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Everything posted by jambler69

  1. One thing that is right is that they are one of longest server providers, they are second only to hfb.
  2. Thought vilayer was dead by now to be honest. Dayz.st seems to have crushed them. And well vilayer support was subpar to say the least. I figured I would mention that the comment one of the largest dayz hosts is pretty false Dayz.st has 2269 branded servers according to Dayz commander Vilayer has 218 branded servers according to Dayz commander Now yes I understand that not all servers are branded but I know for sure that vilayer does not have another 1000 unbranded servers, hell I doubt they have 200 more unbranded servers. Another false statement is saying that you have the largest hive, Dayz.st holds that crown. Now if you want to get technical and say ohh well most amount of user data. Hfb holds that crown as they host the official dayz hive. Seems to me like a last ditch effort to get customers to a company that many people left. Hell dayz commander even left. My only assumption to why commander left is either the download servers sucked, which they did at the time or you did not hold up some sort of deal with the commander guy, as there was an affiliate link on the rent a server button, maybe not paying him what he was owed? Not sure as I can only assume things. Oh and just figured I would mention that you are not the first to offer a vps style dayz thing, I had one from hfb about 5 months back before they discontinued them just saying. So all in all this post is full of lies and statements in a ditch effor to save a dieing company.