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Everything posted by WildGunsTomcat

  1. WildGunsTomcat

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Hmmm....I've got my guys trying to join my server and they're all stuck at loading.
  2. WildGunsTomcat

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Got it Rocket. Thanks bud!! ;0)
  3. WildGunsTomcat

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Rocket I got your PM and know what files to change...but where do I get the new .pbo's to download? Thanks in advance.
  4. WildGunsTomcat

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    I'm a server admin...but I have no clue where to get the dayz_server.pbo file. I gave Tonic RCP access but since that crapfest the other week we were told to change our pwd. Can a dev PM me the details so I can get that file and update it? Thanks.
  5. WildGunsTomcat

    Admin Abuse

    Well yes that's the way it should be done. Like I said I see both sides. What bothers me is when people cry because someone that is shelling out cash for a server wants into his/her server. Clearly that's not what happened here at all, of course. The admin was a dick, and that's crap. But, being an admin myself, our server(s) are consistently full...and sometimes I have to ask people to leave to make room...because I want to play on my server. I just don't kick willy nilly though.
  6. WildGunsTomcat

    Admin Abuse

    Yeah but, I can see it from the admin's side. It sucks to pay for a server and be told by someone that you have to wait like everyone else to get into your server. And then to come here and have players holding all the power: "If you do this to me I'll run and cry to the devs." It makes admins not want to run servers.
  7. WildGunsTomcat

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    ;0) Please come into Chicago 21...under your own name....see what happens if you DC on me. I guess you don't realize I have your GUID when you join...and I can nail you even after you leave ;0) Please come in though.
  8. WildGunsTomcat


    Sacmo didn't handle this correctly at all. That being said, I dislike accusations being brought up, with no evidence at all. It could have been a coincidence, you don't know. To attack someone because the server comes down, and automatically assume that someone cheated you.....is stupid.
  9. Yeah that was the server.cfg file though. Let me show you: hostname = "DayZ - US 27 Chicago 21 (v1.7.0/Beta 93616)[VETERAN] (UTC+10) dayzmod.com - hosted by The Fraternity of Gamers"; So what happened when I copied the server.cfg file was it copied that line exactly. So all that happened was in the host list it said US 27 Chicago 21 twice in the list. So I had to bring down 22 and rename that line manually. That's all I did. The tents missing doesn't make sense unless it's a database issue. Or you didn't save them? I really don't know. I'm stumped.
  10. Cool. Yeah I'm trying to understand why it's duping the camp. Might be a database issue? I have no idea Sup. I know that last night the database crapped out and Rocket had to bring it back up again, and then I went to bed. Then I woke up and the vehicles all got reset. I'm assuming this is related to the vehicle database being reset. I would need a dev to answer that question. If we can leave this thread open until a dev responds that would be great bone.
  11. Hmmmmmm.... Did you go into it now and see if it's still happening?
  12. WildGunsTomcat

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    As of this time you are not allowed to ban someone because he DCs on you during a fight and/or establish some arbitrary rules local to your server "until Rocket can offer a solution". If he says so this may change. Has not happened yet. Yes' date=' this has been classified as an exploit. No, you are still not allowed to local ban for it. You may only for ban for: RuleZ are RuleZ and you agreed to them to be allowed to host dayz. Dont like ehm? Stop hosting and ty for the time your servers have been running. Someone please blacklist Chicago 21 and 22 for violating dayz hosting rules, ty. Proof: this very own thread created by the server admin himself. I love how people are using this self-righteous justification. "You cant' ban us so neener neener neener." "WTF i wuz band u cant du dat derp" I have people disconnecting WHEN I SEE THEM. I must be some real kinda badass that they just abandon all hope when they see my mighty Winchester hove into view. At this point, I'm getting like.,. wholesale prices on ammo. I know right. They think that because there's a set of rules up they can control my server. The only people I answer to are the DEVS...not pubbies. If you DC on me...which they have said is an EXPLOIT...a BANNABLE EXPLOIT....which they are working on fixing....I will BAN you until the hole is patched...at which time I will unban you.
  13. WildGunsTomcat

