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Everything posted by Drbane

  1. Drbane

    Musty Epoch Cinematic

    Oooo like that name, Musty's Epochalypse :thumbsup:
  2. Drbane

    Musty Epoch Cinematic

    You can touch my body anytime Amber and see if you find a key...............hehe :P
  3. Drbane

    Idea for KoS

    Whats up with all these threads, we dont want dayz to end up like hello kitty island, its a survival game, Sometimes i wanna be nice and someitmes i wanna be bad, and when i am bad i kill for a can of beans. KOS is here to stay, dont mess with it....... B)
  4. Drbane

    Balota Buddies Australian Factions Server

    Does the server cost anything to play on? To play on the server is absolutely free! You can play on it as much as you want for nothing! If you want to upgrade your gameplay that one step further, you can purchase a factions base for $40/month. If you are to purchase a base, you get a private TS channel (including sub channels), absolutely free! No offence but 40$ a month for a ingame camp. For that price you can get your own dayz server, ts and still have money left for candy :D
  5. Drbane

    Musty Epoch Cinematic

    oooooooooo my lord Amber, Steak get in game someone is stealing the kitty........
  6. Drbane

    Musty Epoch Cinematic

    The pink rug or the latex one?
  7. Drbane

    Musty Epoch Cinematic

    In the pink bushes behind the pink barn?
  8. Drbane

    Musty Epoch Cinematic

    Someone stole it, and i cant find it Amber :(
  9. Changed server Restart from 3 to 2 h. There ios a vault on the Lost Island, hint for the code = Arma2
  10. Drbane

    MustyGaming presents Epoch

    Haha your mind is twisted like mine, i was wathing for someone to react on the on instead of to... :beans: :beans:
  11. Drbane

    MustyGaming presents Epoch

    Well that video went down the road hehe, bad music choice. There changed the dam music track and uploaded it again :D
  12. Coming to a Musty Epoch server near you new Features that you won't find anywhere else (Built from scratch)
  13. Drbane

    MustyGaming presents Epoch

    Coming on a Musty Epoch server near you new Features that you won't find anywhere else (Built from scratch)
  14. The code is not to hard. its not many clues that can be given before ppl understand it. But AA AA BB CC DD. dont focuse on all the letters. some may be decoy. So AA is one code BB is one code etc. 1 vault code is two letters so either AA BB CC or DD
  15. Drbane

    MustyGaming presents Epoch

    Ye it basicly locks down so me and Amber can make out for a minute :D
  16. Drbane

    MustyGaming presents Epoch

    Ye its under construction :D i may put in a little love nest for you, me and amber to hide in hehe
  17. Drbane

    The Server Count is Too Damn High!

    If it wasent for moding of the mod, the dayz mod would have been dead long time ago. mabey not dead, but the community would have been what it is today. and that my friends is a 100% fact :P