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Everything posted by callsignBravo (DayZ)
Your First Time Playing DayZ
callsignBravo (DayZ) replied to dfilm7's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
i remember my first weeks of dayz: having no regard for my life because the zombies couldnt catch up with me, getting mauled in small buildings by the horde i picked up when i went in for a wincheser, NEVER leaving cherno/electro, trusting anyone who said freindly and thinking an alice pack with an AKM and a cz 550 was the best loadout ever. And of couse being shot, alot -
one hell of an hour+BASE RAID (join in)((if you dare))
callsignBravo (DayZ) posted a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Sooo... I log onto my favorite server ever (of all time) and have to start a fresh survivor, my last toatally kitted try ended in me clicking "get into crashed huey as gunner" I wanted to use the minigun on the side of a fixed location non loot spawning chopper crash. Anyway i spawn in on the mountian near dubovo airport and after a short run have looted all the hangars and get nothing save a large coyote backpack. I run to the assault base on the southwest corner and find lo and behold and m249 saw with one full 200 round mag. The server has tons of vehicles so i hop into the C-130j sitting on the runway and take off, with the intention of going to jaroslavski airport in the north. i leave the ground and almost home free slam into the red radio antenna near the air control tower. Now i love taviana but WHO THE FUCK WAS SO STUPID AS TO PUT THAT WHERE IT WILL BRING DOWN ALL THE AIRPLANES!?!?!?! I collide and after a half second KO bandage up with about 8500 blood and no hearing whatsoever i tried to turn my system and game sound all the way up but i still coulnt hear. I run 50 feet to the warehouses there to get car parts and a toolbox for a sedan i saw during takeoff about 200m away from the A.C.T. on the runway. i get a jerry can toolbox and tire and fix it up. On the way to sabina to loop around the hospital i spot a UAZ and with the servers salvage script take all the parts from the sedan to the UAZ. and on the hill i spot a heli crash. Im about to get into my car when 2 lee enfeild weilding "badasses" try to get the jump on me i only realized they were firing when both their bullets hit my UAZ. I turn, lay down and 28 bullets later the wannabe bandits are dead. i collect their things which includes an ammo box for my SAW and a SVD camo with no ammo, which i have 2 mags for. At the crash i find an m240 scope that i didnt want because it takes away your pack, soldier clothing and a ghillie suit. i put on the soldier clothing because i dont like ghillies. the custom server files make me suddenly look like an awesome russian Special forces guy. On the road again i come across another crash and once i park and kill the zombies i get two more things of soldier clothing. i try one on and look like an awesome delta force dude so i put the next one on and get the stock soldier outfit. i try again and get a US army dude with a really ugly helmet. One more try gets me a marine corp. soldier. I was going to try again but i saw a vodnick driving down the road aparently for the crashed helo. For those of you who don't know a vodnick is an armored russian truck The ones in this server are medic vonicks so they have big red crosses on the sides and no gun on the top at 150 m away it stops and 3 guys with m16s and g36s get out. I roll behind my UAZ and watch them go to the crash. They pay no attention to my car as theirs is far superior except is is about 10kph slower. as they loot i get in my UAZ and drive away. No bullets hit me and they didnt give chase. after 5 minuets of driving i reach the airfeild and a player in a cessna one seater flys over and ejects on to the airfield. He gets in a car and drives out to the middle of the strip i tell him to get out and put down his weapon. He complies, and we decide to team up and try to takeout the AIs on the mountian on the small island. after a 10 minute loot run in the dock town thats near the airfield we have the parts we need for a chopper. we fix up a huey I fly and he guns. we take a run and he strafes one of the two AI hueys and it starts smoking and fires back. He takes a bullet and starts to bleed so we flee and land. he bandages and has to log off. i fly back to the large island and log off. I am making plans with a few friends of mine to get on this server sometime this weekend or next week as school ends monday to raid the biggest AI base it has one of almost every weapon in arma 2. If you want to join us my in game name is cheezwhaz and ill be giving free rides for the mission the server ip: its name is joeszombieshack I will leave updates as to when we will do the raid if you want to join in or mooch off what we leave behind. -
one hell of an hour+BASE RAID (join in)((if you dare))
callsignBravo (DayZ) replied to callsignBravo (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
you get dayz commander and find servers in that there are plenty of tutorials on youtube -
Rhinocrunch's dayz scam accusations. Your thoughts?
