed's can be however we want them to be. I just think this thing could lead to interesting (read: silly) situations. I don't think it would hurt to have them. As for Zed's reacting to the dot: of course the dot would have to be right in front of them, not more than 2-3 meters away. And probably they shouldn't chase the dot like cats do but it will catch their interest and if it moves, they will follow it out of curiosity (movement = food in a Zed's brain).
  20. [frl]myke

    DayZ "Class/Profession" System Idea

    +1 Remove completely the ability to repair any vehicles as most of the players couldn't repair a UH-1 if their life would depend on it. Please do not add any features that would make it all of a sudden necessary to actually think first before running around like a trigger-happy monkey.
  21. [frl]myke

    #1 PRIORITY!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hmmm..played several times on several servers today, never had any serious problems.
  22. [frl]myke

    [ViDEO] I just became a fucking crow

    -snip- disregard
  23. [frl]myke

    Day Z all but frozen, unplayable

    Used Hardware?
  24. Only one bug that needs fixing from my POV: on some buildings, when crouching through the doorway, your character suddenly stands up. Pretty bad when some Zed's are near which wouldn't had be alerted when remaining prone but instantly attack when getting up. Probably a issue with the Geo LOD or Roadway LOD of the respective buildings and therefor something BI would have to fix and not Rocket. But since the success of DayZ, i've seen that bugs, although reported a long time ago, all of a sudden get fixed rapidly when causing issues in DayZ.
  25. Ok, i was reading through a few threads and made some thoughts what would be some good improvements to make DayZ more realistic. Actually it is more a mess and far from being anything near of realism. It's not about PvP, although i dislike the actual situation, it is part of the experience, fair enough. IMHO the players do not have enough reasons to care for teamplay or at least not in the same amount as it would in real. Loot: That is actually the biggest problem. You go into a barn, take some loot and play along. Later you disconnect, the next day you reconnect (same server or different one, doesn't matter) and go to the very same barn and magically new loot appeared. Well, i would like to have such a magical barn near my place. In reality, goods don't appear magically, they have to be produced. This leads to the next ideas. Skills/abilities: I might be dumb but in reality i couldn't repair a UH-1 even if my life would depend on it. In DayZ, everyone is a highly qualified engineer. Let alone flying a helicopter. I play ToH but i wouldn't take seat in a real Helicopter on the pilots place. Same goes for other aspects, let me name a few that came to my mind: - Engineer: can repair vehicles (non-Engineer could try also but with much higher chance that vehicle breaks down again in a very short time) - Scientist: bring him your empty shells and the chemical ingredients and he will turn the empty shells into usable ammo (therefor the no-loot idea above). You can try yourself but be aware not to blow off yourself while mixing gunpowder. - butcher: you can hunt but you will only get 2 pieces of meat out of the killed animal. Bring it to a butcher and he will make 6 out of it, 1 for him and 5 for you, since he did the job for you. - Pilot: if you don't know how, you shouldn't try to fly a helicopter. Period. - Medic: There are surely more possibilities, will add them as they come up to my mind. Point is, to have a reason to keep people alive, maybe even protect them, they should have more value than just the stuff they're carrying. Wouldn't be smart, having a repaired chopper but a few mins ago killed the only player on the server who could fly it. ;) So, to make it short, give players the ability to gain one of those skills (not multiple) to make them more valuable alive. Although i wouldn't deny some general abilities for everyone, re-read the butcher. Unexperienced players can also do this things but by far less effective. Once they've gained a skill, they should become better. Often i saw the statement "it's me or him" when justifying playerkills. They are completely right, no doubt. I wouldn't remove that aspect so i'm also against punishments against bandits. Point is, not punishing anyone but to give more and better reasons to think twice before pulling the trigger. Oh, and one last thing, although a little OT now: every blood donor can tell you that blood regenerates itself. ;) P.S. Since now we can have female characters.....remember what Lt. Ellen Ripley said in Aliens: Ressurection? "Who do i have to f*** to get off this ship?" Think about it. ;)