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Everything posted by [frl]myke

  1. [frl]myke

    DAyZ where are thou

    Info's about DayZ i look on DayZ website and DayZ forum, no time to watch all videos on YT to hunt certain info's.
  2. [frl]myke

    DAyZ where are thou

    Another one who can't read. Please refrain from posting if you don't really know about what i was talking. Thank you.
  3. [frl]myke

    DAyZ where are thou

    I second that. While it would be realistic it would not be a good addition to DayZ. Ability to aim and hit should remain equal for all players. Only state of weapon might have a negative effect so a badly damaged weapon would be more likely to have big spray.
  4. [frl]myke

    DAyZ where are thou

    Well, i think ignoring a skill tree wont be that much of a issue. If you don't want to learn something, you don't have to. You would just have to take into account that the player in your crosshair could be the one to repair your damaged weapon. So either you shoot him and hope to find a pristine weapon to replace your damaged, or you take the risk of interaction and maybe you will get your weapons repaired. You still have the choice to shoot him afterwards if you insist so.
  5. [frl]myke

    Clarification Regarding Linux Client

    No. It would be a too big effort to switch drom DirectX to OpenGL. Major parts of the rendering engine would need to completely rewritten. So it wont happen (please note that i also would love a linux version).
  6. [frl]myke

    Cosmetics or a bug?

    No one asked so far so i take the shot: could it be that ruined/badly damaged lights wont work? What's the state of the OP's lights?
  7. [frl]myke


    Nice challenge and astonishing fairplay. Beanz well earned.
  8. [frl]myke


    Patience young padawan, he just wrote 6 minutes ago. ;) But please, keep us updated. Cool thread. Beanz given in dozens. :EDITH: ninja'd :p
  9. [frl]myke

    Alpha/Beta/Retail purchases etc

    See it like this: you preorder (and pay) the finished game and as a "thank you" you get access to the alpha to already fool around with it to a lower price. Devs also hope you do some playtests and report any issue you find.
  10. [frl]myke

    Fix the loot.

    OP has a point although he misses something. You can be very unlucky, be on a server that is already running quite some time and had a fair amount of players in this time. You spawn and you can instantly go inland. Often enough, players before you did the same and (almost) every town inland is already looted. On such servers, diying from starvation isn't that uncommon. However, like a lot already mentioned it: it is alpha, loot respawn is worked on. If you're in such a unlucky position, consider switching server once (not promoting server hopping though) to get on a server that isn't already completely looted. Once the loot respawn is implemented, things will be easier.
  11. [frl]myke

    Now I know why they call him 'Rocket'

    A game under development has bugs...you don't say? Allow me to quote the DayZ shop site: That shame is definately on you the first time already.
  12. [frl]myke

    Pc specs

    Another point to check: Motherboard BIOS. The MB is shipped with version F1 and the FX8350 requires at least F3 (F4 being the latest). It might be possible that the CPU runs not to it's full potential. I agree on the PSU, way too weak, i would go for a 500W+ at least (for a more powerful GPU). The GPU could be sufficient but don't expect that the game looks fabulous.
  13. Probably the text color was white, correct? Those are "server message of the day" which is a predefined text which is displayed to newly connected players. Great to spread general info like a Teamspeak server which is probably what the text you saw was saying. Teamspeak is a VoIP software which connects to a server aswell (numbers with dots) and let you speak to other players. DayZ has a built-in VoIP but this is limited by distance so you can only hear players near you. It's a chain. It shows that the connection to the server is not as stable as it should be. Yellow chain happens a lot and nothing to worry about. Red broken chain usually means desync. Actions like taking loot or eating/drinking might be delayed or not work at all. Usually goes away after a short period. Just give it some time and it will be gone. And finally the red chain, usually means that connection to the server is lost or will be soon. Most of the time with text "No message received...." and a counting timer. Most of the time it is just a server restart, after a minute the server will be back online.
  14. [frl]myke

    Looting on low population servers

    OMFG, god forbid that we could chose a server according to our own playstyle. Thanks but no thanks, prefer to make my own decisions.
  15. [frl]myke

    Hardcore: Shouldnt Zoom Not Exist?

    I'm sorry, i'm not native english so often i don't get jokes. My apologies.
  16. [frl]myke

    Hardcore: Shouldnt Zoom Not Exist?

    You didn't understand, it is a workaround to compensate technical limitations given through your monitor. Unless you have something like this:
  17. [frl]myke

    Hardcore: Shouldnt Zoom Not Exist?

    In fact, the right mouse button zoom represents the 1:1 size. Due to the fact that a regular pc screen doesn't have the same view angle as your eyes, the regular view in game is actually zoomed out. So usually you have wide FOV but zoomed out, when focussing on a target you get realistic zoom with reduced FOV. It's always helpful to know how the game engine works.
  18. [frl]myke

    New to Online Games, What is Teamspeak?

    You can set up your own server, renting is not necessary. Server binaries are avaliable so you can either host a server on your pc or use a old pc as server.
  19. [frl]myke

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    I did, found nothing. Might have missed it so that's why a link would have been helpful. Until then i have no other choice to think you're just a liar.
  20. [frl]myke

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Also added feature can be broken. Actually the system does not handle false positives correctly. Better go to another forum if opinions that are different to yours do offend you.
  21. [frl]myke

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    So i guess the broken server hopper protection will be addressed later.
  22. Fireaxe and can opener. If you get these, you'll survive...eventually. ;)
  23. [frl]myke

    Do i combat logging?

    No combat, no combat log. Easy as that. And don't take those "yes, you have combat logged and should burn in hell" whiners too serious. Ususally just KoS'ers that whine that they might have lost a kill. Q.Q
  24. [frl]myke

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    This is rather old. This easter egg was already in Armed Assault 1, was ported to ArmA 2 so no big surprise it is still in. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Armed_Assault:_Easter_Eggs