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Everything posted by j0nathan27

  1. when u die u need to buy a new game
  2. i think im switching to a different hoster cuz right now survival servers sucks balls theres litterally something wrong everyday and now my server status is unknown, i mean WTFF
  3. I can have any assault rifle. I wan 1 that can go medium range just find moderate recoil moderate sound (under 100) and it can't sd and it has to have decent power. I would like to be able to shoot 500m if possible thx, jonathan27
  4. and it also says you can creat new spawn point if you click create new spawn and there is nothing that says that
  5. look it says you can place a vehicle/vehicle spawn. look at this link it says vehicle drag and drop http://survivalservers.com/#4 then here http://www.survivalservers.com/announcements.php?id=32 it says: -Fully automated Vehicle Insert with GPS coordinates. Right-click anywhere on the map to add a vehicle. so ya not trying to hack just tryin to make more vehicles on map
  6. ya i put a ticket in yesterday still no response its been 24 hours
  7. hi guys i would like you to join my server for a 3 dollar donation you can spawn with whatever you want and the first 10 regular people who play will get this for free. if you are not first 10 if you tell someone about my server and they play on it regularly you will get it for free. the ip is: put this in dayz commander as favorite
  8. hi guys i would like you to join my server for a 3 dollar donation you can spawn with whatever you want and the first 10 regular people who play will get this for free. if you are not first 10 if you tell someone about my server and they play on it regularly you will get it for free. the ip is: put this in dayz commander as favorite first 3 people who post their in game name will get a location of a helicopter. i will send u a picture of where it is. so please guys show my server some love and any tips or any complaints post in thread
  9. so im hoping since he found 1 he will come back :)
  10. thx man lol i was watching my first person go through cherno and he had found a ghillet suit which ive been looking for 4 dayz now and i havent found one and in his first 25 mins he found 1 lol
  11. j0nathan27

    Balota Buddies Recruitment Song

    great work
  12. im probably gonna do that because my friend has a bad computer and he gets major lag when hes in cherno and he runs it on very low
  13. its just not that fun for me goin around cherno killing zombies lol
  14. thx tip man and they only get the gear if they want it
  15. the ip is : put it in dayz commander as favorite to join
  16. if u dont want admin abuse then play on my server first 10 regulars get whatever gun they want and first 3 get a chopper location
  17. you know you dont have to donate to play
  18. i guess my server willbe forever alone
  19. but someone just try it out and i will give the chopper location...i mean just try it i will also give u gear
  20. lol ill donate bullets and a choper to you
  21. j0nathan27

    L85A2 AWS

    us heres my server ip if u wanna join u have to put it under favorites in dayz commander