    To the pussies that Run US 28 Chicago 22

    I know, he asked me to put it up. He admitted his mistake.
  14. WildGunsTomcat

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    As of this time you are not allowed to ban someone because he DCs on you during a fight and/or establish some arbitrary rules local to your server "until Rocket can offer a solution". If he says so this may change. Has not happened yet. Yes' date=' this has been classified as an exploit. No, you are still not allowed to local ban for it. You may only for ban for: RuleZ are RuleZ and you agreed to them to be allowed to host dayz. Dont like ehm? Stop hosting and ty for the time your servers have been running. Someone please blacklist Chicago 21 and 22 for violating dayz hosting rules, ty. Proof: this very own thread created by the server admin himself. I haven't banned anyone yet. And I don't answer to you. Most servers ban for this, and they're not blacklisted. SO, until a DEV tells me to stop, I'm going to do it. I'm sick of the exploiters.
  15. WildGunsTomcat

    To the pussies that Run US 28 Chicago 22

    So in this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=12856 Donkamints made some accusations against my clan. He sent me a PM, with an apology in it. I wanted to make it public so everyone knows. I just wanted everyone to see it, and if you could confirm you sent this Donkamints I would appreciate it. Mods, if you want to put this in the closed thread that would be great. I just wanted to clear the [FoG] name on the forum...AGAIN. Thanks.
  16. WildGunsTomcat

    To the pussies that Run US 28 Chicago 22

    By the way, Donkamints: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=12809 Maybe you should read that thread. It talks about the vehicle database being reset. That's why they're gone. They reset. Next time maybe read announcements before you accuse someone of foul play. Owned.
  17. WildGunsTomcat

    To the pussies that Run US 28 Chicago 22

    You know what? Yeah I am angry. I hate idiots that come along, make accusations without a shred of proof, without even asking what happened. So, I'm taking 22 down permanently. I'll leave 21 up. Go play somewhere else. This community is such bullshit, it's full of kids that cry and scream when things go wrong and then point fingers at the people that are paying out of their own pocket to host servers for this community...just to have shit spread about them that isn't true. So you know what? Fuck you. I'm done paying so kids can take a shit on my clan on the forum.
  18. WildGunsTomcat

    To the pussies that Run US 28 Chicago 22

    I don't give a SHIT if you believe me or not. You're working off of assumptions. Also' date=' this was last night? Yeah, the fucking server crashed....which a DEV can also confirm. I woke up this morning at 6:30am Mountain time and logged onto my box and 22 had crashed. So, I brought it back the fuck up around that time. Again, I don't give a shit if you believe me or not....you freak out over nothing and make accusations based on your feelings and not actual fact. If you had asked a QUESTION and not accused us of wrongdoing...I might have given a little more of a fuck about being nice about this. But as it stands right now, fuck you. [hr'] Proof: Get some. Otherwise you're just another whiner in a long list of whiners that are wearing tin foil hats and think everyone is against them. I'm done here.
  19. WildGunsTomcat

    To the pussies that Run US 28 Chicago 22

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=12832 This is the thread I made 1 hour ago, the same time both of my servers came down. I changed the MOTD, and I copied the dayz.cfg from 21 over to 22. For a time, there were two Chicago 21 servers up. One of my guys told me there were two of them up, I took 22 down...fixed the MOTD and the server host line manually...and put it back up. Any DEV can look at the hive and confirm this, and they can also confirm no FOG members were in 22 at the time that this shit went down. Now, calm the fuck down and ask questions before you assume next time.
  20. WildGunsTomcat

    To the pussies that Run US 28 Chicago 22

    What in the sweet fuck are you on about dude? I took the fucking server down to change the message of the day. No FOG members were even ON that server. We play on 21 EXCLUSIVELY. Jesus Christ, assume some more..
  21. WildGunsTomcat

    To the pussies that Run US 28 Chicago 22

    Hey Dumbass, it's up. I had to change the MOTD. The admins play in 21....and watch 22 with the RCON. Goddamn lol None of us even play on 22, it's up to help the community. Freak out like a retard some more LOL
  22. WildGunsTomcat

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    Yeah I did that too. Also Chimera, my website is listed on my MOTD. If they don't like the ban, they can come to my website and state their case. I'm not a dick, I know accidental bans happen...but this problem is the worst issue for this game imo....and we have to deal with it locally until Rocket can offer a solution to it.