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About [frl]myke

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  1. [frl]myke

    Where are the updates? **crickets chirping**

    "Who is developing DayZ? Bohemia being the publisher..blahblahblah....." It might be interesting to read this: http://www.bistudio.com/english/company BIS is a development studion publishing their own games, simple as that...but obviously too complicated for some. But such persons already have a opinion, i wont confuse them with facts...so, go on.
  2. [frl]myke

    The UI

    Well, i don't know about you guys but i do feel pretty well if and how much i'm hungry or thirsty. I don't have to take any special actions to know my status. Icons is the only way to come close to this. The actual system is FUBAR, imho. It is completely counterintuitive and the text messages are inadequate, especially if english isn't your native language. Icons are international, everyone will understand it in a split second.
  3. [frl]myke

    what is 2nd person view?

    Warning: continuing this discussion might establish a temporary wormhole. ;)
  4. [frl]myke

    The reason behind the lag in ArmA2/DayZ

    If you want to address a problem it is helpful to use the correct terminology, else people would mean something completely different than you do and never find a solution. As a 3D modeller and game developer you should know that. It's like you want to say that the texture needs more details but you keep saying "the model needs more details". So you say as a 3D modeler and junior game developer you need google to know what lag or low FPS means? Well, if i had a game developing studio, i wouldn't hire you.
  5. [frl]myke

    When you find...

    The puberty is strong in this thread. ;)
  6. [frl]myke

    The reason behind the lag in ArmA2/DayZ

    Just because people tend to name it lag doesn't make it correct. If you want to make a point you should have at least the terminology right. Lag has to do with network connection and speed, low FPS has to do with either inadequate hardware or settings too high or another hardware/driver related problem.
  7. [frl]myke

    Easter Egg!

    This is there since ArmA 1 so it is really old.
  8. [frl]myke

    How does a "rotten" apple become "pristine"?

    As deep as a worn banana was? Oh, how do i get these images out of my brain?
  9. [frl]myke

    I've heard troubling rumours...(no helis)

    Unarmed helicopters and the flight model /procedures from Take on Helicopters...
  10. [frl]myke


    Better use MSI Afterburner to record vid's. Fraps is known to be a resource hog, Afterburner goes easier with resources. Maybe next time, give it a go.
  11. [frl]myke

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    Maybe because they aren't named like "this is a shitty server, don't join"?
  12. [frl]myke

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    You don't get my point either. My time where i can play games is rare and limited. When i sit down to play DayZ, i want to play DayZ. Every minute that got wasted by a broken system takes from my spare gaming time.
  13. [frl]myke

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    Ok, maybe this way: we're reporting a bug. A system that doesn't work as intended. I do hope that you aren't against bugfixes. The system should punish server hoppers but not regular server changers. It is a bug, fix it.
  14. [frl]myke

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    Yep, twisting facts up will surely make it any better. The time i can play is limited, no need to cut this even more artificially. You, Sir, won the internetz.
  15. [frl]myke

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    Well, don't know about you but i bought the game to play it, not to entertain myself while NOT playing the game. The system is just FUBAR, actually it doesn't prevent server hopping at all but annoys every other player that has been kicked or the game crashed. It is as useless as the copy protections some games has/had. It just pissed of the legit users while it almost has no effect on server hoppers.