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Everything posted by WildGunsTomcat

  1. WildGunsTomcat

    Spawn with 1000-2000-3000 blood

    Eat food. Get a transfusion. Don't get shot. All protips. Free of charge.
  2. WildGunsTomcat

    Wounds: not realistic / serious enough?

    I think some of you guys are just looking for things to complain about or suggest.
  3. WildGunsTomcat

    My suggestion for bandit "problem"/ griefers

    This idea gave me cancer. I'm off to chemotherapy now. You stay here and think about what you've done.
  4. WildGunsTomcat

    Forum Moderators Wanted!

    That's really fucked up. Seriously.
  5. Part of the game. Use the search function please. inb4 the lock.
  6. WildGunsTomcat

    How I see DayZ and its community right now

    That in itself is the crux of the problem with this community. If you go with the "status quo" you don't get vitriol directed at you. If you voice your opinion....be it in any form other than a long boring brick of text in which you defend almost every aspect of your argument before anyone responds to the thread...you will be attacked. That is almost a certainty. Then, when you fight back with insults or vitriol directed back at the other party....you are given infractions. Just the way things are here man.
  7. WildGunsTomcat

    How I see DayZ and its community right now

    As well as that, even the creatively made ones got old in 2008. No No. They got old when reddit started stealing them from 4chan. Then they got even older when 9gag stole them from reddit. And on goes this thing of ours....as the mobsters say.
  8. WildGunsTomcat

    How I see DayZ and its community right now

    Yes they do. Chernarus Life has melee in it. Please guys, do some research before you respond.
  9. WildGunsTomcat

    How I see DayZ and its community right now

    Holy fucking 4chan is more like it. BUT....I have to agree with it.
  10. WildGunsTomcat

    Oh God I lol'd

    So I was sitting on a hill in three valleys last night with my binocs And I was watching these two survivors trying to find me. All I could think about was this Joe Pesci line from Casino. The lulz were hearty. C'mon no one else thought it was funny? Jeez....
  11. WildGunsTomcat

    Oh God I lol'd

    LOL The best thing about it is you'll say it constantly now. I do.
  12. WildGunsTomcat

    Oh God I lol'd

    LOLOL "You stinky, horse manure smellin mudderfucker you!"
  13. lol I know. I was saying that people keep wanting things changed constantly.
  14. WildGunsTomcat

    Wrong joint

  15. WildGunsTomcat

    Wrong joint

  16. WildGunsTomcat

    Fix the Crossbow

    Do a search. There are at least 10 threads on this already. Inb4 the lock.
  17. WildGunsTomcat

    Initial impressions.

    Hi! Welcome to DayZ! I would like to address your issues 1 at a time: 1. That's Arma2 for ya. The servers always take a long time to get information to you, because the way Arma is configured it sends information to one person at a time. As you can imagine, this takes a long ass time. 2. The zombies have been addressed in other threads. Do a search to find more info. 3. That's why this is a survival sandbox game. You don't spawn in with your buddies automatically, you have to find them and that takes time. Just the name of the game. 4. I agree with this one. 5. That's because they're decoration. 6. Meh, I don't really have issues with doors...but I'm an Arma2 vet and I'm used to having to look at the door at an angle to interact with it. You'll get used to it. In short, most of what you take issue with are problems with the Arma 2 engine...and not the mod itself. Hope I helped a little.
  18. I like the darkness. But then, I'm used to the darkness from Arma 2 anyway. Though, I must admit...it is probably very disconcerting for a new player to come into this never having played Arma 2 and having to deal with a pitch black night. I can see both sides of the argument. I think for the sake of everyone's sanity, the darkness should be lifted a little. For the new guys' sake at least. Just my thoughts.
  19. WildGunsTomcat

    You, you and you. You are all part of the problem.

    Yeah I don't like the skin system either. I killed 2 guys in self defense before the latest patch and got my bandit skin. Now I'm a bandit forever. Admittedly though, I also PK other players when I need food and I can't find any around. I'm not sure what we can really do about it though. You can't control how people play really. It would take all the fun out of the game.
  20. WildGunsTomcat

    Melee Weapon Petition
