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About Krusteh

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    On the Coast

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  1. Krusteh

    FULL Medical / First aid

    maybe a splint instead of morphine for broken bones, but found in same spot/frequency. morphine should be just another pain killer. maybe also add tourniquets which do same as a bandage for variety US forces do supply troops with single hand apllied tourniquets. needle and thread are not really apllicable in this type of environement and they are used to close woulds not arrest bleeding. blood replenishment: currently the transfusion, and food replenishment seem alright. Blood might also regenerate slowly over a period of DAYS. in real life it takes more than a fair bit of time to replenish oneself from a significant blood loss (weeks). The volume is compensated rapidly by taking in more fluids, but not the red cell mass. the shock thats in the game works well to reflect the impact of a severe significant injury. Passing out also seems appropriate the way it is currently done. Wounds. maybe add that any wound that bleeds has a chance of becoming infected. maybe fever ( high temp) shaking....releaved by tylenol (painkillers) temporarily. Cured by antibiotics...which would need to be more common.
  2. very frustrating situtation but not suprising. what would you do if you respawned in the barracks with an armed guy in the room with you.....panic and shoot him I suspect. Those are not ideal spots to log out from and that place in particular might be the worst on the map. The whole airfield is filled with folks that logged out there and respawn there...very unsafe and the zombies are by far the least of your worries. Just walking into the southwest barracks is extremely unsafe because a third of the time a beartrap has been placed there.
  3. If such a thing is to be done, have a way of both gaining and losing humanity so that one can be redeemed or fall from grace.
  4. Krusteh

    Why did you shoot me.

    If you want to team up with someone really the only safe way is to have someone in your power who you could kill and don't, and who has better gear than you. Then at least that person knows that you could have easily gotten their gear and didn't. so they can trust your intentions. but you still can not trust theirs. If the other player wants to team up they can, if they want to kill you they can. But it separates out the folks who just kill for their own safety from those who kill for the fun of it. I have had many encounters where I have been able to team up with folks, but in general most other players are a threat. I tend to only shoot after I have been shot at or after I see that player initiating a firefight with others. In a real apocalypse small groups do better than loners. But those groups would probably end up scrambling for limited resources.
  5. Krusteh

    Did I make the right weapon choice?

    worse is having a M4A3 CCO and a uzi in your pack. Fully geared. when the admin decides to basically slay everyone in the server. good times.
  6. Krusteh

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    there is a difference between balancing aspects of play and punishments for playing a particular way. Unlike real life certain aspects of the game itself make it difficult for players to place trust in others and favor playing as a bandit (not a recurring interaction, unable to see the players expressions, etc). I have suggested that you might need to tweak things to get the balance right. some of that might provide a hint as to the players character to make up for the lack of normal ques you would have when interacting with folks in life. Other options would be providing other incentives for working with other players...objectives that need to be undertaken as team, loot that might only be available from doing so, or making the zombies themselves (by numbers, or type) more lethal. In the end the solution in playing the game for someone plagued by bandits is to kill the bandits. But you want to keep the balance such that not everyone plays the game the same way.
  7. Krusteh

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    I don't think it has anything to so with valuing your life. In fact most of the folks who would kill on sight are the better kitted out folks who have been playing that life for a long time. the newly spawned with nothing to lose folks might be more liable to plunder, but most of the folks they encounter at first are the same as them...ie they would be better off teaming up The ladder idea not so great..for that reason, and there are already too few servers. With regards to a login delay...I think thats an unfair imposition of folks real lives...folks who just want to play the game. it also makes judgements about how you play the game which the game itself should not...not when its a valid way to play the game. Some folks are angry about how bandits play the game and want to impose limits or punishments on them for that. That's a bad way to go thinking about it. playing as a bandit is just one option in the game. Every option should have advantages and disadvantages associated with it. Playing one way or the other shouldn't provide overwhelming incentives one way or the other....but should have repercussions with how your game plays out. Otherwise it will be team death match with the teams joined up in some voip channel who already know themselves....and no one will team up with strangers ever..that would get old fast. Just as old as being pegged as a murderer if you ever killed another player and being shot on sight then on out. Then no one does so and that gets old too. Pvt.John a old clan mate of mine from a different game makes good points and more eloquently than I ever could. While I am not in complete agreement I do think some consequences should exist for indiscriminate player killing, and I really like his idea of redemption....ways for reclaiming your humanity. In response to the following: "And how does this make you better than the 'shoot on sight' people? How do you know when someone is an accidental bandit or a real bandit?" I never said it did and I wasn't passing judgement...just mentioning how I tend to play.
  8. Krusteh

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    I think the problem is that preying on other players is too easy. There is no real downside. No death messages for players to infer who the shooter was, very easy to hide well and get the drop on players, easy to use an equipment advantage against other more recently spawned players, easy to loot a player you killed from hiding...and log off. Easy to log off if you engage in any fight in which you don't have an overwhelming advantage. In real-life you would have word of mouth ultimately catching up with you in a locale. In real-life people can only be trusted when you will have a series of recurring interactions with those folks. I actually thought the bandit skins were a good idea.....but they should kick in after you killed (not in defense) many more players...maybe 10 or more. 5 kills could happen in defending yourself and by quirks in the system. But persistently doing so should have some penalty. Make it more difficult for others to trust you...etc. But the game should allow all types of play. Playing as a bandit isn't wrong. Its a fundamental part of the game. but its just too easy right now....there should be some trade-offs. I tend to play by a strict but aggressive fire second policy. Though previously I would tend to kill bandits on site if I had the drop on them. I do position myself to get the drop on others...but typically with the purpose of forming up teams. For me playing in a team is more fun. Had a good time with WUB PUGS yesterday. learned a bit about the northern coast and this mod which I am relatively new to. Seems it was an area I largely neglected in my past play of ARMA and chernaus life. What tree stand has such nonsense for loot. I want to understand how coming down a ladder with a flare out results in a broken leg. Lets just say a broken leg in the midst of a field of zombies doesn't work out too well.....that flare I tossed before I had lost the chance to switch to pistol..merely accidental,ineffective fireworks... It was a nice change after several running battles in elektro with bandits. spending a day fully kitted with a horde of medical supplies teaming up with my buddy, getting him kitted, then getting sniped from a bandit in hiding in the wilderness while deciding where to head next. realistic yes. too easy...certainly. Must juggle balance between play and realism.