callsignBravo (DayZ) posted a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
So about three weeks ago a youtuber named Rhinocrunch released a set of videos about dayz being a scam and his "proof". I think the problem with this is he criticized rockets two month vacation which I believe he was referring to the mt. Everest climb. I couldn't really give much of a crap if a game came out two months late because of climbing the mount Everest that is an opportunity that screw my game I would take the opurtunity. He also questioned engines being used in the game. I think no one should be able to criticize their decisions because unless you are designing your own zombie survival game you have no experience with that sort of thing. After these videos came out a more prominent youtuber Frankieonpcin1080p mentioned this in a video of his. It wasn't the nicest of mentionings but it still didn't warrant the retaliation video rhinocruch released mashing Frankie on his fan base, video layouts, his sexual orientation, and even dragged in jack frags another youtuber that plays dayz with frankie who never mentioned this topic. Rhinocruch has lost my respect and my YouTube subscription and as Frankie mentioned were they good paint chips mr Rhinocrunch? at least Frankie left out your name. My question is what do you think of it? -
Im here to advertise my favorite taviana server Joeszombieshack! this server rules it has tons of custom scripts plus loads of vehicle spawns and base building. A few of the scipts include -bandit sarge AI -take parts out of vehicles -multiple skins for camo and soldier clothing and two diffrent ghillie suits. -many more guns -diffrent types of vehicles -abandoned military outposts "rest stops" some of the vehicles are great like the UAZ with a .50 cal on top or a vodnick medical armored truck. Me and a pal found a fuel ural once. IP: join me and survive taviana!
amazing Taviana server!
callsignBravo (DayZ) replied to callsignBravo (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Sorry it gets kind of crowded in that forum and it tied into a thread I posted about a story in that server -
one hell of an hour+BASE RAID (join in)((if you dare))
callsignBravo (DayZ) replied to callsignBravo (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Cheesewhaz or taskmaster or cavalier Depends on who I'm playing with mostly ill be Cheesewhaz -
Looking For New Friends
callsignBravo (DayZ) replied to Mountain Dew's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
me and some pals get togeher every once and a while but its really unfrequent so my skype is Codybas im only 15 but the guys i play with are that age/17 -
one hell of an hour+BASE RAID (join in)((if you dare))
callsignBravo (DayZ) replied to callsignBravo (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
today we did the raid. well tried, so me and a buddy are going there in my truck of guns we find a player/admin non server created base. we found a ural fuel with a bunch of guns in it we mainly stole it for its plethora of stanag ammo which we had limmited supplies of and not enough time to get some. on the airfield on the small island. A huey flies over and spots us it turns around and opens fire on my friend. We pull into the woods as two man team after a minute of driving we stop. His cam fuel ural is almost invisible compared to my blue ural. the huey manuvers around and spots me, I know it i can see it clearly through an opening in the trees he manuvers a little more and opens fire on my friend. we pull away and he looses a tire. He tells me to keep running and he will buy me time. He jumps out and empties half his mk48 Mod 0 mag into the huey and it destroys the truck which knocks him out and they kill him. I park far away about a click and watched it. I knew he was looking for me... I slipped away to the other island because the dumbass wasnt watching thr large bridge. I hid the truck and logged out. Tommarow we will hopefully have better luck. -
i have beem playing Dayz for about 3/4 of a year now but i thought this would be the place to get the topic looked at. my system specs: GPU-quadro FX 580 512mb CPU-AMD FX 4100 3.6 ghz quad core 8 gigabytes of ram I used to run a 1 gb HD 6450 but i had the quadro sitting around so i decided to try it out. i didnt notice any change I play dayz mostly but also planetside 2, loadout which i run maxed out and i would love to get BF4 when it releases. The question is do I upgrade my CPU or GPU first? Im only fourteen and summer starts this week so when im around i will be working. for a few hours a day. Im looking at a GTX 650 ti BOOST for a new GPU. But I want the most preformance increase The AMD FX-8350 4.0 ghz 8 core is within 20 dollars of the GPU so which one do i buy first to get the largest preformance boost?
Ever heard of clan/group recruitment???
callsignBravo (DayZ) posted a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Why is it so many people use survivor HQ to make groups? clan/group recruitment is a forum for a reason people I come here to listen to stories about killing bandits, being a hero and number of dayz survived. Why are a good 3/4ths of the posts "looking for a group" "looking for some mature team players to play with" I get that Its kind of implied in the title but there is a better place for it. [revert to title] this forum recruitment is for stuff like "looking for 1-2 people to survive with" sorry for bitching but i find this annoying -
is there any real friendly survivors out there anymore
callsignBravo (DayZ) replied to CorrosiveDragon's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
the problem is if you make an alliance in game its a very uneasy truce. i find that people get really jumpy when your gun is up like when you get out of a car. its hard to act frendly when the game is a mod of a tactical military shooter -
one hell of an hour+BASE RAID (join in)((if you dare))
callsignBravo (DayZ) replied to callsignBravo (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I love the server maybe you could help out in he base raid. We have alot of people that i know but it would be awesome to have the owner on still would love to have more people though and could you add the m110 its my favorite sniper and the only one i would use besides a M40a3/5 (whichever one has the leaves and stuff on it) I love the diffrent kinds of soldier clothing. but when i log out and log in it sets me back to civillian clothing and deleted my soldier clothing luckily i had a second one -
One of the most evil deeds ive done as a bandit.
