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callsignBravo (DayZ)

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Everything posted by callsignBravo (DayZ)

  1. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    Remove sailor shirt underneath ttsko jacket and wash dirty underwear

    People will never stop Complaining about topics they don't like even ones that have good points
  2. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    Tactical vest?

    fffff, dat black sks my current goal is to find a tac vest, then i will get a radar cap blue checkered shirt and blue pants and be a hero once again.
  3. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    Remove sailor shirt underneath ttsko jacket and wash dirty underwear

    Different uses with items would be nice, As a freshspawn place you flashlight in your sock and club people to death with it. use a bandana as a hat, scarf and facemask. Scissors and sewing kit, could be used to cut up clothes and make custom ones with green top white bottom. tear up a camo shirt and tape it to your sniper to make a camo rifle.
  4. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    Forum suggestion.

    OOOOHH we could do watermelons!
  5. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    When does your "switch" flip during an encounter?

    Same deal for me, context clues are key. I also kill squeakers i'm against squeakers
  6. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    Back to using the m4. Killed 5 people last night

    I sort of agree, a modern m4 is better than a modern AK, but unfortunatly in dayz technically any weapon is going to be dated. In war i would take the 5.56 in dayz i would use the stopping power of the 7.62 The 5.56 is a good round by military standards, good velocity and it was designed to kill and wound so injured soldiers could delay enemy movements. 7.62 is for pure power.
  7. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    Back to using the m4. Killed 5 people last night

    I love an M4 with magpul parts simply because of looks, for the same reason the blaze is my second favorite.
  8. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    This Is My Story (a DayZ fanfic of sorts)

    Really liked it, None of the usual been surviving for months now , blahblahblah enjoyed the explanation of another survivor.
  9. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    Multi colored mosin

  10. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    A Satisfying Murder

    haha, good one watched your killing unarmed players video good job, this game needs more people like you.
  11. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    Night server - Cant see anything

    Last time I checked this was a hardcore open world zombie survival game, This post only showed your lack of understanding of the word hardcore. I'm confused on why people complain about a "feature" (cheat) that ruins that game for the real players simply because casuals don't feel like toughing it out.
  12. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    Night server - Cant see anything

    So you would rather cheat? It really wouldn't be an issue if everyone had honor and no one did it. The problem is a lot of gamma exploiters do it because they are not committed to playing seriously. If they had the balls to play the game the way it was supposed to then this wouldn't be an issue. And there is reason we don't deal with this in real life its called SLEEPING its when we go to bed when it gets dark out, and not bitch about a dark game.
  13. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    Bambi Killings - Episode 1

    actually most people can't stand slayer.
  14. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    Bambi Killings - Episode 1

    ever seen the Canadian south park episode? he is probably scott and scott is a dick!
  15. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    Bambi Killings - Episode 1

    you are the worst kind of person, here comes the hate. really killing defenseless people good job you now feel better about yourself
  16. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    How NOT to KoS?

    i play very cautiously, I was following a guy for a while and he had a standoff with another player, and they both raised their m4s and fired giving me a bunch of free gear, The last thing you want is to run into someone face to face, so if you really oppose Kos then you need to stay back and analyze situations carefully.
  17. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    Just wanted to take a stab at clarifying KOS misconceptions

    he is not saying that he wants people to change, it is a realistic simulation game+zombies so things like this would be a welcome addition to most players because it would make the game more realistic
  18. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    The Beginning - Ep.3 - A good scare!

    ep.3 "the beginning"
  19. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    Fluffy Puppies as a Cure for KOS?

    enough internet for a while. See you guys tomorrow
  20. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    Please stand still.

    wow I've posted too many pictures today
  21. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    Fluffy Puppies as a Cure for KOS?

    Its not cat lovers but CATS FUCKING SUCK
  22. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    PvE servers to cure KoS?

    No real benefit besides all the gear off dead fresh spawns you could imagine that is hehehe
  23. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    PvE servers to cure KoS?

    nope, no, nada, nuh-uh, people Can't handle a hardcore zombie apocalypse game? PLAY FUCKING COOKIECLICKER as much as it is bad, there is no benefit for teamwork yet, no cars to spread out to find parts for, nothing buildable that needs to be constructed. all in due time...
  24. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    East side of the map

    I'm actually enjoying zelenegosk, most of my current kit came from that town. You need to know where to look, the base from rockets stream is very easy to find if you know where to look but very well hidden if you do not.
  25. callsignBravo (DayZ)

    Hackers all over place

    Hi welcome to alpha, It is better than it was only smaller events no nukes, global suicides or giant fires. Just some small time things that will be fixed.