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Everything posted by WildGunsTomcat

  1. WildGunsTomcat

    We need a purpose.

    I know that this is in Alpha, so we're working out the mechanics and the premise of the mod still. Before I continue: I am an Arma and Arma 2 veteran. You name the mod, I've played it. That being said: This is the best mod I have ever seen on Arma or Arma 2. Now, Rocket, we need missions. I understand that the survival aspect of the game is just that: Survive. But a lot of us need purpose to give the game direction other than: Camp...randomly murder noobs for the lulz...rinse...repeat. If they want that, they can go play Call of Duty. I'm not saying grand missions like Domination...but the game needs a mission system that gives objectives to people that like to group up as a team and brave the zombie apocalypse as a team. Because right now all the game is encouraging is being a lone wolf so you don't get murdered for your can of beans. Missions like chopper down missions....or a radio beacon is going off in the woods...investigate....things like that. End of the world is there anyone else alive type stuff. Just my two cents.
  2. WildGunsTomcat

    US 295 being shut down for good.

    Yep. I called you what you are Zed. A fucking homo that sucks on dev cock repeatedly and has no clue what the fuck he's talking about when it comes to server hosters. And? What are you going to do, ban me? Black list me? LOL I'm no longer a part of this shitty fucking community. So now I don't have to come on here and deal with accusatory little snide cunts like you. This dev team and community are running this mod into the fucking ground. And now it's up to independent coders to make it great again. Good riddance indeed. [Warned-Suspended (1 week) - Ubi]
  3. WildGunsTomcat

    US 295 being shut down for good.

    Oh look...it's Zed's Dead and the homo Magotchi coming in to derail another thread about a fed up admin. Wipe the dev cum off of your chins guys, you really are quite disgusting. I've already pulled my servers and am aligning with a group of other server hosters with dedicated boxes...we're all creating a brand new hive cluster. Any dedicated box owners out there that want to run a new, free from oppression...private hive...message me...for as long as I'm not banned by this oppressive dev and mod team.
  4. lol it's so funny...all the assholes drinking the kool aid...thinking we give a shit what they think.
  5. My servers will be a part of this.
  6. WildGunsTomcat

    Staff: Need clarification on ban-able offenses

    Are you a server host? Oh you're not? Well...that makes sense then. No server host agrees with you, not anywhere on this forum.
  7. WildGunsTomcat

    Staff: Need clarification on ban-able offenses

    And? I'll be rogue all I want, until you start paying for my server. Then I might listen to your brown nosing bullshit. I can't tell where you end and the devs begin BobJoe.
  8. WildGunsTomcat

    Staff: Need clarification on ban-able offenses

    lol Ander you are so full of shit it hurts. So every dc'er I find I have to submit a fucking ticket? Oh God my sides hurt from the laughter. This game is being run into the ground by a fucking over-controlling dev team that is impotent against the hackers and seems to hate the very fucking people paying to keep this little "experiment" going.
  9. lol I believe HFB is moving away. Why? Because they see it like the rest of us, DayZ is going to die off because of the strict bullshit rules they're putting on server hosts.
  10. Yep. HFB have fucked themselves through their actions.
  11. That's because the guy that runs HFB is the one that hosts and made DayZmod.com They're in cahoots with the dev team.
  12. WildGunsTomcat

    Staff: Need clarification on ban-able offenses

    lol I don't give a FUCK what Ander says. Believe that. Blacklist me if you want. I will ban DC'ers. Period.
  13. Yeah my server will be a part of it.
  14. Indeed. Let some other sucker donate their money to this restrictive dev team and this abusive community.
  15. Yeah. This mod is going tits up anyway. Let the dev team pay for the servers, I'll pull mine from the pool. No skin off of my ass.
  16. I am the admin of Chicago 21 and 22. I am seeing a LOT of DC'ers now. Before the tears start flowing and the threads start popping up on the servers....anyone that DC's on me is getting an insta-ban. I'm not fucking around anymore. I'm sick of PVP'ing someone and they DC on me or sit in the fucking lobby like a coward. I expect vitriol for this, not a single fuck was given. You're exploiting a weakness in Arma 2 and until Rocket patches this coward shit out...I'm going to remove you weak fucks from my atmosphere. That is all.
  17. WildGunsTomcat

    You were kicked: Battleye corrupt memory #0

    Yeah my servers just got that too.
  18. WildGunsTomcat

    Melee Weapon Petition

    Rocket, When I run out of bullets, I start to cry. "Why?", you ask. I'll tell you why: Because I'm being chased by 5 zombies....and I have no way to kill them. So I run across Chernarus like it's a goddamn track meet while the benny hill theme plays softly in the background....5 zombies in tow. I need a machete to hack the fuckers up. Thanks Rocket. I knew you'd understand.
  19. WildGunsTomcat

    Server where admin uses hacks -

    I can confirm that there were no admins in the server last night. So it must have been someone hacking. Did you get a name? I'll look at the database and see what was going on. Thanks for reporting it.
  20. WildGunsTomcat

    Admin Abuse US35 banned for ghosting

    Meh. You two are acting like one would expect guilty people would. Insulting...etc. Bravo to the banning admin. Give me their guid's I will ban them too.
  21. WildGunsTomcat

    Admin Abuse US35 banned for ghosting

    I'm siding with the admins here. Why? Because I've had dealings with this idiot Nasir. Oh and when he says "Ghosting" he means DC'ing. They disconnected during a firefight like pussies. That's what he means.
  22. WildGunsTomcat

    Blacklist Chicago 15

    How about it's a hive-wide problem? How about you not falsely accuse people?
  23. My clan runs a dayz hive server. Search for frat in the filter. Much faster load speed than the big hive.
  24. WildGunsTomcat

    I want to start a server, but I'm not allowed to?

    Make your own hive with MySQL. It can be done. All dayz is, is a bunch of saved data to a MySQL server. It isn't that hard to emulate.