callsignBravo (DayZ) replied to Phil The Survivor's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
i think they spawn only in vehicle gears from my experience they just might be rare chopper crash items too if the server is modified enough to allow it -
How long have you survived?
callsignBravo (DayZ) replied to brandokid25's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
some hacker with god mode that actually had 3 million blood vs a lone 148 in game hour old hero who stares the hacker in the face and shoots him with 8 or so full m249 mags killing him eventaully. he stood there and took it because he beleived he was invicible... foolish "immortal" -
I get mullered in Cherno and dish out some pain in the North
callsignBravo (DayZ) replied to superftlol's topic in DayZ Mod Gallery
Me and a freind were talking the other day and he said his squad "mullraped" a bandit -
one hell of an hour+BASE RAID (join in)((if you dare))
callsignBravo (DayZ) replied to callsignBravo (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
i do not know the exact time or day this will all go down so on the day of ill post the meet location and methods of communication (im trying to find a TS3 server to use on short notice) The goal of this whole thing is not only get geared up but to get more regulars on this server. Its a great one and had a lot of players at one point, but a couple months ago there was an issue where not everyone could log on. I didnt get affected but after all this happened and a rollback occured the server lost 3/4 of its average player count. Never happened again and later that month new scipts were put in like Sarge AI, AI bases, different clothing looks, and deserted ouposts and basebuilding is being added shortly. I really hope this helps the server Depending on how the raid goes we might also attack the AI base on the racetrack. So we have 2 weapon boxes with all guns. -
Looking for high pop whitelisted servers
callsignBravo (DayZ) replied to zionburns's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
bump -
You see a hero
callsignBravo (DayZ) replied to TresCom (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
alright come onto ''joe's zombie shack'' the taviana server i play and when i log on as cheezewhaz find me, i dare you! -
Video Card Poll
callsignBravo (DayZ) replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I had an HD 6450 in and got maybe 20-30 frames at good times, for the hell of it i threw in an old Fx 580 got about a 5 FPS increase. then i read some stuff and set up my graphics right got about 10 more frames and get this-it looks better to. the trick is balancing cpu and gpu usage. The issue is Dayz is so popular so many people with inadeuquit rigs play it. im a year to young for a job, my income source is yardwork so it takes a while for me to get a better card. I want a GTX 650 Ti BOOST and im close to it but with minimum grapics settings i might be able to play i might not. what needs to be done is a set of optimized settings that make the game look crisp and still run good. like setting your 3D res too 100% (same as your fullscreen res) it helps. If you put everything on low it just clogs CPU useage so put some things a little higher to goto the gpu and balance out the equation. I think players who use low graphics do so because they have to. With a bad rig on low settings your at a huge disadvantage in frames and game playability. it makes it just a little easier to spot ghillie suits on sniper hill and things like that. -
DayZ in a way, has ruined gaming for me!
callsignBravo (DayZ) replied to OfficerRaymond's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
The only game i can play is planetside 2 for all the huge action its almost intense as a big fight in dayz -
BattlEye: SetVariable Value Restriction #20
callsignBravo (DayZ) replied to Callump01's topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
im led to believe it has to do with the game files I recently did a lot of tweaks to make the game run fater it worked for a day then I got this. althought the "call" in the name seem to be a valid issue a lot of the people posting here had it somewhere in their name. if anyone did the maxframesahead thing that might be the issue -
You see a hero
callsignBravo (DayZ) replied to TresCom (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
see the problem with a poll like this is people will get so twitchy around other players when they have good gear they shoot in fear of losing it ive been fired at by heavly armed heros while trying to offer bloodbags myself. -
My Zombie Apocalypse Dream Gear
callsignBravo (DayZ) replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
didn't those smart dudes in Sweden make a rockets that shoots a missile and water vapor out the back? Completely safe indoors and I see no reason it coulnt be on a chopper if you could fit it and use it effectively in one -
My Zombie Apocalypse Dream Gear
callsignBravo (DayZ) replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
the thing about that is people would say nope barrels to short but its a bul pup so the barrel goes all the way back almost to the trigger. love those bullpups